Zylvia's Bloodline

After watching his wife eat her breakfast and leaving her with their queen, Kaldrek headed for the library. He had a whole lot of things he wanted to study. He needed to help his king figure out a way to deal with the threat of the Grimshades and he also wanted to figure his own wife's bloodline out. Both things were something that study might shed some light on.

Kaldrek had always possessed an inquisitive spirit and the more he studied the more he thirsted to know. There had been an occasion once where Jayesh had yelled at him because he had hidden himself away in the library a week straight – which would not have bothered his best friend too much if it was not for the fact that he totally forgot to eat. That had been years ago.

Actually, Kaldrek had gotten a little bit better. Ever since he had met Zylvia he had not been as likely to just hole himself up for long stretches of time. This was because of the new interest he had acquired; he had often made excuses to find a way to see her, even before he had realized that that was what he was doing. Of course, it still had not fixed him entirely but at least he would accompany the king outside to see the girls and did not go more than a day of not eating.

Even though he had become less liable to just closet himself away with books, which was probably very good for his health, he was still exceptionally good at studying and finding information. He probably would have already figured Zylvia's bloodline out if it was not due to the simple fact that he kept getting distracted by her, which was something he would never complain about.

Even when she was not around, his mind kept thinking about her. Everything about her was so… well he thought it was perfect. Even her flaws made her dear to him. Kaldrek really did not care that others might think her vivid red hair made her look like she was dangerous, to him it made her look unique. Like his ears.

Kaldrek shoved the thoughts of his beloved wife out of his head, while he loved her dearly he really needed to focus. Kaldrek would never claim that love made him weak, but it could be very distracting. Which was fine, but he needed to concentrate. As much as he found himself loving getting distracted.

Kaldrek pulled some books off the shelves, hopefully one of them would have something useful. As he diligently studied he lost himself in his work and got entirely caught up in what he was studying.

He actually did find some useful information that might help him with what the king needed. Some special wards as well as some special scrying spells that might help pinpoint the location of the assassins. Though he was not sure, while he was better at divination than he was at enchantment it was not his strong suit. Simple divination – he could do that easily. However, this was more complicated and divination was notorious for being the most difficult type of magic to do right. Especially the longer the distance.

He sighed and put it aside, he could always look for a focus he supposed. Or he could see if Zylvia could help him. After all, there was research that indicated that divination grew easier the more people that helped. Still, an oracle would have been highly useful, as they were known for their ability to see very far – sometimes without any spells at all. It was fascinating and Kaldrek had often wished to meet one of the rare chosen.

As it was still only mid-morning, Kaldrek started to read the books on different magical lineages. He fund several that looked possible and marked them. However, after searching for over an hour, he stopped, after reading one particular very rare bloodline.

A blush came up his cheeks as he realized that this particular bloodline seemed to describe the way Zylvia's magic worked perfectly. The bloodline had been named 'Nilaren', and had both fairy and genie blood in it. This led to a combination of the enchantments that Fae creatures were good with and the wish magic of genies.

Nilaren sorcerers' magic was unlocked in exactly the way his lady's had been. Through charm magic used to make someone drastically attracted to the caster. Not only that they were noted as being known for their magical reserves that could be tapped into by other sorcerers, something that seemed to describe what he had known about Zylvia for a while.

He leaned back, feeling flustered. Zylvia was most likely one of these Nilaren sorcerers, something he felt a bit uncomfortable telling her. As Nilarens were basically wired to be lovers, he was not sure how she would take such knowledge. Even if he was not just attracted to her for her bloodline he was afraid that she might think he was. But he knew he needed to tell her anyway.