Prince Wade Part 2

My heart suddenly jumps when her eyelids slowly opening. I move closer and move down my face for her to see me. I smiled as my heart skip a bit when she looked directly into my eyes.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I asked her softly. She roamed her eyes around her.

"Am I still underwater?" she asked quizzically and sat up which makes me move a little away.

"No. You are on my ship. Didn't you remember what happened to you?" I stood and walk towards the table and pour a glass of water. I walk towards her and gave it to her. Her hands hold it and I noticed how fast she recovered. She sipped on the water and look back at me.

"Who are you?" she asked more like a demand.

"I'm Prince Wade." She stopped for a while and then a smirk came across her lips and then she laughed as if it is a funny joke. Her cheek blushes as she laughed and instead of getting peeved, I adore her more.

"Prince Wade of what?" she asked again as she drank the water.

"Hydōr. Firstborn of King Wales." That makes her stop and stare at me. I shiver on her stare and I don't know why it gives me shivers.

"And I assume that you don't have an idea who I was."

"What's your name, fair maiden?" I asked in a very romantic tune that would make every maiden fall in love.

"I am Catastrophe and I destroy everything." She said it harshly still with those smirks on me. Her eyes are piercing, and I don't know which she hated.

"That's a very rare and unique name for a lady. Would you like to have something to eat?"

"How can I be sure that you won't poison me?" she's hesitant.

I pick up a sandwich and take a bite on it. I shrugged on her question and I bring the tray to her. She took one and brought it to her mouth. She sighed when she tasted the tuna sandwich that I made. It makes me smiles at how adorable she is while eating.

"I wanted to enjoy eating so please cut out your stare." She said without looking at me.

"So, Catastrophe, why are you under the water?"

"Because people wanted to kill me." She simply answered. "I am sure that you are aware that the cage is from your Kingdom."

"Yes, about that too." She looked at me and cock her head to the side.

"What do you think I am doing underwater?"

That makes me stop and just stare at her. She's beautiful but I don't have any idea what's she's doing underwater. I don't want to think that she's a human because she seemed not. Maybe because of her beauty, I don't think that she's a human.

"Are you one of the sirens? Have I rescued a siren from a great danger?"

She murmured something under her breath and just put the tray on the side table. Then she lay down and pulls up the blanket. Is she not feeling well?

"Are you feeling alright? I will call my healer so—"

"I don't need a healer. Where am I by the way?"

"You are on my ship."

"Are you planning to bring me to your castle?" she asked.

"Not now, darling. We are heading to Erā harbor. Do you want me to bring you there right now? I can still change our direction."

"No thank you." She turned back from me. I was about to talk to her and know more about her but I keep my mouth shut. I finish eating my sandwich and drank wine on the goblet.

"I will leave you alone. Just let me know if you wanted something."

I did leave her alone and went outside. Night comes and I keep on checking on her. I even check her temperature. It is normal but she's not waking up. Or maybe she doesn't want to wake up. I tried to wake her up, but she simply doesn't want to wake up. I called my healer and he told me that she's unconscious around and she's dreaming something that's why she doesn't want to wake up.

Early in the morning, our ship is already on the Erā's harbor. I check everything while my crew is getting ready to be on some bar house or store to buy things they wanted. They are free to do that. I suddenly get aware when I felt that a trespasser is inside my ship.

I walk back inside and locked the door. Then, I hold my sword on my belt and was about to pull it, but someone got me and he got his sword blade on my neck. I slowly turn around to see a pair of green eyes wearing a dark coat as the mask covered his mouth and nose.

I glanced at Catastrophe who is still sleeping on the bed. He moved swiftly in front of me and cock his head on the sword that I have. I hand up and smirk at him. He stepped back and put down his sword. I was about to attack him but he ignored me and just walk towards the bed.

"Love…" he murmurs to Catastrophe. It makes me grimaced that he called her love. I peek on Catastrophe who slowly opens her eyes. Her hand gently hold on his arm.

"What are you planning, Prince Nicholas?" I asked him.

"I'm taking my bride." He said and push the blanket from her. He scooped her and bring her to his arms like his bride or more like her bride if I did not hear it wrong. I feel so disappointed and feel lonely at the same time. That beautiful maiden that I fall in love with at first sight in a very short time is engaged.

"Nick, is that you?" she murmurs.

"Yes, love. I came to take you." He said it softly and I can see in their eyes how in love they are at each other. She wrapped her arms around his nape and leans her forehead to his neck. He walked towards me. "I'm sorry about a while ago. And I hope that nobody will ever know about this. Pretend that this never happened."

"Of course, what are friends are for?" I smiled a little. Nick is my friend and he saved me many times so I should keep it as a promise to help him. I walk towards my cabinet and pulls out a cloak. I gave it to him and he covered it with her. "Nice meeting you Catastrophe." She just looked at me and then someone knocks on the door. I open it and another person in brown cloak entered.

I did not expect that Nick had already fallen in love. Maybe I get too busy sailing around our world and enjoying girls in every place I go to. A message just came to me that Nick had been out of our world and studying at the Mystical Academy.

"Prince Wade." Princess Almira enters and nodded pulled down the hood of her cloak. I nod back at her. "I came to visit you and of course see my brother's bride." She smiles genuinely as ever. I nod.

Nick put down Catastrophe on the couch and wrapped Almira's cloak on her. Almira also brought shoes to warm Catastrophe. I watch them wrapped her up. Then I decided to go out to see if there's any crew left. There's my co-captain who is waiting for me.

"Are we going to visit his Majesty? Princess Almira just came in."

"Yes. I am aware of Mr. James. Please pack me a few coins. I wanted to visit the store." He entered the door on the deck. Then the door opens and Nicholas came out. He walked briskly out my ship towards the carriage that he brought. Almira stood next to me.

"Thank you, Wade." She said. I looked at her quizzically on why she is thanking me. "For letting my brother go. Please don't betray my brother. He's been vulnerable since he lost her."

"I promise Princess." I hold her hand and kissed her knuckles. "It's been a while since we last chat. It would be nice if you accompany me on a dinner on my ship."

"Of course, Prince Wade. We need to catch up with a few memories for a very long time that we are parted." She smiles so sweetly and nodded her head and turn her heels.

Princess Almira and I had been with me in our Kingdom. She's just a little girl back then and I taught her a lot about histories and geology. She's a bright child and a fast learner. I fall in love with her once but she told me that she's too young to know about love. But now that she's a lady, I don't if I will court her again. I know that she's too young for me but our love here never gets old nor never gets young.

"Princess Almira," I called. She turned back to me. "You look more beautiful."

"Thank you, Prince Wade. I will be going now."

"I'll visit you in your castle to pick you up before twilight." She smiled at me and walked towards me and give me a peek on my cheek.

Sweet Almira walks downstairs, and Mr. James comes out with a smile. He bows to the Princess. The Princess greets him in her very sweet voice. I don't know if Almira would love me now that she's a lady.