Catastrophe: Five Voices Part 2

After Nick Left.

I stayed in my room for two days sulking because of Nick. Since I have no mentor, I can do things I wanted to do. If Ruin didn't whine on me, I won't feed him. I sat down on the floor and just watch him eat on his full bowl.

"Don't you want to attend the class?" I looked at Kraig, Adhiti's father who peek on the half-open door. "You don't look fit at all." He entered the room and closes the door. I look back at Ruin who is enjoying his food. He sat with me on the floor and put his arms around me. "Do you know how much I miss my angel?"

"I'm sorry that you have to take the pain. But I have to do this to survive."

"I understand you, angel. I'm sorry that I and your mom cannot stand against the Headmistress and the President. They had already sent a new mentor for you." I lean my head on his shoulder. Gosh, how I missed my dad.

"They still wanted to kill me. And you, mom, Patrick, Andrew… everyone."

"Don't worry about us. We are going to leave the Academy soon."

He makes me feel good. He even brought my favorite dishes. He told me that I might be hungry and I just realized that I am. I enjoy my moment with my father. But when the day comes, a new mentor knocks on my door. I lazily slipped off from the bed and open it. She smiled at me and was about to enter my room but I block her way.

"Oh-kay." She only said which I gave her a lazy look. "You will be late for your new subjects. I will see you briefly."

That day she makes everything worse. I was put on a few mental subjects and I don't have a chance to see Artemis. Good thing that Marissa is taking care of her so she won't die in thirst or hunger.

I did not study hard or take seriously a few subjects. My mind is having a war. The clanging of swords, sounds of the shooting of arrows, the dart of spears, and the cutting of flesh as the blood spills. I feel like wanted to kill someone now. My thirst for revenge for my death is still motivating me on this.

"Why are you not listening?" Flame suddenly asked. "Your mind has been flying out this world."

"What is it that you are telling?"

"What's on your mind, Catastrophe?" he asked me as he leaned his cheek on his hands. "We've been dating for a month yet you are still thinking of—"

"I'm thinking about disastrous things. Like on how it would feel to cut man's flesh as blood comes out."

"You sounds like a psychopath." He told and then he smiles. "Yet I love it."

It was the weekend and I decided to go to my house using Artemis as my ride. Andrew had loved it and it gives me a little energy to love his smile. Everyone gets busy preparing everything for our dinner. That was one of the happiest days after Nick abandoned me.

I walk around the forest with Ruin. Marissa has been taking care of Katherine because I am not myself to take care of her anymore. Since she's my roommate she had been taking care of everything around. Taking my laundry, feeding, and bathing Ruin preparing my foods. She's more like my nanny because she even chooses clothes that I should wear.

The school days came again. I hate to be back but Nicholas didn't want me to drop out of that school. I got peeved when my mentor named Calise Bolton told me to pack up my things and get ready for moving to another room. I stand my rights in front of them. I won't let her control my life.

"I am against moving out. Since Adhiti, is gone and I got full consent from her parents to occupy the room."

"Moving out means, just sleeping with another room sweetheart." Calise remains calm with smiles.

"I don't think that there's a reason for moving out since I can do anything I wanted."

"I am your mentor and I know what's best for my apprentice." I tilt my head and furrows a little.

"Yes, you are the mentor that has been assigned to me. However, I still got a full of rights to stay in that room. My Legal Guardian, Nicholas Gregory had told me to do as I wished and take as I wished through his name." Yes, Nick said that. Since he doesn't trust anyone of them. "Also, as you said, you are my mentor but you are not my mother. A mother only knows what's best for their child. Am I right, Mrs. Hudson?" I asked her. She hesitate on agreeing with me. "It would be inappropriate if we discussed and argued all over using a room since I am used in that room."

"Okay, done then."

After that, what makes me hate her and wanted to kill her is, taking Ruin away from me. If my father and Mr. Jones didn't stand with me, I will already lose Ruin. Since Mr. Jones is very fond of animals and he's a professor in veterinary.

