
When Zylvia suddenly bolted from the table covering her mouth, Fayre immediately got worried. Zylvia hardly ever had a stomach bug. She almost stood up to follow Zylvia but stopped when Kaldrek hurriedly ran after his wife.

Fayre acknowledged to herself that it was probably better that he went after the ill woman. Kaldrek was married to Zylvia and having her husband take care of her would no doubt leave a sweet feeling inside of her.

"Is she okay? She looked rather pale…" Hazel murmured softly.

Fayre turned and looked at the girl, considering her closely. It was obvious something was different about her today. She seemed to be happier, almost glowing with it. Finally she managed to speak, "I am sure that she will be fine. Most likely it is nothing."

After considering it for a few minutes, Fayre found herself thinking that Zylvia would be fine by morning. Even when the young woman had an upset stomach it never lasted long. If it did continue longer than Fayre would still not worry too much about it. There was only one thing that Fayre could think of that might throw off Zylvia's stomach for a lengthy period of time and that was nothing to be scared of.

So, Fayre concluded that either way Zylvia was fine. Besides, Kaldrek was with her. He might not be a doctor but he had some general knowledge on illnesses and treatment. All that study had to be good for something.

Hazel hesitated before nodding, "Alright. I guess crowding her would be the wrong thing to do anyway."

As they were speaking together, the princess's knight had continued buttering bread for his princess and now he slipped it back on her plate. It was strange to Fayre that the girl did not even seem to notice and ignored the action. Especially when it would have provided her opportunity to tease the man she loved.

Maybe the girl was so used to him doing things like that that they were no longer even fodder. She frowned realizing that she was always seeing Asrar do things like this. If she was Hazel, she would be so confused.

She narrowed her eyes looking at the knight. He had a small smile at the corners of his mouth that did surprise her as he looked at his princess fondly. Fayre wondered what exactly he thought of the girl. Did he love her back? Or did he view her as a sister?

Because the way he looked at her was filled with gentleness. It was definitely more than just friendship.

"My queen. You seem deep in thought." Fayre nearly jumped as she heard her husband's voice in her ear.

She threw a smile at her husband and kissed his cheek. A blush came to her cheeks as she realized that she had been doing it again. Matchmaking had been her hobby for years, it was something that Zylvia had always laughed at. But it was so much fun trying to figure out people who would fit well as a couple.

Unfortunately, most people did not appreciate it when you butted into their personal business like that. It was one thing to do it to Kaldrek as he really did need the help, but doing it to Hazel was most likely unnecessary. The girl was courageous in her feelings and fairly open about them.

"Its nothing my dear," She murmured softly and stood up, "I am going to bed, coming?"

Jayesh grinned at her and stood up, grasping her hand as he did so, "Of course, my sweet. Wouldn't miss it."

She hit her husband's chest lightly, "Behave."

"Yes, milady." His laughter was warm and deep, sending tingles down her spine. Fayre smiled to herself. Even after being married to him for two years he still managed to make her feel like a teenager in love. Oh, the butterflies and nervousness were gone, but it had left behind an even deeper affection.