Patrick Patterson

==Patrick Patterson==

It's been three days since we sent Adhiti to the world where she belongs. The Headmistress and the President have been asking us where we are hiding her. Including her mentor Calise who looked all so worried. Marissa said that she didn't even know. It is part of her acting that she woke up without Adhiti inside the room.

"May I asked why you are looking for her?" she asked a little irritated because everyone is asking and keep on asking since she's Catastrophe's roommate. Even my parents are asking as part of our little play. "Since Nick is not her mentor, she could run away the academy as she wishes. And if you keep asking me about her again, you rather search her around because I don't know where in hell she goes?!"

"Keep down your voice, Miss Gregory!" Leona strictly told. Marissa sigh and rolled her eyes.

"How would I keep my voice down if you keep insisting that I am hiding her? Why would I hide her if I wanted to be with her because she looks so much alike with my best friend?" she broke her voice and a tear falls from her eyes. Job well done my love.

"Okay, since she doesn't know where Adhiti is, we should just look for her?" her mentor said. Why are they looking for her? I looked into Leona's eyes and she's not herself.

"Why are you looking for her? My brother told her that she can leave the academy whenever she wanted."

"Because, Miss Gregory, it is not your business to care if we wanted something from her." Leona blurted. Simple, they wanted her dead like Adhiti.

"Miss Gregory, you can leave now." The President told. "She knows something. She should be dead too." I got a little nervous because Marissa's acting didn't affect her. Seeking into her thought would save everyone and that includes the woman that I love.

Marissa exited the door and Andrew was the next one to get interrogated. He was just cool but keep himself looking quizzical. He looked at everyone around and ended looking at Leona who has this piercing eyes on him.

"Am I getting interrogated?"

"Andrew, if you know where Catastrophe is tell them." My father said. Andrew smirks and leans on the chair comfortably.

"This chair is very comfortable, I should buy one for my room." I think I know what he means. Leona flushes. Oh, so they did it on that couch. If I should have known sooner, I wouldn't let my Marissa sat on that chair.

"Where is Catastrophe?" Leona asked calmly. Andrew looked at her playfully.

"I wouldn't tell if know." He laughs and wiped a tear from his right eye. "Okay!" he hands up for them to stop glaring. "I helped her escape because she wanted to be with her aspie father. She told me that you wouldn't let her even go out of the Academy because she has this feeling that you will kill her."

Everyone is surprised by what he just said. Nice work, brother. They looked at me suspecting me since he's my brother.

"Oh, he's not into Catastrophe's plan because he's too busy sleeping that night. Exhausted on something." Now, why is he implying something about me and Marissa?

"Where is she?" Calise furrows at him. It was very intimidating but Andrew never became intimidated.

"Why would I tell you if I helped her escaped? You see, I made a promise to her. And I never break promises." He emphasized the word glancing at Leona. "You can search her around, she's probably with her father now." He stood without even giving some respect. "Since my sister is dead and Catastrophe is gone, I don't want to be in this Academy anymore." He walked towards Leona who he seductively looked at. "And we could be together again without any rules." He smacked her lips which I know he's disgusted and saluted to the President. My parents looked so baffled on what he did. "Au revoir!"

He opens the door and was about to step out but he raised his forefinger and faced us again when he forgot something.

"Oh, I will start packing." Then he exited the door. I stressfully lean my forehead on my knuckles. The President called my name and I looked at her.

He's our last chance to know where she is. She said through her mind.

"Make sure that you'll know where your brother left Catastrophe."

"May I asked why all of you are too obsessed with finding her?"


After a few minutes, I decided to go to my sister's room. Marissa is there and though I am prohibited to go there again, I did my best to go into that room and told the Manager that I will help Marissa packing up Adhiti's things and to bring it back to our house.

I open the door and found her sitting on Adhiti's bed. I close it behind me and sat beside her. She moved a little away and lay down her head on my lap. I gently caressed her hair and then I hold her hand.

"You are no longer safe here, Marissa," I told her.

"But I wanted to be at your side always."

"I promise to visit you always. Just stay at your parent's house. You are safer there. I will also make sure that Andrew will not let anything harm you." She sat up and pushed me down. I lay my back on the bed and she moved her legs astride me. She sat on top of me and started kissing me where I immediately respond. We also didn't notice the opening of the door because we are into each other.

"Oh, please, not on my sister's bed," Andrew complains. Marissa moved away from me. "Get up now, horny brother. Let's start packing up."

We started packing things that Catastrophe had touched and to burn them. Marissa had told me that in the Kingdom of Psychē they have these elders that can know what happened through touching the last thing that the person uses or touches. Like Andrew did when he had found Adhiti's amulet. He also had found out that Adhiti is not in our bloodline. However, we loved her dearly.

Everything that Andrew had touch he is trying to seek what happened. He shook his head when he held one of Adhiti's towels where Catastrophe probably used.

"Even Nick harassed her after the shower." He murmurs. He looked at me and I grimaced. "But they never did something far." He explained. Good thing.

After thirty minutes we are done packing and we started moving it out the dormitory. Andrew put it on the cart to deliver it to the parking lot. I helped Marissa on taking the few boxes. I told her to never pick the heavy one but she's insisting. I have to frown at her before she gave up. Eliza who had noticed us approach us.

"We are moving out Adhiti's things. She's not going to come back ever." I told her. Her eyes suddenly become lonely however, her thoughts say the opposite. I don't know what's with her but somehow, she's hard to read.

She's just easy to read when she's showing full of emotions when there's Nick or Catastrophe. I know how much she hates my sister because Nick loves her and now Catastrophe. She hates her very much. My sister shows a kindness that every sister would show for her sister but I guess she never did.

"I'll help."

"It's all right. We are already done."

Andrew immediately drove back to our house while Marissa stays in the room. She's going to pack up too because I am sending her to our house. Since it is the weekend, I could stay with her for the whole weekend. Her father and mother still don't know that she's always sleeping with me or more like staying at our house. I could work that out.

"Sleep, don't wait for me," I told her. She nods and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. She's sleeping in my room. She's not a student of Academy anymore because she already had graduated but when Catastrophe appears she insisted on going back and to know more about Catastrophe. We all know that Catastrophe and Adhiti are one and she just pretends to be somebody for her safety.

After two minutes of hugging and kissing, I decided to let her go. I went to my office for the consultation of my two apprentices. The very good thing about them is that they are obedient and aware of whatever is happening inside the academy. They are just like Adhiti. A curious one. Last night Jean died not because of the monster but the same thing that happened to every student. They told me that nurses gave them some antidote that they called. I always advise them to never drink it.

"Mr. Patterson, I would like to know if it is true that your sister is the girl name Catastrophe," Clarence asked the boy who can control things through his mind, but never control a living thing.


Author's Note:

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--The Illusionist
