Prince Nicholas: Does this makes you warmer? Part 1

---Prince Nicholas---

My dove sent me a message that my love is on Prince Wade's ship. I am afraid that Wade would kill her once he knew that she's from the human world. I also had known that their ship will be on our harbor, so I make a quick plan. Almira helped me. Also, for her to see Prince Wade.

I drove the carriage fast that I know Almira would complain but I am in a big hurry. I cannot sleep well in three nights and I keep dreaming of her every night. I would dream about happy moments with her and suddenly it would become terror and horror. She's calling my name all over again and it worried me too much that she's still stuck underwater.

Now that she's with me I wouldn't take any chances for her to die. I won't let them hurt her even my reputation falls on the mud of pigs. Almira is with my bride inside the carriage and I hope that she's taking care of her. Adhiti is weak and I don't know what makes her weak. I have to find it out.

The guards of our Kingdom block us. I pull down my mask and the bow at us.

"Princess Almira is with me. Please patrol carefully around our boundary."

"Yes, your highness." They go back to their posts and I turn my carriage towards my house. I excitedly go jerk down and walk towards the door. I open it and looked up at my love who's all pale on Almira's lap.

I carried her inside and directly go to my room. Almira followed us with a basin and towel on her tray. Then she left again and come back with warm water. She said that she'll take care of her, but I insisted on taking care of her.

"Come on, did you already saw her naked?" she confronted me.

"Well, I—"

"She needs privacy, Nick. I will call you when she's ready. Why won't you prepare her favorite dishes while I give her a sponge bath?"


"Also please prepare hot soup because she's really cold. This is not a normal temperature."

I did as she requested. I even went to the market to buy fresh big prawns her favorite and lobsters. I bought a few vegetables and ingredients that are needed in my soup and immediately rode by horseback to my house. I check on her again and she's already dressed up properly.

As soon as I cooked soup and fried the prawns, I bring it to my room where she is. Almira told me that she's been murmuring my name. Almira leaves us and I sit beside her and took her cold hands to my cheeks. It started raining outside as her temperature falls.


"Nick," she opened her eyes. "I'm really cold," I bent down and hugged her. I breathe on her neck to give her warmth.

"Does this make you feel warmer?"


"I prepare hot soup and your favorite fried prawns. Do you want to eat while it is still warm?"

"Will you hugged me while I eat?"

"Of course, love. As what you wish."

I did embrace her while she's eating wild on the sofa and she's sitting on me. I pull up the blanket around us. She's a wild eater like she hasn't eaten for weeks. She finished the soup and asked for another bowl and eat all twelve pieces of fried skinless prawn. Her skin is not pale anymore and her temperature rises into 20 degrees.

"Do you want anything aside from those?" she shook her head. "Can you please eat slowly? It might ache your stomach." I rubbed her stomach gently while my chin is leaning on her left shoulder. She did not speak. Damn, she's really hungry. Did Wade feed her?

After eating, she asked for toothbrush and toothpaste. Good thing that I have a stock of it here from the outside world. Then, we lay back on the bed cuddled on the warm blanket facing each other too closely. I told her how much I missed her.

"Why do you have dark circles?" she asked tracing her fingertips under my eyes. "Didn't you sleep well?"

"How can I sleep if you are in danger?" she put her cold hands over my cheek.

"I just thought that you find somebody else to sleep with."

"Come on, Adhiti. I am not able to do that since I found you. I don't want to lose you, love."

"Okay." She gently kissed my lips. "You know that you can't back out. You will marry me no matter what." I laugh and nuzzle my nose on her cheeks and smack her neck.

"I didn't have a proper proposal yet."

"When are we getting married?" She asked and I shrugged. Did she ignore the romantic proposal? Damn, I still have to do that. I want a proper proposal for her. A romantic one that she can never forget. She exhales in disappointment on my shrugging answer.

"Let's enjoy our moment first before getting stressed out of our wedding."

