Appearance of Goddess of Aēr Part 1


I murmur again and again talking to myself. Well, if that's what makes me comfortable and to lessen my confused mind. I have to leave Adhiti again from my brother's cabin. She said that 'okay, there's no problem with leaving her for a while'. My brother explained to me that okay is an expression of indicating agreement on the Outside world. I let my servants took my horseback to the stables and I removed my cloak giving it to one of the palace servants.

I glance around the warriors of my father. He's sitting on his throne with my mother. Since she's the Queen for long years. The third wife of the King of Era. She's always there to assist the king and do her duty as a Queen. And now, they are dealing with another bastard of the King.

"Tonight, took my daughter from the Outside world and bring her to me. Make sure that she's not bruised or has any cut. We need her face to do some bidding."

Marissa! She's in danger. I did not make any emotions about that or throw a question to my father about my half-sister in the Outside world. My mother smiles at me, though I know that those smiles are not kind. She wasn't a perfect mother or even a good one. I know that for sure.

"Father," I bow at them. "Mother."

"Oh, sweet Almira. Have you already seen your gown?" my mother asked acting so sweet and a good mother.

"Not yet, but I'll see it tonight. Shall I go back to my room to write a letter to Princess Flavia? I believe she has a suggestion for my gown for the ball."

They smiled at me sweetly.

"Yes, go ahead, my dear." My father told and I bow at them gracefully. I walk gracefully back to my chamber so that I won't look something had a plan.

I immediately took a piece of small paper from my desk and wrote words for my brother that is with Princess Amanda. They are taking Marissa in Insideworld. I call my dove and she perch on the window. I tied it on her foot with a green ribbon. I took her to my hands and kissed the head.

"Go to my brother, she's with Princess Amanda," I whisper and I let her fly.

I took my horse again and went back to my brother's cabin. I jumped off from my horse and patted her as I enter the cabin. It is unusual because I don't hear her humming or singing.

"Adhiti?" I enter the cabin and I can't see her on chair reading. I look at the book on the table. The Origin of the Goddess. She's reading it? "Adhiti?" I called and walk directly to the bed. I found the clothes that she was wearing but her cloak is gone and I run back to where my brother put shoes and boots for travel and it is also gone.

I run outside to check the horses and one is gone. Where did she go? I call the squirrel and he jumped into my arms and told me that she left with bags. I feel like jelly and my stomach squeezed. Damn! I feel nausea. I shouldn't feel but I am nervous. Why did Adhiti leave? Maybe she's in the town. Right! I rode back to my horse and went to the town and started searching for her. She's not even on the tailor and even on the shoemaker.

There's one thing I need before dusk. I need to warn them. I need to warn Marissa. I went back to my brother's cabin and use the tunnel cave of earth to the entrance to the outside world. I went to Marissa's lover's house, perhaps Adhiti's house too. They are all inside and there's a man who just got out of the thing that they called cars. I look upon the window to see her lover.

I breathed in and circle my hand to make a green bird. I breathed out and whispers on the bird to warn them. They are coming. I sent it to the man and he had seen me too. I got startled and my chest started beating like a drum… loud. I saw him, the man who always run into me. He's directly looking at me. I immediately run and run and run while he's fast running after me.

"Why are you here!?" he asked me. I stop and he stopped too. I block a big log between us for him not to reach me. "Why are you spying on us?!" he asked again.

"I am no spy. You have to leave, they are coming." I murmur. I gasped when the air whispers to me that they are near. "Leave!" I hissed at him and immediately run back to the portal.

I hold my chest in front of my heart and breathlessly walk back inside the cabin praying that Adhiti is home. But no one was there. I grabbed the goblet and serve myself with fresh water. I closed my eyes calming my mind and myself from the terror. I feel tired. Completely tired. I need to write to my brother about Adhiti. Or perhaps I should stay here for a while and wait for her.

Marissa comes into my mind. I hope that she's with Patrick and she's not captured by my father's warriors.

My father is getting worse, I don't know what's wrong with him after all. I am relieved that I didn't have his craziness. I am relieved that I was raised by my brother well and Princess Amanda was always there to guide me.

I was about to put another freshwater on my goblet when it slipped off from my hand. My heart palpitates and I know that my intuition is right. They have her already. I lost track of my time and I immediately run outside to my horse and told her to run fast to the castle. I saw few wounded warriors and some are dead. No, I hope that I am wrong.

I enter the foyer of the castle towards the hall where our thrones are. I saw a girl in a flowery dress being dragged and she was pushed in front of my father and mother and she falls on the cold floor. She's weeping silently which makes my heartbreak. I can feel her agony and her pain, inside my chest. Why? I don't know why I feel this way but I feel empathy towards her. People said that I am compassionate. Maybe because I am too compassionate, that's why I can feel what she is feeling.

My brothers and my sisters are gathered.

"Welcome, my daughter." My father greeted her with wide arms.

"You are just a sperm donor of my mother after you violate her viciously. You are not my father." She said it in a strong voice. Marissa is strong, but that will lead her to pain.

"Whatever you say and deny, I am your father." He scooped her chin and I can see that he's gritting his teeth in anger. I immediately walk towards them. "So from now on, you have to do what I wanted. Don't worry, I will crown you as a Princess, as my daughter and you'll be delighted." My stomach clenched again and my father's own words send chills on my veins.

"I rather live poor than being in this hell with you." She gritted back. My father slapped his palm across her cheek hard that makes a real sound. Hearing it, and seeing it, I can feel the pang of the pain.

"Father, what's going on here?" I interrupted. My father looked at me and his tight jaw untightens and his face immediately lightens.

"My dear daughter, meet your sister, Marissa." I glanced at Marissa and I can see blood on her lips and her cheek is red.

"Father," I hold my tears but I face him with sad eyes. He knows that I hate violations. "She looked tired, would it be alright for you if I bring her to her chamber? You know that I dislike seeing these things."

My father's face soften. Though I know from my sister's eyes that I should take it all.

"Of course dear, show your sister to her room. Servants, treat her like a Princess!" he said it loud and sit back to her throne. I glanced at my brother's eyes and my sister's eyes. They show no mercy at all but two of them show no emotion. I looked at Marissa who is weeping. I pull a silk handkerchief from my pocket dress and took her arm. She even tried to get off from me but I dragged her arm and gave her the handkerchief.

"Weeping won't help you." I murmur at her that she can only hear. She looked at me into my eyes as we walk. "Believe me."

Two servants followed us, where I believe that their new assignment is serving Marissa. We walk upstairs and I hold her steadily because I can still feel that she's shaking.

"Princess Almira, yo-your dress. Where did get these muds and dirt?" my servant asked.

"Don't mind me, Marga, bring us food to my sister's chamber." Marga looked at Marissa with disgust and I hate it. "Now." I have to tell her that sometimes. I know that they disgust my half-sister because she's the daughter of a human after my father raped her mother.

"Y-yes, your highness."

As we reach her chamber that is just a few blocks away from my room, I told her new servants to ready her bath and her sleeping gown. I gently pushed her to sit and give her a glass of water. She avoids looking at me. I glance at the busy servants preparing her bath and I kneel in front of her and took her hand.

"Look at me." I murmur. She did look at me. "For now, Nick can't protect you. He's with Princess Amanda. But please, you have to trust me."