Catastrophe: His Goodbye Part 2

"Don't worry too much Grayson. Save those worries on everyone." I told him. He looked quizzical for a while and he suddenly understood what I meant. I did not leave my band to meet the Headmistress. She could be here. Since she's the Headmistress, after all, her presence needed in this event.

I started playing the piano and my accompaniment plays along as I sing the song Set fire to the Rain. Patrick and Marissa are together watching me make sure to keep an eye on me. Andrew was there too at the backstage. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are there watching me singing. The person I wanted to see is Nick.

Though it was all dark, the neon lights are dancing along with my song. Then for the final song, Burn of Ellie Goulding. Cause we got a fire, fire, fire… yeah, we got a fire, fire, fire and we gonna let burn, burn, burn… the students cheer and dance along on my song. On the chorus, when I said burn I raise my hand and pointed the bonfire as my fireball burns the woods. Together, Flame had lightened the torches and everyone clapped their hands.

After my performance, I hadn't seen the Headmistress and the President on the lighting of Bonfire. It is the opening for the Mystical Christmas, opening the bonfire means the light of the way where everyone will lead into goodness. So, I went to the office of the Headmistress and knocked in front of the door. Nobody is answering so I knock and knock again. I didn't do what Adhiti did, is entering the office, and eavesdrop on their conversation.

The door opens that makes me stepped back. Nicholas stepped out. What is he doing there? He's not supposed to be there. Is he on their side? Am I betrayed again?

"Miss Canfield," Mrs. Hudson calls. Nicholas opens the door wide for me and gives way. I enter the room without any hesitation. The door closed and he's still behind me. "I had heard you singing, and it was beautiful."

"Thank you," I said formally without any smiles.

"Mr. Gregory and I have been talking, there will be changes in your subjects and I hope that you will get along with your new mentor." I looked at Nick who is all silent. "But still he will stay your Legal Guardian." She continued.

We all headed back to the ball. I didn't open up with Nicholas because the Headmistress together with the President is with us. We stayed at the back while both of them headed in front.

"What does she all mean by that?" I asked him. He did not speak for a while. The music stopped and the President is going to do her speech. But before she even spoke, there are two voices scream that echoes in the forest. I got alarmed and Nick too.

I and Nick both run to the direction and the Professors too. A monstrous growl echoes on a cold night, my heart started palpating in fear. Fear? I was feeling fear. I was about to run for an attack because he got Jean. But Nick held me.

"Don't." he murmurs. I look back on the huge monster with a pair of burning red eyes.

"But Jean—" he held my arm as he spins me to face him.

"Nothing. Instead of fire…" he cleared to me. I nod my head. He knelt one knee on the ground and the ground started vibrating. A sharp root comes out and he held it like it becomes a spear. He threw it on the beast's direction, and it hit the head before he even eats Jean. He dropped Jean when he squealed that blasts in our ears. Jean falls on the ground and I run to her. She's fractured badly. I glanced at Eliza who is all shaking while staring at the beast.

"He-help…" Jean murmurs. The monster had seen Eliza and he was about to attack her. I jumped over Jean and make a blue fire and throw it on the face of the monster. What shocks me about it is, the monster is furry with long fangs and the body of a giant human with the head of some kind of a wolf. I immediately snatched one knife from my boots and throw it flaming towards the eye of the monster. And then, I pull up Eliza and I noticed a scratch on her arm.

Nick helped me with her. I ignore how she hugged him like a scared little girl.

I saw running Andrew with two swords that probably comes from Nick's room. I run to him and grabbed one. I do not hesitate of killing this monster. If it kills me so be it. But I won't let this monster kill my friends and my family.

"No!" Kraig, my dad, screams and runs to stop me but I was too fast, so I attack the foot of the monster slicing his flesh as the blood spit on me. The ground shakes like an earthquake and there are lots of roots coming out. Nick rides together with the roots to level the monster and he stabbed it directly to the heart. The monster stepped back losing balance making a loud growl. My eyes widen and I am unable to move when the monster is falling in my direction.

I just closed my eyes and get ready to be smashed. I felt someone's arms around me and we both fall on the ground as we roll. I open my eyes to see Nick above me. He covers me when the big thud falls on the ground as a dusty air blow on us. When I open my eyes, I saw that the monster burns and becomes ashes.

I heard a few people called our names. Nick sat beside me and he helped me to get up. I felt my brothers embrace and my dad who held my hand.

"Everyone, back to your dorms!" The President and the Headmistress demand the Professors and other staff of the academy lead the students back to their rooms.

I stood and looked at Nicholas who slides his special sword on the case. He wears the belt on his shoulder, and he extends his hand to me. I took it and he dragged me out from them. My mother calls but Patrick and Andrew told them that it will be fine, so I was dragged again to the woods. I stopped when we are in front of the big oak tree where I heard voices inside of it.

He pulled out a handkerchief from his trousers and wiped my face. He even removed his hoody jacket and put it on me and as he pulls the hood on my head. I waited for him to tell me what he wanted to do.

"I'm so proud of you." He told me. I frown at him thinking that he's going to leave me. "My gift is already delivered in your room." He gently scooped my cheeks and caressed his thumb on my nose bridge. I hate him. "I love you." I hate him now. "No matter what, you have to survive." Is he going to say goodbye and betray me? "If you don't know where to go, you always know how to find me. And I will always find you to save you and protect you."

"Stop saying that!" I scowl at him. "How could you leave me like this after saying you will save me and protect me? After you had known what's happening around here, you will just leave?!" my heart is palpating from the anger that I am releasing. I cannot take this anger anymore. I don't want any other mentor but him. "You are such a jerk!" I fisted his chest in anger. "Jerk!" My heart is aching, and I cannot hold these tears anymore. My heart hates him so much. All the pain I felt is because of him.

"I'm sorry…" that's all he said while I am crying like a little girl in front of him. I've been keeping all these pain inside my chest and this is what I get? Crying and crying in front of him while punching his strong chest? I hate him! I hate him. Hard sobs escaped from my mouth and all he did is let me punch him. "Hush, I know how much I hurt and hurting you right now." He gently scooped my cheeks as I stop from punching him. His big thumbs brush off my tears, but few tears escape again. "Stay here, show them how dauntless and boundless you are. You will find me soon, and I will protect you."

I felt his warm kiss on my forehead and move down to my lips. He embraced me warm and tight like never going to let me go. I did the same. We stayed like that for a few moments, but he has to let me go and I stayed dumb there.

"Nick," I called his name. He turned back from me. "Nick!" I called louder. He faces me and took my hand. He gently kisses my knuckles.

"You have the map." I was baffled. What map is he talking about? I don't have it. I don't have a map! "I love you. Always remember that no matter how I cheated on you, you are still in my mind and my heart. You are my soul mate. We will always be together again."

"Stop saying nonsense!" he only smiled at me. He let go of my hand and I was about to grab it back.

"Close your eyes." I shook my head. "Come on, love." He called me like I was his lover. "I am not saying goodbye." I breathed and slowly closed my eyes as tears keep running down. I felt his warm hands brush off my tears. "I love you."

I close my eyes for a few seconds as I didn't hear his footsteps or breathing. A cold wind blows on me, and when I open my eyes the fireflies are lighting the big oak tree.

"Nick?" I never heard his voice as I called him. He left me that easily.