Dirty History Part 1

---Amanda of Psychē---

I smiled at the hummingbirds that sings with me. It reminded me of the chorale in our Kingdom, like singing angles. Also, the sirens on the sea that allure all our fishermen even the pirates.

My servants enter to water the flowers in my room and put fresh fruits on the table. I smiled at them and they gracefully bow at me.

Sweet Ruin growled and rolled on the bed. He misses his master badly. I patter his head, and he immediately licked my hand.

"Don't worry, sweet Ruin. She'll be with us soon." I continue sewing the dress that will suit my beloved daughter. Oh, how much I miss her on my embrace.

"Your highness," my head-guard enters, kneeling one knee with his fist on his chest. "Your father is arriving."

I sigh while scratching Ruin's head.

"I will get ready." I gently lay down the dress on my bed putting the needles back in the right place. The servants immediately took a dress that is appropriate for meeting the King. However, dresses don't matter to me in meeting my father.

They fixed my hair a little and put a few colors on my face. Ruin rolls around the bed biting and playing on the satin sheets.

I go out of my room heading to the hall as Ruin followed me. My father looked old because of that unhappy expression of him. With him is a Lord from a respected house, I am sure. I am feeling that this is another proposal.

"Her Highness, the Highest Princess." My royal announcer introduced me. I bow to my father and the Lord bows at me. Ruin started growling in very low sound. That's his warning. Good boy. Next time, bite them if they tried to make any proposal.

"Father." I greet my father.

"Amanda, I would like to introduce you, Lord Anubis of House Resplandeciente."

"Lord Anubis," offer my hand, he willingly took it and bent down in gentleman-like, and before he even touches his lips on my hand, Ruin growled and barked at him. That made him stupefied. Oh, Ruin, you are such a sweet warrior. Adhiti had trained you very well.

I pull my hand from him. "I'm sorry, my little warrior here, is quite jealous." I glanced at my father with a grim face. "Please, let's head on my garden for tea." I scoop my father's arm as we walk towards the garden. Ruin is tailing us, which made Lord Anubis grimaced.

If he hated my Ruin, I would hate him too. The servants serve the delicious fresh teas that I made with them from the herbs. Ruin sat beside me, wiggling his tail while watching us.

"How's your health, my dear father."

"I am getting breakable, my sweetheart. I have to marry you off."

"You know that my soul is already married," I told him. I look at Lord Anubis who is carefully listening to us. Lots of Lords, Princes, and Kings wanted my hand, but never such a beauty stole my heart. Only the human who is selfless with a beautiful heart and soul. "Are you married, Lord Anubis?" I asked him sweetly.

"I have never been married, your highness."

"Just like what young man would say." I smile which is almost a smirk. "How about a lover?"

"No one ever catches my heart. For such beauty, you already catch mine."

As I expected. Each man that my father brought to my house would say that they never fall in love but to me. How ridiculous? Ruin growls. I gave him a piece of the strawberry cupcake and he eats it still glowering at Lord Anubis.

"I don't want to die without heiress, Amanda."

"Father, you will still live long. Centuries will still pass. Besides, if you wanted an heiress other than me, you would have soon. I can assure you that."

"An heiress out from our blood? You know that I will surely despite whoever she is."

"Will you?" I asked him, like showing him through my tone that I will despise him too. I had lived long enough and I waited for years for my daughter and my love. I won't ever take chances of taking them away from me. Even if I have to break my bond from my love, for him to survive. "How's the kingdom, father?" I asked to pour him another tea.

"There's a human that enters here in our world. Two of the Kingdoms executed her."

"Did you agree to it?"

"The supreme court did."

"Trespassing and hurting the Prince are two of her crimes." Lord Anubis added. "She looked hopeless when she was in chains and inside the Hydōrian's cage." I can see his smirked crept out. Ruin grows, stood, and showed his fangs on him. "What is wrong with this dog?"

