Taking My Love Away Part 2

---Patrick Patterson---

My father told us the brief history of the Goddesses where Odisse the Goddess of Fire is the first one who comes down into the earth to fight the darkness. Dad showed us an angel. Well, that's what I describe. He's muscular tall and looked gigantic with big wings and with claymore and he has a spear too with a wings design in the middle. He's is the Guardian of the Goddesses, Luther. Odissi gave a gift to the Good King of Pyr Tarkus's firstborn the crown Prince Argon, the light of darkness which is an affinity of fire and to be unburnt. She wasn't conceived by any people in the inside world. She came down on her own with the consent of her father.

The second to be born was Serina who comes out like a giant human from the ocean and shifted herself in the human size and lived by the waters and can shift in any kind of water animal. She granted a gift to King of Hydōr of an affinity to the water when he saved her from the children of Abyss (Abyss is the god of Torment who is an Evil God). Half of it was a simple test for the King if he was as brave and with a kind heart who is full of wisdom and faith.

The third among them was a twin but born from different parents. Aryanna Ueri Jaze was born at the night when the wind whispers on their ears about her arrival. She was a miracle baby of the King on his first wife. She has an older half-sister, her father impregnates one of his mistresses to seek for heir or heiress. But then, she became the Crown Princess and the next heiress on the Throne of Aer. She gave a special gift to her father and mother, a gift to control the air and wind, also she gave her loving sister a gift to control the air.

She was wise and, in her mind, already knew what she is, and what truly she is. A Goddess of Air and Wind. And she is the Kingdom's Goddess. She falls in love with the Foreteller Heir Calixe Fiel on the Psyche Festival and they vow their love for everlasting. But a tragic thing happened. Just a day before her wedding and her coronation as the next Queen, she was assassinated in the middle of the winter forest together with his mate who almost died in the cold winter. Calixe cannot remember anything and even the elder's believed that part of his memories was blocked by some spell.

On the same night where Aryanna was born, Zoeira Klaite was born. Through the song of birds and opening of the buds of flowers on that night. Zoe was wise like Aryanna. She knows what she is when she was born, and she chose to be born on the night together with her twin. She wasn't the daughter of a King but a daughter of a warrior and a lady. She was also called a Goddess of Wisdom and Earth. When the King visited her, she was just two years old back then, she gifted him an affinity to the earth, to borrow strength and power to heal and to help fight the darkness. Since the King is mate-less and no heir, she also gifted him a recognition to find his soulmate.

And on the same festival in Psyche, the twins together with their sisters Serina and Odisse, meet together with their Guardian Luther. They knew that they are sisters and was sent by their father to give peace. Zoeira Klaite who is wise and full of wisdom and also a mystery on men's eyes, found her soulmate, the Prince of Pyr Flame. He was full of humor and he was known as a Casanova. Zoeira didn't take all of his compliments and sweet words and Flame try hard just to get her and it did. They vow their love at each other.

And just what I saw on the visions of Davin, she died at the same time and day together with her twin. I encoded fast on my laptop about the real death of the Goddesses just right to put it on the history if ever I enter the Insideworld.

We heard a familiar engine of a car outside our house and we all exited the basement. It is then we realized that we've been there for hours. It was Marcus and we welcome him warmly, he brought some of the ingredients and told us that he wanted to overnight. I think I read his mind. Something is off.

When are all settled in the living room, I asked him if there is something wrong.

"Well, I woke up and someone warned me on my dream. I just feel like, I need to protect you guys." He said spreading his arms.

"From whom?" I interrogate him. No! I cannot believe in his thoughts. "We need to leave." He immediately stood. "Marissa!" I called.

"I am not sure, about it," Marcus told.

"What's wrong?" Marissa asked as she put fresh fruits on the table.

"We are leaving this place." I run upstairs to grab passports, and a few clothes and my protection. A dagger and a sword that my father gave to me. My mom asked me what's wrong. "We are all in danger. They are going to took Marissa away." I stopped when someone caught on my eye on the window, outside. A silhouette of a person with a hood and then I saw Andrew outside looking at it too. Her hands glow in green and she let go of some magical bird directly to me.

