Phrixus King of Dragons Part 3

"Do you mean that you will leave me again?" I feel disappointed again. He looked down showing the answer without speaking. "How many times should you leave me?" I push him a little but he pulled me to him until I am squeezed on his body. I manage to cover my lower arm in my front.

"I am not leaving you. I am behind you always. But you have to go alone on your own. I am not that fool to leave my love."

"You left me once and I almost die there."

"Adhi," he calms me and gently stroke my hair. "I did everything for you. I know that Flame won't let you die and choose the traditional execution instead. You won't get burnt because you are the fire of yourself. I know that you are safe in Flame's hand."

"That jerk!"

"I know, I know. I will deal with the Prince who almost raped you." He gritted his teeth. "Falcon is a psycho and I promise you that he won't ever touch you again."

Falcon. Now I know his name it is easy for me to kill him. I will surely get back to him to make him die. Nick had read my mind because of the expression that I am showing. He tightens his embrace to me and sought my eyes.

We stay in the water for a few moments but he never makes any perverting move and just embraced me. Sometimes he will scoop water and pour it on my hair and gently massaged it. He can be that gentleman, charming, and most adorable whenever he looked at me with admiration on his eyes.

He pushed himself upon the ground and walk towards the pear tree and pick up some cloth from his leather bag that is made of some plants or silkworm maybe. He walked towards me and held out the cloak. I told him to close his eyes and he did. I walk closer to the stones and reach the ground. I took the cloak from him and cover it on myself.

We stay under the shed of trees while eating some fruits that are around us. There are mulberries, pears and lots of coconut trees. He knows how to make a hole on the coconut for us to drink, we don't have a straw so we have to drink through the hole. He also told me that inside is the nata de coco or the white fresh flesh and I am impressed that it was delicious. My clothes are not dry yet so I am fully naked and he kept on insisting to saw the whole of it. Damn this pervert, I have to smack his head. Without marriage, I won't show it to him though he promised to marry me.

"Let's stay here for days." I suddenly speak from a very long silence between us. I was lying down on his arms covered in the cloak only wearing my underwear. The fire near us gives us heat on this cold night.

"We can't, love."

"Why?" I look up at him as I gently curl my fingers on the buttons of his shirt.

"Because you are not safe here. We should keep moving."

"You are not leaving me again," I demanded him. He curls his fingers on my hair and looked down at me.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Good. Because I'm going to kill you if you did."

"Love, I am just saying that you have to sail to the mainland alone. I will wait for you on the harbor so we could sail together to the Erā."

"No. We are sailing together to the mainland—"

"Don't be like this, Adhiti. If they knew who I was, I cannot save you anymore."

"Can't you use your power to save me? You are the Prince—"

"Yes, I am the Prince. It will be more dangerous for both of us if I use that position."

I am not going to sleep, for him to not leave me. I sat up and he did too. He went to the tree where he hangs my clothes and took them. He gave it all to me and told me to dress up since it is already dry. I did as I told. He removed all things inside my backpack and throw the bag on the fire which makes me gasped and was about to complain.

"They should not see human's creation in here." He also burned my tumbler which makes me pouted. Then there's my phone in the pocket of the bag and Flame's earphones. "I will take this. Okay?" I dropped my shoulders and lazily put my shirt on. "Also," he pulls another bag from his bag and put my arrows inside. It is big enough to put it all there. He also lifts a pouch purse. "These coins can make you buy a few things in the market. Also, be strong enough not to get robbed by bandits."

"There are bandits here?"

"Yes. And they sold pretty girls. You are not pretty and you cost too much." I frown at what he said. I am not pretty? Oh, damn him! "I mean you are too beautiful that's why if ever they sold you, you cost too much."

"Just don't say that I am not pretty!" I growl at him. He snickered and put the bag aside. He crawled back to me and turned on my phone. He lay down beside me and he pulls me down until I am lying down on his arms.

"Before I forgot, I lost Ruin. I don't know where he ran off."

"I will find him." He promised.

"I just wished that he's not being hunted."

"They won't hunt a white wolf. They don't expose their selves to people. Having a white wolf is big luck to people around here. Just like Ruin, they are protective over their master and they are loyal."

"Then I am lucky to have Ruin." I look up the sky and just realized how the stars closer to us. Like it was easy to reach. The stars are also brighter than the world where I came from.

"Are you not going to say that you are lucky because you have me?" he sounds jealous but, I like that sound from him. The more I make him jealous would be such fun. If Flame is here, I would make him jealous. I also can't forget how he is holding back himself not to kill Flame whenever we flirted.

"I can't say that." I murmur with yawns. He sighed in disappointment that makes me smiles.

"Although you are not lucky to have me, I am blessed to have you." My heart instantly melted as my stomach flutters where I can feel that my cheeks heated up.

"How could I know that you are not lying?"

"When I am chewing my cheeks, you could instantaneously know that I am lying. My mom only knows whenever I lie." I get up a little just enough for me to look down on his face.

"Do you like me?"


"Then, do you love me that much to leave me?" he didn't answer. I sigh with a complaining groan. I look straight on his eyes for him to answer me. He does not answer because he's smiling. Crazy stupid, sexy man.

"Yes, I love you but not that much because 'much' is too short to love you. My love for you is boundless as the universe. You know that I can't leave you but I have to, for your sake."

"Then you love me," I stated and pressed my lips to his. He chuckled and smiles between our kiss.

My plan of not sleeping had failed. I wake up with a spot of a sunbeam on my face. I am no longer on his arms and chest. I am lying down with a cozy cloak around me. There are two red apples and one green apple. Then under the apples is a piece of paper. I took the apples and eat one as I read the letter from Nick.

My Dearest Adhiti,

I am not saying goodbye or what. I'm sorry that I didn't wake you up because you look so serene sleeping in my arms. I missed it. Okay, I will be straight to the point. Let your feet lead you to our rendezvous. Just think of me and the place where ships are anchored. Your map will lead you to the place wherever you wanted to go. But please think of me so we could get married soon.

With a lot of love, kisses and tight hugs,


Damn this stupid man! I told him not to leave me alone!