
She hid in a black cloak running out the boundary. The patrollers of the Psychē are roaming around and she was too careful not to get caught. She heard upcoming coming voices that made her heart beats faster. She hid on the trunk of the tree and whispers on the wind.

The cold wind makes the patrollers yawns and they decided to sit under the tree and take a nap but they fall asleep immediately because of the lullaby singing with the wind. She immediately ran and ran hugging the infant wrapped on a velvet cloth on her arms. She rests for a moment and looks down on the infant.

"Hush, my love…" the infant yawns and was about to cry but she gently whispers on her as it closes the sparkling eyes.

The portal from the big apple tree opens as sparks flies are gathered around them. She gently enters the outside where everybody is forbidden to enter. The light of the big round blue moon gleams down to her like a spotlight. It spotted her wherever she walks in the dark cold forest.

The crickets together with the frog blended like a choral singing to her. A golden stag walks with her. The baby makes an adorable sound making her heart flutters. She had reached the private boundary. She stared at the house near her.

"We're here, love." She gently told her baby. She walked toward the big tree where she knows will guard her baby until the day breaks.

She pulled down her hood and removed her cloak. She gently removed the cloth that is wrapped around to hold the baby and she wrapped it around the infant. She removed the white silk cape of her gown and wrapped it around her child. She kissed the forehead as she gently closed her eyes.

"I love you so much. I am so sorry that I have to leave you here, love. Time will come that we will meet again, I will always watch over you and love you. I won't let them hurt you. Do not worry my little angel. Mom will be with you soon." She knelt the grass and the weeds grow. She gently gestured her hand and round it as the weeds make a little basket. She gently put her baby on the weeds.

She stared at her little angel for a while and decided to remove her amulet that symbolizes the five kingdoms. She gently put it around on top of her baby's chest.

"This will protect you from everyone who wanted you dead." She pulled a paper from her chest and put it under the amulet. The baby gently reached her face like she wanted to be carried.

A tear escape from her eyes seeing how beautiful crystal-like her baby's eyes. So innocent, so pure. She gently kissed the small fist of the baby.

"I will always love you," the light from the house lightened so she immediately stood and put her cloak back. The baby cries as she turned back. She stopped hearing her angel's cries. She immediately turned to her baby and kissed her forehead one last time. "I love you."

She immediately runs when the door of the house opens. She hid from the tree and camouflage with it. A little boy came out from the front door around three years old. Then, along, a lady perhaps the mother of the boy told him to go back inside. She immediately walked out of the house. The lady was a bit confused and look at the bright moon. Then, her eyes darted on the beam of the moonlight spotted on the big tree.

The cry of the baby makes her run towards the tree. The lady gasped seeing an angel crying. She immediately took the child and hushed her.

"An angel fall from the sky and brought to us." The lady murmur. A man comes out from the door and called the lady's name. "Honey, look. I found an angel." The lady excitedly walked back to the house. "Her mother just left her here for us."

She let go of all the tears. She was happy that her baby found a loving family. Yet, emptiness is all she felt again. She walked back to the portal and run back on her way to her house. She thought that on her way back would be clear, but she stopped seeing a boy lying down the grass staring at the blue moon. The boy had noticed her presence so he sat up.

"What kind of a baby boy would, lie down outside the house at this kind of hour?" she asked him. The boy might have recognized her so he knelt one knee and put his fist on his left chest.

"Princess," he acknowledged.

"Prince Nicholas, you are here again." She walked towards the boy. "Where's your mother?"

"Mother is sick and she told me to go outside and watch how the moon lightened the night." The boy speaks formally. She walks towards him and sat beside him. The boy sat down and look up the sky. "The moon lightens this cold night."

"Yes, it is."

"Your highness, do you think mother would leave me?" he asked her in full of loneliness.

"She won't, my Prince. Your mother will never leave you even though her body decays under the soil. She will remain in here," she pointed where his heart is. "You are too young, too lovable to know about sadness."

"But why would father never loved my mother?"

"Everything you wanted to know will be answered at the right time. Your questions must not deliver to me, but your loving mother."

"Prince Nicholas!" his nurse called. "Prince Nicholas, where are you?"

"I will keep going, your highness." He stood. She gently kissed his forehead.

"Don't let the bug bit you tonight, Nick." He bowed his head and runs.

She headed back to the castle that night. The castle of all the castles looking all so bright and some of the guards patrolling on the night shift stayed in wide eyes. The guards bowed at her as she walked straight to the hall. Though she doesn't want to get back, she will and will come back to that castle.