Catastrophe: Five Voices Part 1

I was running again. But this time in the dark cold forest. The moon is not giving any light on this night, because of the dark skies that won't even let me be free this night. I breathlessly enter the Academy running around the dark corridor of the main building. My mind is focusing on only one thing. I need to wake her before she dies still sleeping.

I never get a chance on glancing behind me, thinking that it will be our both end. They are coming to us. They know that Adhiti and I are one. They are coming…

"Adhiti! Adhiti!" I shout out from my lungs. Gasping some air is hard for me, not until I came to her room to wake her up. "Adhiti!" I am, near the double door of the dorm. I push it open and people around looked at me in dark red eyes. I was about to scream but I just run and run towards her room. "Adhiti!" I squeeze the door but it is locked. "Adhiti! Adhiti! Wake up!" I move back and glanced at the dark shadows. I grasped some air and run and hit the door hard.

My eyes open wide and like I was in my dream, I am grasping at the air for running in a long kilometer. I tried to move arms and legs even my body but it seemed that I am stuck and paralyze again. I felt cold sweats from my forehead. I felt my neck cold and wet. I tried to speak and scream but nothing come out.

My heart jumped when the door opens and a huge tall figure of a man enter my room. Is he my assassin? But no, I realized that it was Patrick. He sat beside me and gently caressed my hair. At that moment, I get a chance to move my heavy body and I immediately embraced him. Marissa came in with Andrew with a stack of arrows.

"We need to move." He murmured to me. He immediately stood and I immediately slipped off from bed. I run to my closet and grabbed the jeans, shirt, and sweater. Then I saw Nick's jacket and I grabbed it. I run to the bathroom and wash my face. I immediately dry my face and walk outside.

They are all busy packing a few things. Patrick gave me a glass of water and I drank it all. I only realize that I am still thirsty and I grabbed another one. Andrew lifted the hunting boots that I guess he bought for me when we go on shopping last week. I sat and put it on, Andrew helped me on it.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Only you, sis." He told me. I stop from tying my boots. He finished both of it and he took my hand. "We don't have time. People around here should realize what's happening." He scooped my cheek. "You have to find Nick. That's what he told us. You need to find him in their world. Only you can enter their world."

"Why? Why me? You need to come to me."

"I'm sorry sis, we can't get in without the highest ruler of their world's consent. Let them know what their people are building in our world."

We hurried out while Patrick is holding a backpack and Marissa and Andrew holding the weapons that Nick gave to me as his gift. A dagger, sword in a golden silver handle, and an archer with arrows. I am curious about why are all people are sleeping and Patrick had read my mind.

"We put them all into a deep sleep. That's why we didn't let you in the dining hall."

"Even Leona and Nancy?" I asked them.

"Yes. I tried my best to seduce her and about the President, she didn't even notice that I put a sleeping herb on their foods." Andrew told happily.

We had reached the woods and I don't know where in hell I will find Nicholas. After he left me alone with a few creeps from their world, I will find him? Oh please, I hate him so much though my heart loves him too much. It's been a month since he left me. I hate my subjects because it was all more mental. My new mentor wasn't my mother or Patrick. She's from the world where Leona and Nicholas came from.

After Nick left me, Eliza never went back to school again where I guess that she will go after my Nick. I won't let her though she's my best friend.

My new enter never even let me touch my Artemis and told me that I need to study well for a better future. Better future my ass! That bitch is trying to destroy my future. However, I could twist her mind though.

"Adhi, when you found Nick, tell him that I will break his eggs when he tried to flirt with anyone," Andrew told. I rolled my eyes. Of course, they are best friends and he's jealous when Nick is flirting with anyone. But it is actually because of me. He doesn't want any man cheated on me.

"I will break his eggs with my one hands," I told him. He embraced me again and kissed my forehead. I turn back to see the big oak tree. The five voices speak to me.


Your time has come…

Welcome back… Adhiti

The prophecy speaks to you…


The tree has five voices and I can hear them. Why are they speaking to me? Why do they know my name? What am I? Who am I? The voices mesmerized me to hold them. Cold hands were put at my shoulder that distracts me from hearing them.

"Hurry up." I turn to Patrick and he helped me put the bag on. Marissa stepped forward and help me put the sword on my belt and she lent me the bow and arrows. "Don't get yourself killed in that world."

"Also, don't show them what you are capable at first," Marissa told. "Mostly on Pyr and Hydōr. They are quite harsh that's what my brother told me. But as soon as you are in Erā with my brother you will be safe."

"But how am I supposed to find him? I don't even know about that Pyr and Hydōr you are talking about." I babbled. Patrick smiled at me and scooped my cheeks.

"You don't have to worry, you have the map and they will lead you there."

"W-what map are you talk—" that makes me stopped when I realized what map they are talking about. Andrew walked closer to us and put some cold metal on my neck. The amulet glows as the tree responded to it.

"Now go, before they realized what we have done," Marissa told and hugged me swiftly. I pushed to the tree or more like the tree wrapped their vines around and eat me.

"Whatever you had learned inside there, remember that we always love you," Andrew told. "Go, Ruin!"

I was mesmerized seeing dancing sparks flies around me. I thought that I would enjoy the view, but unconsciousness blinded me.

The night when Nick left me alone in the woods, I walk back on building alone. I also didn't notice that my brothers, my father, and mother are calling me on the name of Catastrophe. Yes, I was her. As long as I am here in Academy, I have to be her.