"You surely are going to marry me?" She grinned like a child-like she cannot believe that I am marrying her. I thought that she already believed that I am serious about marrying her in the first place.

"Adhi, I told you that I will marry you no matter what." I brush her soft hair that is full of life. "Do you like the dress that you are wearing?"

"Quite good but I like being naked." She grinned teasing me. It makes me laugh and I am a tomato face right now. I roll over her and started kissing her lips full of passion. "Mostly in front of you." She continued between our kiss. I grinned looking down at her.

"I didn't have a perfect view of seeing you naked. Can I see those beautiful parts of yours?" She pushed me and I fall down the bed and she sat up.

"You are such a pervert. I am just teasing you and you are into it!"

I laughed and sat up.

"I am into you. You can't do anything about it." She frowned at me and slipped off from bed. "Where are you going?" I crawl from the bed and followed her. She walked directly to the bathroom and didn't even close the door. "Should I come?"

"No!" she scowls. I stop from the entrance and then she slapped the door closed on my nose.

A smile draws on my lips finding it very funny about her getting peeved. I loved her so much that it hurts to think that without her is a life of white and black. Everything doesn't have a life and like a rose slowly shrivel into ashes. When she comes out, I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist and gently pulls her up giving her a lustful smack on her cheeks.

The door opens in my room that makes my Adhiti almost move away from me and ready herself from any danger, but I wrapped her tightly that she cannot even resist. Almira smiled at us slyly and she crossed her arms leaning on the door frame.

"Hi. I guess that I have to remind you that it is already three in the afternoon and you both forget that you've been together for more than six hours."

"You look beautiful, Almira. Do you have a dinner date with Prince Wade?" I asked her where she only gave a formal smile to me. "Love that is Almira my youngest sister."

"If you don't remember, Adhiti. I am the one who took care of you and avoid my brother from peeling off your clothes." She smiles and walked towards us.

"Thank you." Adhiti murmurs. She extended her hand to her and Almira shook it warmly.

"Oh, by the way. Prince Wade will be visiting me in the castle, and I have to be there. I just wanted to see both of you." I smiled at her and didn't let Adhiti get off from my grasp. "So, well. It seems that my brother is kicking me out in an odd way. I will be here tomorrow." She turned back with a sly smile on her lips.

"She's Almira…" my Adhiti murmurs. I smack her neck.

"Yes, love."

"She undressed me?" she asked so innocently. She looked directly into my eyes and her eyes are damn beautiful green eyes mixed with hazel around. Looked very gorgeous. I cannot help but to scoop her cheeks and took her mouth to mine. She pushed me which make me quizzical. "Stop doing that!"

"What? It is my first time seeing you change eye color. It is very amazing, and it makes me more arouses." I didn't realize that my voice is mesmerized by her. Then I just woke up from hypnotism when she smacked my arm and she started laughing.

"Do you love me?" she asked all over again. How many times should I say that I love her? I love her so much that it kills me.

"I do love you. What is that all about?"

"Then, if you love…" she seductively traces her forefinger on my chest making me groans. "Start dancing."

"What?!" I did not believe it.

"Yeah, dance like a macho dancer."

"I know nothing about the macho dancer." I tighten my arms around her. She carelessly unbuttons the upper buttons of my shirt. And every time her fingertips touch my skin the electric-something wakes me more.

"Come on, Nicky… you said you love me."

"Yes. I love you but dancing like a stripper is not me." She grimaced at me. "What about we walk around my house? You don't have to worry. I have lots of guards around so they will immediately make me know if someone is spying on us."

She twirls her fingers on the buttons of my shirt as she slowly bit her lower lips thinking about my proposal. I look out the window and it is no longer raining. I think she causes the rain here also the unpredictable weather in our world.

"Okay," she said excitedly and took my hand as she dragged me like a child outside the room. She then stopped and looked around my house mesmerized. "Wow. Is this your castle?"

"No, sweetheart. This is not the castle. This is my house. The castle is a bit far away from here."