"How pitiful our people," I said and didn't even stop Ruin from his warnings. "He's not a dog, by the way. He's a dire wolf as you can see. A loyal guard that I've ever known." I patted Ruin's head and he seemed to calm down by that touch. I know how much he misses her. "Our people had killed a lot of innocent these past few days. They already killed the four souls of the four kingdoms. Do you know that Lord Anubis?"

"I didn't catch up, your highness. What do you imply, Milady?" He seemed quizzical about it.

"The earth, air, fire, and water, your people, and our people killed them. So that no one can control them." I told him every word with hatred on my tone. My father weaned me and told me not to talk about it anymore. "Those Goddesses who protect and who keep the balance of our world were murdered. And they will be born again, to take their revenge… and will kill each of the people—" I just say revenge out of my anger. Goddesses wouldn't take revenge.

"Enough Amanda!" my father raises his voice.

I sigh just to make my anger pass. Today is not the day to reveal. I will show them the pain they take just to save those innocents. But this world has no naïveté. They are aware of everything. They just don't want to see how tragic it was. They don't want to see how their rulers killed the goddesses.

---Patrick Patterson---

I stop the timer when Clarence followed by Davin had reached the finish line. I usually make them exercise, do some sports, teach them how to use swords, throw knives, and archery. For them to be physically fit, they need to meet my standards.

After minutes of cooling down, I told them to clean up. Andrew walked towards me with crossed arms, pressing it to show his big chest and muscular biceps on me. I did what he is doing to show him what I got too.

"How did you manage to work out?" he asked. I look at him with a lopsided smile.

"Secret." I wink at him. He thought that I work out a lot on Marissa. I punch his chest to blow his thoughts away. "I have to be healthy and improve my combat skills for Marissa."

"So, she won't look for another guy?" he asked. "Oh, come on, bro. Marissa is so in love with you. That's not going to happen."

He knows that that is not what I am worried about. I know Marissa wouldn't cheat on me. It is just impossible for her. Marissa brought us lemonade. I smiled at how blooming she is. She's just beautiful every single day. I can't help but admire her more and mostly love her more. I walk towards her, snuggling my nose on her neck. She smelled like roses. I kiss her lips and look up at Andrew who is glowering at us with disgust.

"Oh, come on. This isn't the first time you saw us like that. Besides, you make nastier things with Leona remember?" I sat on the chair, gently pull Marissa to my lap as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't even say a thing about that woman."

"Is she that horrible?" I asked him as he sipped on the glass of lemonade. He nods with pressed lips. "Totally-horrible?"

"Yeah, horrible than The Walking dead."

"Oh, those disgusting movies? It's quite fascinating…" I grinned. "I mean try to make out with Lily Collins," I told him. He grinned very cockily.

"I know she won't resist me."

"Yeah. I am very sure that she won't when she became a walking dead." Marissa and I laugh at him. He glared at us and took a glass of lemonade. "You are getting heavier." I murmur on her ear.

"Our baby here always wanted to eat high calories."

"I can't wait to see our baby," I told her as I gently stroke her flat tummy. Her pregnancy isn't visible yet but soon, it would just get bigger.

"I am out of here. I rather, fuck up with Lily Collins, when she became zombie than seeing you flirting at each other." He said while turning around.

"You said that. You have to do it." I told him. I know that before he even makes out with a zombie Lily Collins, he already passed out. We take our time, cuddling at each other. Telling how much we love each other. I know that we kind-a corny but, this is what I felt towards her. I don't want to keep those things stuck in my mind. I wanted to tell her each of the thoughts that are on my mind.

A scream comes from the inside of the house that makes me and Marissa stood. I immediately run inside the house. Clarence kept on calling me. Then, I found them on the hall, Davin on the floor, convulsing, his eyes, are white and he kept on murmuring and murmuring in different languages, different accents. I kneel above his head, hold it, as I enter in his mind.