A Freezing Voyage To Aer Part 1


It is getting cold and colder to the place where I am heading. I found myself riding on this gorgeous horse. I sigh and let the cold freezing wind blows on me as we get nearer to the place of snow. Oh, I love snow. However, why did these crazy people inside me wanted me there?

"Dammit! Who did bring me here?!" I said it aloud though no one could hear except myself and this horse. A wind blows and twirls around like a mini-tornado and a face and the shape of a woman is in front of me. Aryanna. I grimaced at her while she smiles at me warmly. "Oh, it is you."

"Would you give my half-sister a warm embraced?" she asked.

"No. I can't! Dammit, Aryanna! I don't even know why you guys kept on showing up on my sleep even in front of me and I look like crazy here talking into a spirit."

"Yes, spirit. But I am inside you, my dear Sister."

"My patient is just short, you know." I kick my horse to make him run fast. "I don't even know who she is. And if my Nick knows about this, we are screwed up!"

A fire and a shape of another lady appear, they have similarities in the face. And I guess this is the fire Goddess. She warmed me and the horse.

"You sound cussing." She said and fold her arms.

"Cause, I am. What's your name again?" I narrow my eyes and I sneeze that blows their appearance but then come back.

"It's Odissi, Adhiti. Goddess of Fire, Fire is my name. It is not pleasing to hear a young lady to cuss."

"Okay, okay… I got it. I guess that the Aer is not that far from Era…"

Green dust showed and she looked exactly like Aryanna. She smiled and almost a sneer.

"Twelve hours of riding a horse, well it also depends on your speed." She said. I give her a quizzical look like asking who she is. She rolled her eyes and cross her arms. "It's Zoe, Adhiti. How could you not know me?! I'm Earth!"

"Oh, sorry, Zoe but really… that is something I should work on… Oh! Where Serina? I hate her on seducing my Nick."

Turquoise dust on the air comes alive and it is Serina who is smiling at me… more like grinning.

"Your Prince is very, very handsome. You shouldn't worry, dear. Your love didn't see any woman's nude body except yours."

I groan and increase my speed. I feel tired of riding and riding and I am quite exhausted and hungry. I saw an oak tree and decided to take a nap there. I jump off and fell on my butt. They all laugh at me.

"Laugh on me again or else, I will come back to Era." They hold their mouth not to laugh and then I stood. It wasn't that painful because the snow is deep. I heated and clear the snow around the oak tree and took lots of branches. I give my mare big carrots and she started eating it. I sipped on the bottle of water. And lay down on the tree with a blanket.

"We should find Luther." Odissi suddenly spoke that makes the three Goddesses gasped and hold their mouth and started giggling. Odissi seemed peeved and now I understand why they are giggling.

"Ohh… you are in love with Luther?" I blurted that make the tree burst out laughing. It was a graceful and angelic sound of their laughs. Odissi glare at me. I cleared my throat and munch my grapes. "Who's Luther by the way?" they all stop laughing and glare at me.

"If I have my own body, I had kicked your butt," Zoe said. I shrugged and looked quizzical. "Luther is our Guardian. I don't have an idea where he is. He was supposed to protect us, but he never showed up."

"I am certain that Luther got captured. Because if he's dead, he would already with us in the above world." Odissi explained.

"Or heaven?"

"Yes, that's what some of the people named. But we called it the World of Almighty God or Above world." Odissi told.

"Wow. Sounds big." I lean my head back again and I told my mare to lay next to me and I heat its shoes.

"Why do you love that Prince of yours?" Odissi asked and I found that they are all looking at me. I smiled at them and took another round of grapes on my mouth.

"He's gorgeous," I told them with a wink.

"My Calixe is gorgeous." Aryanna utter.

"My Flame too." Zoe…

"Luther is gorgeous too, right Odissi?" Serina teased. Odissi rolled her eyes.

"Okay, there's lots of gorgeousness around this world. But Nick is the first man who makes my heart beats loud and crazy. I am completely attracted to him and his smile is amazingly annoying… but I love it. Also, he cared a lot about me. He can be a little possessive and I like it on him but he's not a jerk."

