Flame of Pyr Part 1

﴿Prince Nicholas of Erā﴾

I throw a small pouch of silver quarts to the captain of the ship that will sail on the way to the Pyr for trading. Good thing that they did not recognize me because I cover up my face only to show my eyes. I have a feeling that the sea will be with me tonight.

"Pyr, it is." The Captain said and they help me let my horse rode on the ship. Three nights to sail straight to the Pyr. One night for stopping to the Hydōr and sail again on the second night. It is hard to sail straight to the Pyr because of the thing that every sailor and pirates fear. The sea monsters.

I sat on the vacant big barrel and pulls out the cloth. I peek on the thing that Princess Amanda gave me. My eyes widen on the pendant of the silver necklace. The tear of the mermaid. Tears of the mermaid become a real pearl and it will keep the person who is wearing it safe and not a single knife won't kill the person. I immediately cover it and put it back on my pocket making sure that I won't lose it.

We are sailing and I wonder on the deck and watch the waters. The sun is high and the water is clear and clean like it is seducing me to jump and enjoy the water. If Adhiti was here with me, she won't ever resist the water. I wonder how she is. I wanted to know from Flame that he's taking care of her and won't starve her.

I observed the crew doing their works, tying up ropes, releasing the wings as the wind blows. I cannot stop wondering how she is. I just hoped that they won't hurt. Pyr has a less of torture when executing sometimes, they end the person immediately without any trail. But not in other Kingdoms. Other Kingdoms practice torture, mostly in the Kingdom of Hydōr, Erā, and Psychē. Although, Psychē practice torture, they have to make a long process of trial before the execution.

"From what Kingdom are you from?" one of the crew asked or I guess the co-captain. I just looked at him. "Perhaps, you are from Psychē? Boy, you sailed in the wrong timing today. The weather looks so good but deadly. There's an unexpected storm coming and it is very dangerous. This is another sorrowful, ire storm. The Goddess might be in some pain that causes her lover." I looked at him quizzically. Goddess? Did he believe that the Goddess causes storms? All I know is that the Queen of Aēr causes it because of her uncontrollable anger.

"You said that it is another sorrowful, ire storm. What do you intend to say?"

He grins showing a gold tooth in the very middle. If I am not mistaken, he cannot be a co-captain of a ship only doing business but a Pirate who ended up in merchant's ship.

"Three years ago, the storm that came into our world is from the anger of mother nature. Did you felt how strong and disastrous it is?"

Yes, I had noted it. It was a night when Adhiti disappears. I get back to our Kingdom but everything started becoming disastrous and even outside the world. Nature is mad.

"It is the same thing on how the Princess became furious when his father takes away the human that she loves most."

The Princess is with her soul mate at that time. I know the story. It comes from my mother who is the great friend of the Princess. My mother who devoted her life to the Princess. A tremendous thunder vibrates the whole world that shakes everyone's fear. The captain told to sail quickly to the island of Hydōr. The wind gets stronger as it leads us to the Hydōr.

I helped them tying the ropes for it to be easy and save us all. This is my first time sailing on a stormy day. The storm starting to fast like a tear from the eye. I know that she will be safe inside the dungeon but it makes me still worried that she's all alone, cold, and hungry. I am all sure that they will starve her, but not Flame. I just wished that he will take care of her.

"The Goddess's grief! Don't let her feed you on the sea monsters!" The Captain scowls at us. I wonder who they are talking to. It isn't Calypso or Galatea they are talking. They won't make a big disaster for the sailors. A large thunder hits the five mountains on the east, west, north, and south.

The sky gets darker and the wind splashes together with the mad sea on our ship. Then, it suddenly stopped for a while. The sea and wind calm for a moment then we heard singing. I had noticed that the voice was enormously familiar.

"They say you have a new love, I'm happy for you to love. I just don't wanna meet her, are you gonna keep her? Cause I don't wanna see you with her, I don't wanna see her face resting on your embrace, feet standing in my place… Just let me die, then…"

Every one of us got mesmerized in her voice. I look upon the sky and single water drops from above into my forehead. It was her tear. The Goddess is in grief. Then, another drop falls and it started raining on us heavily. Big drops of rain make me all sorrow.

"Hurry up boy! There's no time for stopping!" The Co-Captain pushed me to wake me up.

We had reached one of the islands of the Hydōr yet we stayed on the water while the anchors are down. I go down where my horse is and gently caressed his nose bridge. I lay down on the hammock near my horse and stare at the rocking lantern on the post near me.

Then, the storm stops like nothing happened like it was a miracle. And the sailors get up from their hammocks and get ready for sailing again. I decided to go out and my eyes widen on how calm the sky and the ocean.

"She finally had fallen asleep." The Co-Captain told me.