A Freezing Voyage to Aer Part 2

--- Adhiti Goddess of Universe---

Her eyes widen maybe because of the recognition of my voice, which has a sound of Arya. Thank you, Arya. The tension on her body didn't touch her face. She sneered at me.

"How are you, dear sister? Are you feeling right after sitting on that cold throne?" my voice sounds like an antagonist. Great! She sat on her throne and patted the arm of it. I should say, her throne is very beautiful with the wings of an angel or a bird?

"What's your name? And I don't have a sister." She raised her hands on the warriors that are ready to attack me. I glanced at the round print of the floor. It is purposely made to kill someone by pushing on that hole. Like in Game of Thrones. Oh, I love the movie but really, did they take an idea in Game of Thrones? I mean, they don't even have cable and TV here.

"Well," I think of the name. "They call me many times. Which of those names would you like to hear?" I smirk behind my scarf. "I am sure you miss the name of Aryanna Ueri Jaze. And the way you looked at me, you are thinking of her now." I can see that she shivers on that name. The footsteps of the guards surrounded me. "They also call me Catastrophe." I never break an eye to eye contact with her.

She scoffs and laughs and laughs in every evil way. But really, I have to say that she's stunning and beautiful on that see-through dress that shows her curves and legs. Her clear blue eyes are like crystal and that long hair in a Dutch braid looked good on her with her tiara.

"Throw her." The floor opens the up and the strong wind blew and I feel free. I face the warriors and they are pointing their spears on me.

"No need to tell, Andrea, I can simply wish to feel the air." I face her and spread my arms like the air twirls and pushed her warriors away. I am afraid to die but I wanted to feel the air and just jump. I felt warm marks marking on my forehead and I smirked at her.

She's with Abyss… Serina murmur inside my head. My smirked faded away like it was Aryanna taking my body.

"I miss you, sister. But love will never come to you if you didn't warm that frozen heart of yours." I twist myself and let myself fall on the endless cliff. And I still feel like falling and it feels good. Nick will worry about me what if I die? Nope! Never mind.

I gasped when there's someone catches me… or I felt feathers. Darkness took over my vision. I am tired.

Hmm, I feel like sleeping on the soft fluffy wings. It feels warm due to the cold climate. So fluffy like I don't want to leave the bed. Okay, so I don't want to think any further because I fall… wait! Wait! I jumped on the whole! I immediately sat up realizing it and my head hurts! Bad! I was blinded a little of the light but there's a silhouette.

I blink and blink and blink. Oh! The beautiful body of a guy has big wings and he's big too. He turned to me and he's not just tall and have those yummy muscles, he's also handsome. He knelt in front of me with his palm on his breast where his heart is located.

"My Goddesses!" oh, that's confusing.

"Uh… Hi." I greet.

Luther! The girls squeal inside my head.

"I came to save you, my Goddesses."

"Goddesses? That's too much." He looked up at me and his amber eyes meet mine. "Uhm, you must be Luther, the girls are talking about."

"You mean, the Goddesses?" he asked me.

"Yup. They are probably your Goddesses."

"You are my Goddess too." Why is he still kneeling?

"Oh, you should stand. I am not used to a stranger kneeling on me." He stood and fixed himself stood mighty yet humble.

"I am sorry if I offended you."

"No. You didn't." I look around to see the gigantic silhouette of a dragon. "Phrixus!" I immediately slipped off from the bed and run to him. I hugged his huge face and he sneezed on me. "Yeah, I miss you too." I can feel Odessi's wanting for the dragon. She wanted to take over my body but I pushed her back on my head.

"Uhm, my Goddess, do you want something to eat or drink?" I pull myself from Phrixus and faced Luther completely forgetting about him.

"Oh, sorry. Please, don't call me Goddess. I am not one. They are just inside my body."

"No. You are my Goddess. Adhiti, Goddess of Universe that is why my other Goddesses are inside you, to complete you."

"R-really?" he bowed his head.

"You are also a Princess."

"What?!" I blurted out that makes him quizzical.

"I apologize." My heart is palpitating. He scared the hell out of me.

"Okay, so, Luther, winged guy, do you know where I am?"

"You are on my cave far away from the Kingdoms who wanted to kill you."

"Can you bring me to Era, not exactly on the castle but Prince Nicholas's cabin, that's where I live."

"As you wish, my Goddess."

"Please drop the Goddess word. Just Adhiti if it was me. Those girls, Goddesses of yours wanted to take over my body and it is creeping me out."

They all show in front of me in the form of their colors with their arms crossed. I crossed my arms too.

"If you guys keep on doing that, I will to you completely throw you back to your father!"

"Our Father!" they said at the same time. I hand up.

"Alright, don't be so hot. Okay, I am going back because the show is over." I push their dust aside and face Luther. He looked fascinated by the dust. He was gorgeous on that thick brows and deep amber eyes and perfect shape of the nose and thick kissable lips of him. His face is shaped like a diamond and has a very strong jaw. He's also big like I was just at his chest level or underarm. He's three inches taller than Nick and he's bigger. He knelt again and bow his head with his palm on his chest.

"Can you take me there?"

So he did take me there and I love flying. Phrixus was alone there and I can feel Odissi's sadness. I let her took over my body and just watched them. She embraced, I mean I was the one embracing but she took over my body so she's embracing Luther and she's gently caressing his face. So sad… the look on Luther's eyes was sadness too. She touches the lash marks on his shoulder.

"What happened to you?" Odissi asked in full of sadness.

"I am sorry, my Goddess. They capture me and torture me for a century. I failed to protect you and your sisters."

"Hush, my brave one. You did not fail. This is another chance and our Goddess of Universe wakes up to fight Abyss."

"I fail to protect your children."

"We are going to find them, no matter what." She said it strongly like a curse.

Ohh… they look really sweet. Serina and I murmur that probably Odissi can hear.

"I oath to you, I will find your children and punish those who wronged you and your sisters. I oath to you to protect you with my life."

"I know you will." She embraced him around his nape and leaned her forehead, my forehead on his neck.

'See, they are truly in love with each other. Odissi doesn't like the idea.' Zoe told.

After a few minutes of flying, we are already a little away from the cabin. 'Oh, damn! I forgot my mare.'

'She will come back home. You shouldn't worry too much, Adhiti.' Zoe promised.

'How can she come back?'

'Trust me.'

Damn these crazy sisters. Odissi steady and stood in front of him as her hand brushes on his massive biceps. He bowed his head. She gently took his chin for him to look into her fire-color eyes.

"I never get a chance to give you a warm kiss. I never get a chance to give you a taste of a true kiss."

She told and as I expected they use my body to kiss each other. However, we are all shrieking because of their passionate kiss. Lips to lips. Mouth to mouth. Tongue to tongue. Ohhh… good… Nick will kill me.

I can see that Luther is flushing and his right hand is brushing the hair and circling on the back. They stayed embracing each other on the tree while she's asking about his life without them.

"It takes centuries for me for not flying. My wings are not working until the Goddess of Universe was born."

"How did you escape them?"

"Phrixus found me." Luther gently kissed her temple (my temple) as he tightens his embrace. She slipped off from him and stood. She offered her hand and he took it as he stands.

"Go back to Phrixus, my brave one. Adhiti's mate is coming."

"I will come back, always, and watch you with the eyes of my friends."

"I know you will." She moved closer and kissed his lips again. He spread his wings that I just noticed that it was golden-brown and silver-white like an eagle but more majestic than anyone's wings.

"So long, my Goddess."