Phrixus King of Dragons Part 2

"No, you don't!" I scream at his face.

"Put it down." He said slowly just to convince me. I move it closer until the sharp blade is on his skin. "I said I love you. Why can't you believe that?"

"Why should I believe you then? You betray me by sleeping with my best friend."

"Adhiti, I know that I am wrong for not finding you sooner. I hate myself more than you hate me. I might betray you but, I love you and it is true. I never lie or fool on loving you."

His words hit me like it is pulling my strength not to kill him. His fast movement makes me drop the sword. I wiped my tears as I cover my palms on my face and let out the sobs that I had been holding.

"You love me and you promised to marry me not anyone!" I scream at him and drop my butt on the grass like I was a little child. My chest is tight and it is hard for me to catch my breath between my sobs. I felt his hand gently caressed my hair.

"Who told you that I will marry someone else?" he pulls my hand away from my face. I sniffled and put my hand down. He gently wiped my tears away by his cold knuckles. I can feel that he's smiling. "Adhiti, who told you that? Is it Flame?" I didn't answer but he knows that it was Flame. Who else? "I am marrying a beautiful lady." I snapped my eyes on him and he's still smiling at me. "Her name is Adhiti Patterson. She is also known as Catastrophe Canfield." I pushed him which makes his butt falls on the grass with his back. He giggles and pushed up his self.

"Jerk." I murmur and it irritated me that he found it amusing. My whole body is heated up mostly my head. Blood kept on rushing on my brain too. Damn jerk. Flame had been fooling me all this time.

"I miss you so much." He pulls my hand and gently kissed my knuckles. "I also love you, so much." I glare at him and decided to attack his lips with mine. I even corner him on my legs as he lay down on the grass. He kept on giggling between our kiss. But I still feel so mad at him.

When I realized what I am doing, I pushed up myself and took my sword. He quizzically sat up. I push down the tip of the sword on the ground and left him there.

"H-hey! Love!" he calls but I ignore him. I can hear the sound of the river so I take the east direction where it probably is. I started removing my shirt. "Ah—" he stammers behind me. I faced him and he's holding my bag and armors. He dropped it all.

"Don't come closer! I need a bath." I turn back from him and started removing my boots.

"Oh-kay. I will just put these under the pear tree." I walk towards the river and jump on the water.

It was cold and refreshing. My nerves had cool down and my mind is getting cool too. I removed my pants to clean it and dry it.

"Can I join you? I could scrub you—"

"No thank you! And please stay away." He didn't. After I clean my pants I throw it to him and he caught it. "Hang that." He also gave me my shirt and I clean it too. I throw it again on him. I dive into the river and open my eyes to see how beautiful it is. There are fishes and also goldfish that shines under the water because of the sunlight.

I keep wonder under until I felt a strong arm wrapped around my waist. When I turn, his faces glow under. His hair looked clear brown. And also, he's almost nude. Only if he's not wearing those trunks. He stared at me looking all amazed but immediately pull me up. He catches his breath and scooped my face, with admiration on his eyes. It looks like twinkling and has wrinkles on the side of each eye as he smiles.

"Wow," he breathes. He gathered my hair and showed me how the blue-green part of my hair grows.


"Your eyes are the same color as this river." He looks down on my chest and stared at it. I cover my chest because he's probably perverting on me. But he took the amulet. "The five kingdoms." He murmurs. I look down at it too and I realized what he's talking about.

"Turn around," I told him. He hesitated and when he realized that I am removing my brasserie he did turn around and move away. I also removed my underwear and wash it then I throw it on him. "Dry that." He took it and faced me giving me an annoyed look. I smirk and dive down.

When I pop out my head under the water and push my hair, I stopped when he's all watching me with that admiration look. I grimaced at him. Nick immediately understand that I am glaring at him. He didn't look away though, instead, he moved down to the water and towards me. I cover my arms on my chest and glare at him.


"I just want to see the whole of you." My cheeks heated up on what he said. I always felt sexy, and attractive whenever he looked at me like that and told things that make me reddish.

"Pervert!" he giggles and I am too late to move away before he embraced me. But a bright idea came into my mind. I don't want him to be with someone else or marry someone else but me so maybe if I seduce him to marry me then, he cannot be with someone else but me. I know that it is a crazy idea but I have to try. I am desperate.

I spread my arms and wrapped it around his neck until my front pressed on his body. It makes his eyes dilated on surprise. Good, seducing him was easy when it is me. I gently move my face closer to his.

"You want to see the whole of me?" he gulps on my sudden action. "Then," I move my lips closer to his ear. "Make love to me."

"I—" he stammers as he gently rubbed his thumb at my back. He looked away thinking about it then look back into my eyes. He smiles and smacked my forehead by his lips. "Let's not do it now. We have a perfect place for that. Besides, let's get married first so we could do it all over again."

I am disappointed. I sigh and pushed him to show how disappointed I am to him. He pulled me until I am pressed on him again. He's a pervert. Since that he cannot see the whole of me he wanted to touch and feel my breast against him. Maybe little game will make him give up. I played my fingers on his hair and he does the same to mine.

"As much as I wanted to touch you and kiss you, I have to gather myself not to."


"Because we are not married yet and I wanted everything on us special. Mostly our honeymoon."

"Let's get married."

"Yes, of course, we are going to get married but now is not the time. You see we are on the run and I cannot take you straight back to Erā without sailing towards Hydōr. King Hadrian is looking all over for you. He might have been sent communication all over the Kingdoms."

"I don't care. I wanted to get married now. What are things needed to get married?"

He pushed his head back probably trying to be patient on my stubbornness. He gently caressed my face and make me look into his eyes.

"Listen, they should not know that I am the one who saved you. And if they all did, I cannot take you any more to my house. Anywhere here is not safe when you are with me. And it will be hard for me to marry you secretly."