Adhiti: Prince Wade Part 1


I don't know how long I will survive in this dark abysmal, but the giant octopus didn't try to eat me. Instead, he just roamed around me. I suddenly feel cold but all I do is just hugged myself and the pendant that Nick gave me. He told me that it will protect me. And I guess it will. I just wished that Nick is fine after insisting to be with me here.

I can survive here for a few more hours but I don't know how long. My stomach stirs and I felt that I am hungry. It is too dark here and I am afraid of things that I am seeing. I guess that it is already night above the water. My depression suddenly passed away when I saw colorful jellyfish dancing around me. They are dancing around the cage where I am.

As soon as I realized where I was, my heart breaks as my breathing hitches. There are lots of bones and broken cages inside. Some cages are twisted. I hold on my iron bars tight when I saw a red pair of eyes coming closer but as it comes closer pair of eyes multiples are showing.

The jellyfish moves behind me and I saw how big it is. It looks like a dragon but has lots of long heads. The creature's skin is too scaly, and I guess that it was too rough and strong. The fins of the creature keep on flapping as they are breathing. I assume that it will attack me but instead it didn't. It just moves closer to me and one of the head moves closer to my face.

I thought that it was going to eat me, but I feel no fear. Instead of fearing the creature I gently held out my hand and caress the face. The creature's eyes flicker showing a little affection like it wanted to be patted. I gasped when long big tentacles wrapped around my cage and open it just enough for me to escape but I did not escape.

I lay down my head because of my exhaustion I fall asleep with these creatures that I know wouldn't eat me alive.

I saw bright light blinded my eyes from my sleep. When I woke up, I saw a beautiful girl smiling at me. Her hair looks almost transparent and it was all gold when I open my eyes wider, there are lot more girls. I thought that I am already in heaven, but I am still underwater. The girls swim around me with their golden tails shining and glowing in this dark abyss.

They are laughing and singing around me. I smile at how cheerful they are. It makes me wanted to stay here because of them. They even make a crown made of seaweeds and other plants that is glowing underwater.

They sang a beautiful song that is alluring and can hypnotize people. Instead of me being hypnotized it makes me stronger and I feel no thirst nor hunger and the deep cut on my arm is healed. However, I stayed in the cage again, to sleep. I don't know why I feel all sleepy and I also don't know how long I am asleep. Or is this a sign of me dying?

---First Son of King Wales, Prince Wade---

I had heard about the human being executed on the abyssal where sea monsters are living. It's been three days of the last execution. My crew wanted to catch something new today, so they throw our finest and strongest net. We are near the abyssal of the sea monsters and we always caught fishes here, I don't know why my ship brought us here, where recently someone just died here three days ago.

The thing that scared them is mermaids. Mermaids are the flag they sang to us and hypnotize us until they brought us underwater until we can't breathe. No one can breathe underwater besides creatures who have fins and gills.

"To the north!" my co-captain shouts and they shout back until they untie the ropes and I turn the beautiful wheel of my ship.

My father would be glad if I had caught beautiful pikes and golden-blue mandarin fishes. It would be enough to be put on the aquarium in his room. Our ship has stopped like we hit a coral. But my heart immediately palpitates when I realized that it wasn't a coral. It might be the Kraken that could eat our ship whole.

"The crane is giving up!" one of our fishermen shouts and everyone gathered to pull the rope and the others had managed to tie the rope to our strongest post just in case that it wouldn't break. I immediately told someone to take over our ship wheel and I jumped from the balcony. They put down the iron cage that I know is from our Kingdom. The cage that is used for execution.

The most thing that makes me more curious is a woman inside the cage. My men immediately pull away from the young lady from the cage. She looks all pale but she's still breathing. When somebody was about to give her air or to let out water from her lungs, she immediately opened her eyes and was alarmed by danger. She swiftly pulls a dagger from her boots and pointed it to one of my men. Her eyes are not reddish but beautiful oceanic eyes that I had ever seen. It twinkles and shines.

I fall in love with those eyes, fierce yet naïve. Her eyes reflect the color of the water like it camouflages with the ocean. Her posture is not poor, and she has a good height not too tall for a lady. Her defense is well trained like she's a professional warrior.

She looked around herself afraid of any danger. But it is more like she's ready if anyone took advantage of her.

"Don't come any closer!" she said it fierce and her voice is so beautiful, sounds like the sirens that are attracting us. She allured me. I found myself walking towards her. She might be tired and hungry.

"Hey, easy young lady," I said it slow and gentle for her to know that we are not a threat. However, she doesn't look so well like she's been on the water for days and her lips are getting purple.

She stepped back and manage to balance herself, but her body disapproves until she dropped her dagger and before she even hit the ground, I manage to caught her arm and hold her head. Damn, she's really cold. Cold-like dead. I immediately call for a medic and my healer came and checked her pulse. Just right after I put her inside.

"Her heartbeat is fast, probably from the adrenaline rush. Her skin, it looks like she hasn't been in sunlight for three days." He checked her lips and her eyes. "This is a rare case and it is impossible your highness." I don't get his last sentence.

"What do you mean rare case?" I furrowed a little.

"She looks like been stuck underwater for three days and two nights. You see, her skin is swollen but it slowly regaining. She needs fresh warm water." I immediately stood and went to the bathroom. I pour hot water from the pot that I had been boiling and mixed it with mild water.

I took her to the big clamp shell-like bathtub and took a pillow for her to lean on. She gently opened her eyes but can't manage to move or defend herself. I told her sweetest things and I told her that I am no harm to her. I gave her a warm herbal tea just what my healer advised, and it slowly regain her strength. She just lay there looking at nowhere.

"Do you need anything to eat?" I asked her. She did not answer or what. She just stared at nowhere. "I will leave clothes here. Just tell me if you need anything." I left the bathroom and went to the living room and waited. I waited there for one hour and I heard few breaking things inside so I hurried to see what's happening. I saw her, already dressed up with dry clothes but lying down on the floor.

It worried me so much. I have never been this frantic and panic before. But I gather myself and put her to my bed. I cover warm blankets to her so that she will get warmer. Someone knocks on the door and my co-captains head pops out.

"Your highness, our crew is asking if we could sail back to the harbor of Erā since it is the nearest harbor. They are afraid that the Kraken or the Hydra attack us."

"Sail to the harbor of Erā," I command. He bows a little and closes the door. My eyes caught the dagger she has from her boots. I took it and gently study the carving and the silver iron. There's no doubt that I know who made this.

I went out to see how far we are going to Erā's harbor. I look up the sky to see a few flying seagulls and the other one that is peculiar is the pigeon roaming around our ship. Then it stops on the window where the lady is. It flies up again and roams around our ship and it goes back to the direction where the harbor is.

I went back inside my room and walk towards the beautiful creature sleeping on my bed. I studied how beautiful she is. It is a boundless beauty. Her eyelashes are thick and long enough to emphasize that big beautiful eyes. Her lips are a perfect curve of the bow. Her nose is slender and pointed. And her hair? Her hair looks golden but has different colors that high lightened. Maybe she dyes it as other girls wanted in their hair. I sat beside her and gently brushes my fingers on her wet hair. I grabbed a dry towel and started drying her hair. It would be nice if she would like me. I could marry her.