The sweet chirping of birds wakes me up from my sleep. However, I did not intent of opening my eyes though I know that it is already morning. I feel suddenly free today. I can feel the menthol of the grass and I felt it on around me. The cold fresh morning wind blows on me whispering on my ear to wake up.

No, I don't want to wake up. I wanted to stay like this for a while. My days on this academy was full of shit. I hate Calise, that blonde bitch who wanted to take everything away from me.


I groaned when I felt my stomach churns. I need to get up and eat. I open my eyes and sat up, but stopped when I realized where I was.

Wow. Am I in the wonderland? There are butterflies, big butterflies flying around in different glowing colors. There are birds on every beautiful tree chirping. On every tree there are squirrels and under, some bunny and rabbits are living there. A white stag comes to me and bows her head to me. My hand gently caressed her face. Then I realize where I was. This is the world of Nicholas.

I get up and gather my things. Then I found a river and admire how clear and clean it is. Patrick might put some tumbler on my bag so I put my bag down and checked a few things. Oh, there's a tumbler and sandwiches. I looked around me and found lots of fruit-bearing trees. I won't get hungry in this area. However, I don't know where to go first.

The stag drinks on the water and I drank on my tumbler too. I pull out the sandwich and started eating. I breathed on the heavenly taste of the creamy vegetarian tuna sandwich that they made for me.

I feel like something is missing. I looked around me and realized that Ruin is not around. I stood and look around to see Ruin around.

"Ruin?" I call out. I whistles and it echoes if ever he heard me. "Where are you boy?" I finish my sandwich and left the other one for Ruin. "Ruin?"

There's no Ruin. So I decided to pull up my hood, inserted my amulet on my shirt, and walk around. If I find Nick, perhaps he would help me find Ruin. I stop walking when I realized that I was directionless. Where in hell would I find him? I pull out my phone from the pocket of my bag and slide it to call him. Shit! There's no signal in this world. Of course, what would I expect?! Stupid me!

I just go to the shade under the tree to take a nap. This is exhausting. Since my phone is still full, I started taking pictures in this world. Then, I checked the photos that I had captures. Then, I saw my pictures— I furrowed. Why I have my pictures on my phone where I don't usually take pictures of myself? And this is not my memory card. This is Nick's because I had seen the photo of Adhiti and him two and a half years ago. Then, there's a photo of a map… it's my back. It was taken when Eliza caught us in his room where I was half-naked and he's embracing me from behind.

So, this is the full view of my back. I have the map. He told me that he's an Erāian so the Kingdom of Erā is under the Pyr, but there's a very long way to get to Erā when I am in Pyr. And I don't know where in hell I am. I stood and looked for the big tree and I found it just right next to the tree that I am sitting. I put down my bag and climb up the tree. I get into the very top. I saw smokes coming from the��I glanced down the compass, and I can determine the north. So, the direction of the smoke is on the east.

I immediately climb down and put the belt of my sword back and my backpack. I stopped for a while when I heard heavy footsteps coming like a battalion of big men coming. I gripped on the handle of my sword to get ready whatever kind of thing it is. Even the rabbits and squirrels hid on their homes. Okay, my decision is hiding behind the tree not until I saw what kind of thing they are. I knelt and pull out my phone and extend it to see on the reflection on what kind of thing they are.

My eyes dilated seeing metallic armored tall men coming to my direction. I immediately slipped my phone in my pocket then I stood and gripped on my sword. My heart started pumping fast. Damn, how did they know that I am here?

"We had surrounded you, show yourself!" a strong deep voice demands me. I closed my eyes hard. Don't show yourself. I murmur to myself. "Show yourself, human!" I snapped my eyes open. How did they know that I enter their world?

I breathe and show myself to them. They pointed their swords and spears on me. I raise my hand as a surrender and looked at them. They are all wearing red clothing with metallic armor like in the old history of Greece. They got a flag of a dragon. Dragon?

"Speak your name, human!" the commander which I guessed ordered to surround me. I am damned. I did not speak and look straight directly to the commander. The commander nods and someone hit my nape and I felt my face and body on the grass. I saw their boots coming closer to me yet it was a blur.

Nick, where are you?