Prince Nicholas of Erā Part 2

**** Adhiti ****

"Your name?"

"I am Catastrophe Canfield, a student from Mystical Academy." He signed me to go on. "From what crime am I charge to cuff and put into a cell?"

"Humans are prohibited in our Kingdom. That crime." The Prince next to Flame speaks. I looked directly at him which has a little looked alike from Flame.

"Did I told you that you are also prohibited in our world, which Flame comes from the school and the other girl—" I acted like digging on my memories. "Leona who is the Headmistress of the Academy. I supposed that she's your daughter." The King's eyes were dilated probably surprised on my blurt tongue.

"I like you!" Flame winks that make the Princes and Princesses frown at him. "However, we won't let you out this world alive." He cleared.

"Asshole." I murmur.

"Cursing to the Prince is also a crime." The oldest Princess speaks which is just on the left side of the King right after the empty throne.

"But I am not part of your society so, I remain innocent."

They all get silent for a while, Flame is smirking probably amused on what I had said. The little princess smiled and clapped happily which everyone looked at.

"Let her be my puppet!" Oh, that's creepy Princess.

"Matilda, she's a prisoner. You could get someone to be your puppet when we visit the town." The girl next to her is the second youngest on the line told.

"Sorry, dear. But you can't have her." The King told which makes the Princess pouted. "Do you care to explain why you have archer and a sword?" oh that, I missed those things. Wished that I could hold it before I die. When I just realized what they are. Sick.

These people are crazy and that includes Flame. I guess that his siblings are craziest. I breathed and feel just fine not even a single nervousness. Nick, where in hell are you?! You have to fucking save me or else, if I die I will going to kill you in your dreams.

"It's a present from a friend," I explained. "None of your concern." The King tilted his head.

"Suggestions." He asked his sons.

"Why don't we do the traditional execution?" Flame suggested that makes my stomach flutters. Damn it! What is their traditional execution?

"Let's burn her!" the girl's chorus. That's their traditional execution? Damn it! I rather get burned dead than alive. I don't want to see my skin get burnt. The King raised his hand that made his children shut up.

"Minister." The King called the man on the second step of the stage of thrones. I just noticed that the thrones have the sculptures of dragons. It was quite impressive because it is cool. "Send an execution letter on the Highest Kingdom and to all Kingdoms. Tell them that we caught a human."

"That's absurd!" I complain. I am not going to die. Not now. "How could you execute someone that even doesn't understand your sickness!? What kind of people are you?"

"We are the highnesses of this Kingdom. And we can execute people we wished to die." The King told in terror. "Don't worry dear, you won't die today. In four days, your execution is held. In terms of simple torture, I wished to thirst you and hunger you."

I can't complain anymore. I glare at Flame as they pull me up which almost makes my arms separated from my body. These scumbags! I will survive the death no matter what. I was thrown back on the cold cell again. Without my bag and my sword and archer. Damn it! But I should plan an escape. In four days, I will die if I did not escape on this Pyr hell.

I stood and walk around the small cell. There's a light coming out from a small window that has bars. There's no way to escape from here. I sat back on the cold ground and lean my back on the concrete cold wall. There's another footstep coming and light of the torch. I don't assume that it was someone to help me.

I glare at the silhouette of a lady in a long gown. She smiles at me and lifted my bag. I stood and walk towards her.

"Why do you have my bag?"

"I stole it there." She pointed out the direction where she came from. She moved the fire to me which makes me moved back. "I had stories about you from Flame."

"Stories like what?"

"Like you came back from death." She grins. I sigh and rolled my eyes. "I'm Flavia, the third daughter of King Hadrian." She extended the bag to me and I still have to pull it hard from the bars. The yellow-headed girl smiles at me. Why is she keep smiling?

"You see, Flavia, I don't come back from death. Let's say, it was another person who died which we are both identical. But I don't come back from death."

"And that person?" why is she interested? I zip open my bag and pull out the tumbler. I drank from it.

"Her name is Adhiti. The ex-girlfriend or the lover of Nicholas. He said that he was a Prince here if you know him."

"Everyone knows him. The handsome-bulky lovable man." She said in dreamy eyes. I frown at it. "He's a very gracious man that I've ever known. Also, he's good at everyone, mostly in pleasuring women." She winks at me.

"I had heard." I nod. She still smiles at me. Seriously, this girl is sick. How old is she? "How old exactly are you?" I asked her.

"I am older than you expect, Catastrophe. You see, we don't get easily old in this world. Oh, by the way. I love your name. Do you want me to refill your—" she looked at the tumbler that I am holding. I drank the whole of it and gave it to her.

"It is called a tumbler." She nods. She was about to step away but I speak. "Oh, if you saw Flame. Could you please tell him that I missed his kisses and if I could borrow an earphone?"

"Earphone?" she thought of what it will be. "Oh!" Good girl. She had realized what kind of thing the earphone is. I lay down back on the cold floor and find something inside my bag. I am hungry and there's a sandwich left. I'm so sorry, Ruin. But I am really hungry and you are nowhere to be found. I take a bite on the sandwich and waited for Flavia.

Footsteps are coming and there's Flame grinning from ear to ear. I wiped my lips and finished all my sandwich before standing and going to him. He raised his hand and wiggles his forefinger signing me to come to him. He lifted my big tumbler and the earphones. I decided to stand and walk towards him. I hold in the bars and tilt my head.

I gasped when he wrapped his arms around me until I am all pressed on the cold bars. He moved his face closer to mine as he gaped ready to kiss me. I open my lips ready to kiss him back. But instead of kissing him, I grabbed the headphones and tumbler and pushed him.

"Thank you very much Flame."

"I thought you missed my kisses?"

"I don't miss any single piece of you Flame." I check the headphones and glare at him. "You wanted me dead and it is enough to know that you are really like your half-sister. Good thing that Andrew break up with her. I hate her so much."

He held his chest like he was hurt. He pouted and wiped the imaginary tear.

"If I only get into your panties, you won't resist me. But Nick would kill me that's why I stayed away on making love to you. Also, he's the only truthful friend I have. Even though I had been harassing you many times, he only threatened me and told me to limit it."

"If ever you saw Nick." I put down the headphones and the tumbler and walk towards him. I scoop his cheek and he gently held it. I pull my hand back and clench it hard as it hit his face. He stepped back and hold the cheek I punched. "Pass him the message. At least I could give him that message before I die." He only smiled at me. What does he know that I don't? And why is he smiling like that?

"You don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

"Nick is getting married." He told. "But don't worry, I will pass your message." He walks out like it was nothing to me.

I heard shattering of glasses. Is it me who shatters? Nick, is getting married? I can't fucking believe that. My knees get jelly and I fall down the ground. Warm sorrowful tears fall from my eyes.

"Good thing that I will die."