"Jerk?" they all asked me.

"Yes. An asshole."

"Ohhh…" they all cover their mouths.

"Would you stop cussing!" Odissi the oldest among us scowled at me.

"Sorry, Sistah! But this is me." I said with my little twang.

"You have to rest for two hours and then you go to move along again," Serina said. "I will sing to you."

"I will also blow all the snowflakes away." Aryanna.

"And I will warm you." Odissi.

"And I will grow a few trees." Zoe… she blew and whispers on the trees as there's another one grows beside me and it has big roots and a little hole like a small cave.

"Ohh. That's sweet of you guys!" I crawl on the hole and my mare move with me. I feel warm and my mare felt warm too.

I had fallen asleep. Like just as I think that I am asleep, they started waking me up. Damn these crazy sisters! My dream was about Nick worrying about me. What if he's worried? Oh! Almira! She's worried about me.

"Get up now!" it was a hot voice of Odissi that sent warm chills around my veins and my mare's veins.

"Geez! Yeah yeah! Just don't scowl on me." I get up and started packing. I heat my mare's horseshoes and we run again and again as I clear the snow with my fire.

The snow had stopped and it is a good omen. There are lights and I can see the lights in the town. I have to stay at the inn to warm myself. Good thing that they let me. A long hot bath was relieved and they are talking in front of me. More like bickering… damn, these girls love bickering. But they loved each other so there are no hard things between them.

"You should look stunning in front of her," Zoe told. "You should go to town and look for a dress."

"What's your code, Arya."

"Sky blue or white as snow…" she smiled. "Or I can take over your body so I can shop on my own."

"No!" I sigh. I don't want them to take over my body. That's just crazy! "I can do it. Just tell me where…" I get up from the tub and wrapped the warm towel around my nude body. After I dried my wet clothes, I went to the shop and they are all whispering on me on where should I go.

I bought a beautiful dress and a thick cloak. This is good. However, it is kind-a little showy. That's what Aryanna likes. That's her dress code and I should just—yeah wear it for the Queen. I sleep for a little while and after an hour, Aryanna took my body. I mean, she can control me but I can control me. It is kinda complicated but I felt like I have her brain inside my brain. Crazy right? They reincarnated on my body and they are all seeking their soul mates and it will make my love life a mess!

We rode again and it is a bit far from the first town. It's not snowing yet the climate is cold and then, everything is fascinating. The sun is already setting. Aryanna is very certain that the Aer Queen named Andrea is on her throne sipping a wine waiting for a man that will make her fall.

"At the very first, I know Andrea love my mate… but he chose me and we are so in love together. Maybe she's not yet married because she's still hoping a love from Calixe." She spoke on my mind. "I feel sorry for her."

"You shouldn't be. She chose to be that way."

"Yes. She chose to be that way because of me. I am sure that there's a perfect match for her."

"Yeah. Me too." I couldn't help but agree.

We had reached the gate and I jump off from my horse. There are guards there and I use Serina's voice to allure them. She's like the Goddess of love and made them fall in love with her and do what she wished. It's kinda creepy because they are drooling on me. I rode on my horse to reach the mountain top of the castle. And it looks like on the cliff. However, the first impression for the castle is very beautiful because of the garden and the perfect alignments of the flowering trees and there are lots of eagles and hawks on the big oak trees.

I gave my mare a piece of apple and let her drink on the fountain. The guards came to me and about to warn me but I use my air to push them away. And for my dramatic entrance, I pull down the hood of my cloak and didn't pull down the see-through fabric of my scarf that covers my mouth and nose. But the eyes of Arya is showing on my eyes.

"Who dares to enter my castle without consent?" she stood in very strong power.

"I, Goddess of Universe come to you because of someone who missed you dearly," I said in my strong voice. And I can hear them clapping inside my head cheering me. Goddess of Universe? They made it up. I mean, they call me that.