Flame of Pyr Part 2

﴿Prince Flame of Pyr﴾

I was standing and looking out the window. Watching how beautifully the thunders hits the five mountains of east, west, south, and north. I suddenly feel guilty as I was the reason why the Goddess is in grief. Did I provoke one of her daughters? Is Adhiti or should I say Catastrophe is her daughter?

I decided to pick a few fruits and a bottle of wine and a blanket and walk towards the dungeon. My father who eyed me frowns. I looked at the direction where he came from and eyed him too.

"Perhaps did you visit the prisoner?" I asked him.

"She's singing well, and I still wonder what makes her lonely though I know the reason." The King mumbled.

"You'll never know. Look how the Goddess is with her. It is storming in the whole world." I told him as we peered out the window.

"I'll pretend of not seeing you." He turns back and headed to the second floor of the castle. My father is not a mad King. He has to be cruel sometimes for some reason that nobody will ever tame our Kingdom. I walk down the dungeon and the guards pretend of not seeing me.

I stopped from taking another step when I finally realized that I was hearing her singing in grief. I cause her that. Maybe because I am falling for her. I am falling on my best friend's girlfriend. I walk towards her and peek on her face. She's crying. She stopped singing and hugged herself while sobbing hard. She doesn't hear me coming because she's wearing my headphones.

When she had noticed me, she only glanced at me and lean back her head on the wall. I enter the vacant unlocked cell just right next to her cell and there are bars between us. I sat beside her with bars between us and put the blanket near her and fruits also the wine. She did not remove her headphones. I gently pull it down.

"I'm sorry." She put it back and wiped her tears. I open the wine and gave it to her. Damn, I forgot about giving her a glass. She took it and swig the whole bottle to her mouth. I just watch her drown herself on the wine. I even have to put the blanket around her but she always pushed me away. "It is not that uncomfortable here." I stammer.

She's crying while drinking and I just waited for her to fall asleep so I could cover the blanket around her and removed the headphones from her ears and turn off her phone.

"Do you love her?" my heart almost jumped when I heard Flavia's voice out the cell where I am. She has another blanket with her and apples. I stood and took it from her. "Father told me that you are here and he pretends that he doesn't saw you bringing her a blanket." She lightens the torch on the post. "She's not evil." She said. "Then why do you want to execute her?"

"Nick loves her very much," I told. Flavia is my only sister that is not crazy. Mostly, my brothers and sisters are psychopaths and that includes my half-sister. She smiles and looked at Adhiti.

"Nick loves her very much that's why you wanted to kill her?" she asked me like it doesn't make sense. I won't tell her what I know. Burning her is the only way to save her. And Nick will be here in three days. I called the guards and told them to open her cell and they did. I carried her and put her on the other cell where there's a prisoner's bed. Then Flavia helped me carry her things.

Early in the morning, I woke up with the sound of a dove on my window. I immediately get up and pull the ribbon on her foot. There's a small piece of paper and I immediately open it.

Please don't let her suffer. I'm saving her, Flame. In the penmanship, I know where it came from. Nick. She'll be safe. I walk towards my study table and write back a message.

﴿ Adhiti ﴾

My head hurt and I would think that my heart won't hurt again but damn, there is still a pang of pain. Fuck him! If I got a chance on seeing him again, I will kill him. After everything, he will just marry another woman. I thought that he wanted me to marry him?! Damn him.

I looked around myself and I just realized that I wasn't in a cold no bed and bathroom cell. My bag is there too. Maybe Flame was too worried about me that's why he put me here. I looked for my tumbler and grabbed it as I drank from it. There are fruits and really? I thought that they would starve me here to die. Why the King did not know about it? He was the one who said in my face that I will starve from hunger and thirst.

"Why didn't they just kill me now?" I murmur to myself. I took the apple and eat it madly.

This is my second day here. In two days, I will be ashes. So, what I did is just walking around the small cell. I decided to remove my jacket or I should say, Nick's jacket and do pushups. I just felt the cold amulet on my chest and I pull it. I stare and check the amulet. Diamond shape amulet has five symbols inside. On the first left there's a silhouette of a woman half of her body is a tail of fish, on the right next is a Dragon and down the Dragon is a face of a bull, next to the bull is a bird then on the very middle is some kind of a face of the person with wings and a body of a tiger. What kind of thing it is? It is quite familiar to me.

I immediately insert it on my shirt when footsteps are coming. I stood and leaned on the wall. A playful smile of a man is the first thing I met which is creepy. The guard opens the cell and he enters. Now, what does he want?

"I'm the second son."

"I don't care," I said coldly. He smiles and looked at the bed and to me. He's creepy. A sick one.

"I like those fierce ladies. I also don't think that you are a human. Humans cannot trespass over the portal to our world except she has the blood of immortal."

"Of course, I am extraordinary. Everyone on the Academy has peculiar powers."

"I see." He murmurs and sat down on my bed. Damn him! "So, what is it that Flame likes about you? I saw him from here last night. And he had moved you in a more comfortable cell."

"Why won't you ask him? Am I the person who knows everything about men's arousal?" I scoff and folded my arms. He looked at me from head to toe and the most thing that he did that freak me out is licking his lips. Fucking shit! He's sick!

"Oh, I do love to know about that."

"What is it that you want from me? Prince's don't usually visit a captive."

"I do visit them, mostly if they are someone who I could fuck as torture." My eyes widen. Shit, I will not ever be going to fuck with this man. He stood and move closer to me. I tighten my arms to myself. "Father doesn't care about what kind of torture that I would give to our prisoners." He caressed my hair that makes me shivers and mostly goosebumps all over my body.

"Hush, love. I will be careful not if you don't want to."

"Get, off, me," I warn him. I have to get ready for defense. He jolts my wrists spreading, and pinning it on the wall. His crotch pressed to mine so I won't resist him. His lips started crushing on mine that makes me groaned. He violently kissed me down on my neck immediately leaving hickeys. "Get off!" I scream at him and started resisting him. I twisted my body that makes him stepped back.

I pushed him hard and kick his weakness. His precious penis. Then, I smack his face with my feet again. Since that I am going to die, I would just kill him literally. I did not stop hitting him with my feet. Jolting his stomach and head.

"You fucking asshole!"

The guards had noticed what I had done to the Prince. So, they came together with Flame. I did not stop fucking hitting him. Flame hugged me tight to stop while I keep screaming at his brother. The guards were about to hit her, but Flame stop them. They helped the Prince to get up and he glared at me deadly. I was about to attack and turn his nose to his mouth, but this fucking Flame tighten his grip around me.

"Enough now." He raises his voice to me. "Put him outside." He demands to the guards and the guards helped him. But since a lady had beaten his thing, he pushed them and walk out himself though he is bare can move his body.

He faced me and wiped something under my eyes. I just realized that I was crying.

"Did you know that your anger gives a strong thunder on one of our trees?" I did not understand him well and I just pushed him. I turn back from him and hold on the cold bars. I just realized that I was out of breath and my heart is crazily palpating in anger.

"I'm sorry that I did not come sooner. I will make sure that he won't ever touch you again."

I breathed heavily and gripped tight on the bars as my hands started burning it.

"Don't do that." He whispers as he holds my hand. "They should not know…" he murmurs. It was odd that Flame is acting that way. Somehow, he acted the same way when Nick saw what I did on the water.