They are coming. A female voice warns me. Andrew run to the girl and I didn't get time to pack clothes. I just took my coat and Marissa's.

"They are coming!" I said it loud for them. And they all get this frantic action and even Davin and Clarence are getting ready. I told them to hide in the basement, but they did not. They took the swords from dad. Dad is talking with someone on the other line and they are attacking the house of Gregory.

I fish the keys and took Marissa's hand as we run outside. Andrew was running too, and he immediately took the bow and arrow from mom. Marcus opens the trunk of his car and took his sword. It is gleaming on the moonlight and I have to say that his claymore is the fifth century like. Still, it is awesome. However, I don't need to admire it.

I took my car and my father took his with Andrew as they all went to the house of Gregory. I drove my car fast until we are on our private driveway. We need to be in the town away from them. I took Marissa's hand and it is cold and shaking. I kissed it.

"I love you and I won't let them take you."

"I love you, Patrick. With all of my life."

"Hang on." My speed increases as we pass their house. My dad was just behind us and turn his truck to the direction of Marissa's house. I press the honk seeing a few people in the middle of the street.

It was normal people, but they are taller than I expected. They have spears and shields blocking our way. If I hit them, Marissa and I might not survive on the impact. I don't want to lose her that way. I pull the gun beside me. I have been keeping it in this kind of situation. I aim my left hand and pulls the trigger and hit the center guy. I stop the car and look directly on their eyes behind those metallic helmets.

They are not going to leave even one of them is hurt. They are walking directly to us without hesitation. I was baffled as Marissa when there's an arrow hit them, and they covered their selves with their shields. I glance behind me and saw the car of Marcus. I immediately turn my car to the forest. No matter what, I need to escape. I let Marcus handle it.

I relax my nerve from the abnormal pumping of my heart. I don't know what happened next. I should've brought Marissa out of the country. I should've brought her to Paris for my proposal. I immediately hit the brake when a gigantic bear is in front of us. I breathed and hold Marissa's hand that is shaking. We are surrounded.

"Surrender the daughter of the King, human!" a deep voice that sent chills around me and makes my hair stood triggers my fear. "Take the girl and don't hurt her. Kill the human."

Marissa slipped her hand off me. I looked at her, confused.

"I don't want you to die." She cried.

"No." I shook my head. "I am not going to die, baby."

They started breaking the glass of my car. I told Marissa to duck down and I started the engine again and move my car back really fast. Some guy in a supernatural strength had blocked my car and they started invading my car. Marissa can't help but scream. I remove her seatbelt and I removed mine.

"Ricky…" she whispers, and I took her into my arms. "I am afraid." I remove the glass from her hair and I gently planted my lips on hers.

"Survive for me. I love you…" I wiped her tears and embraced her. God, I hope that I can do something with this. I pushed the door and took my sword ready to fight them.

There's a swift attack and I immediately fought them with my sword. Since I had also read their motions, I had killed two of them by slitting their throats. I heard Marissa screams and when I turn at her, I lost focus. They had broken my car and they pull Marissa. I felt pain on my right thigh that makes me lose my balance and dropped my knees.

"I am coming with you!" she screams. "Just don't hurt him."

"No." I shook my head. A man in those green clothing and golden armor stood in front of me, pulling his golden sword. I look at Marissa, getting myself ready to defend.

"Please!" she pleaded. It pains me that she has to plead. I put my weight on my sword. An arrow hit the golden armored man on his neck, and he falls in front of me. When I get a chance to stood and face them, they dragged Marissa away.

"Marissa!" I focus on running to her, but a very hard thing hit me from my back and my face and chest fall on the ground. My head in pains and my vision are twirling. I cannot see Marissa, but I can hear her screaming. I tried to fight the pain and focus on reaching her, though I know, I can't.

I love you… she speaks on my mind.

I am going to find you. I responded to her. I heard Marcus's voice and my father's. Another hard thing hit me again. And it was all black and pain.