Dirty History Part 2

---Patrick Patterson---

Suddenly, I feel like I was inside Davin's dream. Davin's predictions. It was shivering winter. I saw how they killed a beautiful lady that has a feature of my sister. I immediately feel the chill of the winter. She was killed by a crossbow. It comes from the woman riding on the horse, in a white coat. The man, perhaps her love, run to her crying her name. On the other side, I saw my sister, in tears watching the scene as two-person came and erase the man's selected memories. The wind blows hard like a storm… no… stronger than the storm.

We were again in another scene the same face, but different setting. The lady was happy riding on the black horse, wearing a green cloak. She was laughing as the familiar man run his horse after her. I am truly confused about why she has the same facial feature as my sister, Adhiti but still, there are differences. The lady was cheerful and happy like it was her last day in the world. I just recognize the man. It was Flame. Young Flame was happy too, so happy like it was his last day in the world.

When she ran her horse in the forest, Flame lost her. He roamed around and called for her. The wail of the horse and some sound of cutting of flesh was all he heard. He immediately turned his horse on the direction where the sound came from. The leaves of the trees are slowly getting brown, slowly dying. The animals in the forest went crazy like their life was in big danger. He saw her wearing the same cloak lying on her blood.

He jumped off from the horse, and run towards her, dropping his knees. He called her name Zoeira Klaite and try to hold on the cut on her neck. He looked around and saw shadows. He started screaming and screaming, her name, and screams on the shadows to show their selves. He screamed in anger and pain, gently pulling her into his arms. I can feel the pain and the anger he felt. Like the man in the snowy forest. I feel both of their pain. The trees, the forest in the whole kingdom, and on the other kingdom dies with her, as animals are agonizing on the loose.

He spends the whole day and the whole night with her there. Just on his arms, embracing her cold corpse. Kissing her forehead, telling her how much he loved her. Telling her how his half dies. Flame got time to let her go when a huntsman came to find food. A battalion of soldiers arrived with the same man that I saw on the first scene. He did the same to Flame.

But his sorrow never dies as the years and years had passed.

I let go of Davin's head, breathless. He's still lying and now, calm. I have to see it all. I don't have to stop now. I hold his head again. It was like I was pulled inside his head forcefully. I fall on the concrete hot ground. It felt hot in here, I almost scream when a big face of a monster with a thick scale. Its breath is hot and smoking. Its ears are like fins that's opening and closing. Its eyes are a straight line from up and down. Eyes of a venomous snake. It breathed in the smoke, blows a small fire. I understand what kind of creature it is. A fire dragon.

My head spins, my stomach squeezes like anytime I am going to throw up because of the nervousness and the anxiety that I felt around me. There are not just one or two dragons, but lots of dragons smaller, medium, big and there's two which are the biggest.

The dragons are wailing like they are all in pain. They tried to fight, but they seemed coward, seeing the big dragons, in chains. And I realized that even they are all in chains. The tension inside, I mean, the temperature is more than 100 degrees like I was in hell. I heard crying… crying of a lady. I saw her standing in the middle of two posts beside her. Her arms are spread and outstretched. Her wrists are in heavy cuffs and chains. Her tears are smoking, like it was really hot, but it didn't even burn her.

"Please," she begs, hopelessly. She was directly looking at me and begging me. A cry of dragon echoes that others responded, after the hit of a lash. I turn behind me, they are lashing the dragons.

The biggest one, a little than the other one, which I already guess is the King of the dragons, roars making a warning on the-who-knows lashed on the dragons. It almost broke the chains, but it seemed that the chains are unbreakable. There's another lash that makes the King even violent as the lady screams.


The other big one, cries and hopelessly tried to move. It was the queen. How heartless they are.

There are other lashes that the lady can only do is to cry and cry and beg them. The torture goes on and the lady feels like she was hurting too. Like each of them is her life and own.

I look at the people who are lashing all the dragons. They are wearing familiar armors. I saw them in the books that my father lent me. And that makes my inside twitches in pain. I cannot bear seeing the torture of the dragons, though they are considered monsters.

The only thing that comes into my mind is to run to the lady and tried to pull the chains on the strength I have. I stop when she's directly looking at me. Tears stream down on her cheeks. Her eyes are red orange, color of the fire, but they are beautiful. And those eyes remind me of my sister, Adhiti. She is almost looked like her.

"Please, help my dragons…" she murmurs. But it felt like she whispers on my ear. "I promised to come back to them." She spoke to me like she was a mother, begging to help her children. After that, her eyes dilated, and mine too. Blood runs down from her mouth, and the person who stabbed the sword directly to her center, blood runs as the sword was pulled.

The biggest dragon cries as the fire lady die. He is the strongest among all of the dragons that breaks the strongest chains in the world. Though he was hurt, he forced his wings to fly, wailing even louder that makes the other dragons wails and move violently. He blows blue fire on the killers. He blows fire on the dead lady as it immediately turns into ashes, burns again, and turned into a flying fire… no… it looks like a phoenix. She flies away and gone.

I have pulled into another scene again, lots of fire… people on fire. Houses on fire. Everyone is almost on fire. Some are trying to save their lives. The dragon flew not just in a single Kingdom but each Kingdom he showed his sorrow and his revenge. Even the slowly dying Kingdom of the Era felt the burning anger of the dragon.

Everything in this world looked catastrophic. The people are starving, and that time too, they don't catch fishes. Even the animals are hard to find. I enter in the bloomy, gigantic door of the Kingdom that has lots of statues that resemble each kingdom and houses. As I walk on the very wide corridor that leads to the thrones, I felt small. Not until I met the people in a white and red cape on the side of the corridors before the throne of the King and Queen. There are three on the right and three on the left.

They seemed to argue over something, fighting over a problem, to a problem. Then, behind me, I have to step back to give way to the people in golden robes, with medals, which was known as the Supreme Court. They are the makers and approvers of the laws.

"The third death of the Western Goddess has been spread all over the kingdom."

"Fire alerts are around the Kingdom of the Pyr. But I am afraid that the big dragon will turn the forest and the fields into the fire."

The wails of the dragon bug them and outside the big window, the dragon started throwing fire around. And it turned directly on the big window and blow fire, but something blocks the hellish fire to protect the King and the Queen.