Patrick's Son


        After what my father said, I knew that it's time. Adhiti might already found the dragons.

I take my Darius upstairs to my room. The servants had readied the bath. 

I managed to calm my father after my birds indeed show him on the poverty that is happening in the Aēr. 

The servants leave the food on the table as I undress my beloved.

"I can't believe that I am here," Darius said softly as he reached my face. "I'm sorry, my hands are probably dirty."

"I don't mind. I'll bath you." I tiptoed and kissed his lips and it became passionate.

"By the way," he also started removing my dress. "Our daughter said that we should start making her siblings."

        I laughed at what he said and then I stepped out from my dress and take him to the bathroom. He dipped in first and I took the scrub and a deep and poured water over his head.