Abnormal Behavior

The morning had passed quickly, and soon Zylvia walked her best friend to the dining hall. Jayesh met them there, and the young princess and knight were already eating. Because she did not see her husband, Zylvia asked the two if he had already left. Hazel shook her head, so Zylvia took leave of them all.

She knew he had been going to be in the library that morning and also knew that what he was doing was not so important that he should skip a meal for it. She figured he had gotten caught up in his studies that he had totally forgotten about eating.

Zylvia figured that it was her duty to drag him to go eat something, something she was more than willing to do. She smiled at the thought, as she had become fully aware that her husband was very willing to be dragged all over by her.

When she entered the library she saw him sitting in a chair with a book on his lap, he had closed it and was now just gazing out with a slightly upset look on his face. She walked over and slipped her hands around his neck, "Something wrong, my dear sorcerer?"

He turned and looked at her and handed her the book, "I… I think I managed to find what bloodline you have…"

"That is wonderful!" She placed a kiss on his mouth, and felt him stiffen for a minute, which she found confusing. She knew that he liked her kisses, so why was he acting like this, "What's wrong?"

"I.." He smiled at her, though she saw a twinge of uncertainty in his eyes as if he was not sure what he needed to do, "I really do love you, everything about you not just…" He paused, "You'll understand once you read it…"

"Later, my lord," She looped her hand around his arm, "You can show me when we go to bed tonight, right now you are coming with me to eat lunch."

He smiled at her and pulled her closer, "Okay. We can do that. I just want you to know that… you mean a lot to me."

"You are acting funny, Kaldrek," She bumped her shoulder against his upper arm. "I know you care about me, no need to sound like your trying to assure me… I mean its nice to hear it, but you don't need to sound like something is eating you up."

Kaldrek smiled at her and leaned over to place a kiss right next to her ear, "Alright, love, I just had a bit of a shock."

He seemed to be feeling slightly better now, though his eyes still had a bit of that odd look in them. He kept glancing at her with a soft look in his eyes, one that she wanted to see there for the rest of their lives.

Perhaps some woman would be uncomfortable with the idea of only wanting to stay by a man's side, but Zylvia was perfectly okay with the idea. In fact, if it was him, she was even willing to admit it aloud, that the only thing she wanted in life was to be his lady.

Zylvia had never had huge aspirations in life. All she really wanted was a loving family of her own. Having been an orphan, it was understandable. Even though Celia had adopted her and taken care of her it had not been the same as having parents of her own.

Kaldrek though was different. He loved her for who she was, not just that she was the best he could have. She was painfully aware that Celia had taken her in to fill the void of her barren life, and would often treat her as if she was just a means to an end, even though she had always tried to deny it. Now that she had Kaldrek though it did not hurt as much to admit it.

It did still sting a little but Kaldrek's adoration of her really did ease it a lot. Having someone who was determined to spend his entire life treating her as if she was his life was everything that Zylvia had ever wanted.

Zylvia tightened her hold on his arm, squeezing it close to her as she looked up at him letting her feelings show on her face as plainly as she could. His eyes softened incredibly as he looked into her eyes and he snuck a kiss from her, his lips turning into a grin afterwards.

With a light hearted laugh she tugged on his arm again. They arrived at the dining hall and joined the others who were still eating.

Jayesh grinned at them, "You know, Kaldrek, Zylv is really good for you. You needed someone who would make sure you actually took care of yourself."

Kaldrek smiled wryly, "As much as I love my wife taking care of me, there were more important reasons for me to marry her."

Zylvia smiled at him before she began to eat her food. Every now and then she turned to her husband and had him try some of the food that she found specifically tasty. He returned the favor and fed her from his plate as well.