Patrick Patterson: Unveiling the Enemy

"It is not a thing to ask about Clarence." I pull out a book and gave it to him. "I know that reading bores you, but you have to know all of these. This book is from another world. A history of the five kingdoms. It is from Nicholas and there is a chance that you could go there."

"Cool, but is this necessary? I mean, the title of the book is Shakespeare's Journal."

"I cover it with different book cover because this is a secret." He lazily took it with a sigh.

"Alright." I face the boy who doesn't talk so much in lots of people. A boy who could dream things that will happen. I called it vision and it was a precious gift. He looked pale and scared of something. He had dreamed bad and it cannot get out of his mind.

"You want us to be alone?" I asked him. He nods. Clarence immediately stood because he knows that he cannot speak if there's another person. Davin didn't look at me directly. Staring at his eyes will make me see the exact happenings of his visions.

"I will save a hot chocolate mug at your room, bro." he tapped Davin and leave the office closing my door.

He leans back on his seat and looked into my eyes. I'm scared that this is nearly coming to us. He said on his mind. I hold his wrist and moved closer to him and stare into his eyes.

I suddenly fall into his vision. I was in a beautiful garden in extraordinary butterflies glowing and flying around. I saw a beautiful lady wearing a white gown. She looks like my sister, Adhiti but she has golden hair. She looked at me and lifted her hand then, I was in a different scene again. I saw my sister standing in the middle of the crowd all tied up as people chanting of burn, burn, burn.

There are different visions of the Five Kingdoms, first, the Pyr, second the Hydōr, third the Erā, next is Aēr and lastly the Psychē. There are two mad Kings. The tree of five faces that tells me about the death of the prophecy. What prophecy? Then I saw my sister who was executed in the three kingdoms but never get killed.

Then, what makes me all nervous is my Marissa who is crying alone in the darkroom calling my name. When I saw her face when the lights turned on, she wasn't in any room here in our world but a tower of the castle. I was about to pull myself out from the vision but Davin didn't let me.

I saw a person in a black cloak and a black mask. I can tell who she is because of her eyes that can change color anytime she wanted. She pulls out the sword and that sword, I know who owns it. Adhiti. She killed a man that I guess a royal Lord. She saved my Marissa… another scene again. A scene that is out the boundary of the five kingdoms.

A scene of people who wanted justice. People, who are never accepted into their world. Then, the last scene that I saw was very terrifying. That makes me and Davin clasped out on our grip. I lean on my table breathless and looked at him who is also exhausted as I was.

I immediately grabbed two glasses of water and I gave him one. I drank every drop of water on my glass and looked at him.

"They will come to us." He murmurs. I breathed and pour another water. Adhiti is in danger. Marissa too… all of us are in danger. I walk towards him and grabbed his hand.

"We have to warn everyone that the highest council never knew," I told him.


"Gather every people who are aware of the deaths in the same disease. I don't know how to gather them, but if ever I leave this world. Do me a favor, Davin. For every one of us." He is hesitating because he's afraid as I was. But I have to be strong. Davin needed to be strong. "Please, Davin. It will save us all."

"The five faces, I have to talk to them."

"How are you going to talk to them?"

"They know about the prophecy. We have to save the savior before it kills us all."

The five faces… I know something about it. Then I recall the night where we help my sister escaped. She's talking about the five voices inside the tree. That's it! The portal to the other world is the tree. The five faces.

I brought her to the tree and he held on it. He looks like talking to the five faces that are holding the prophecy but I have to grab him down and pulled him away from the tree when I heard people coming. We hid under the big root of the big tree. A person wearing a black cloak and Leona stopped in front of the tree.

"I had hoped that they are not suspecting you. I am very much sure that Adhiti is Catastrophe though it had seemed different in your vision."

Vision? Another one who has visions? Who is he? He's not a he but a she. I can feel her aura. A feminine aura.

"My vision never fool me." There, the voice. It is familiar and I had heard it somewhere. I know that voice. "But Catastrophe? She fools me." Her hatred of Catastrophe. I know her…

The portal towards the other world opens and lots of sparks flies are around and she enters there. Leona immediately left. I shut Davin on his amusement. I lay down on the ground for a moment and recall the voice of the woman in the black cloak. Why do I have a mental block right now?

"Eliza…" I suddenly murmur. I immediately get up and walk towards the tree and hold on the trunk. "Dammit!" I murmur and clenches my fist. Eliza. Eliza is the mastermind of killing my sister. She can see visions too. She's the one who motivated Leona and the Headmistress to kill Adhiti.

"She can see visions too." Davin murmurs. "That's why her face never appears in my dream." I faced him and told him to do his thing quick and he did. I have to grab him out because he's barely moving. He's all exhausted. Good thing that Clarence saw us leaving the office and go after us.

I walk straight to my room and found Marissa sleeping already on my bed. She might be waiting for me but then she falls asleep. I take a quick warm shower and put my pajamas on and slipped under the warm duvet at her side. I took her hand and gently put it on my cheek as I stare at her face sideways. It wakes her up so she eventually hugged me and pillowed on my chest.

After five minutes, I fall fast asleep but the visions of Davin playback inside my mind. My sister's execution, the laugh of the Aēr Queen who looked so amused on her bravery on jumping to meet her death. The beautiful smile of the Goddess in the golden hair who sang lullaby on the sleeping Adhiti.

The love of Nick to my sister who concurred everything just for her safety. But there is my Marissa who was kidnapped by her father. The Mad King and a psychopath who wanted her to marry someone that she doesn't want to. A person that is also mad and has agreed with wealth. A person who made girls his slave in every way. I cannot let them get my Marissa.

And the very last thing and terrifying are… The army of death.

I woke up breathless with her above me who wake me up all this time. She gave me cold water and I drank it all.

"Are you alright?" I instantly hugged her tight just hugged her for minutes.

She started preparing a midnight snack since she's hungry and I need to eat to lessen my frustration. I did not tell her about my dreams or what I know. I simply hugged her from behind while she's preparing food. I sink my face on the crook of her neck.

"Patrick, you know that I can't move freely when you keep doing that."

"Let's stay like this for a moment."

My body doesn't want to leave her ever. Every second passes I felt more worried that she would get kidnapped. I don't want that. Nobody would want it except for those who are evil and heartless. I loved her dearly and I never told her about that.

"Eliza killed my sister." I murmur. The spoon that she's holding clings down on the marble kitchen counter. "She got visions. I wouldn't let her come closer to you or Catastrophe ever again." She held her shaking hand and leans on me.

"Patrick, a-are you sure?" she asked afraid that I'm not joking around. I would never joke like that. Eliza is her best friend and she knew her. Although she knows her, she's afraid that Eliza would kill her friend.


Author's Note:

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