Pay Me Back Later

Kaldrek had fallen asleep on her. Zylvia smiled as she brushed the hair away from his face. His face usually had a gentle look to it but he looked twice as innocent when asleep.

He must have been tired. Zylvia felt sorry for him. He definitely had a tendency to overwork himself, and without even noticing. It was the way he was. At least he enjoyed his job. Not everyone got to have their job and hobby rolled into one.

Her fingers continued threading through his hair. He could probably use a haircut, but Zylvia would never tell him that except jokingly. She loved his hair, the way it never laid flat. And it was so soft to the touch.

Zylvia eyed her husband and then leaned closer to him, decking her head back against his chest. She shuttered her eyes and tried to fall asleep. Her stomach still felt somewhat queasy, though much better than it had.

The worse thing was feeling nauseous like this was getting her hopes up. Mostly just because it was abnormal for her to feel this way. But it could be any number off things, there was no guarantee that she was pregnant. As much as she wished this was the case.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable she squirmed around, using Kaldrek's body to help relieve the unease of her stomach. It helped that, even in his sleep, his body naturally reacted to help her get comfortable.

She was probably overthinking things. She was most likely only run down from all the training. And it was probably just affecting her.

She took in a deep breath of her husband's scent. As usual, it made the muscles in her body relax just getting proof in her senses that he was here with her. As her body relaxed, her eyes drooped and it was not long before she fell asleep.

She woke up to being gently kissed on her forehead. Even though she was awake she burrowed deeper into the warmth of her husband underneath her. "Nnn."

She felt his shoulders shake even before the soft chuckle left his mouth. His hands moved through her hair, twirling the strands around his fingers. The gentle tugs had a soothing quality to them.

"How are you feeling? Better than yesterday?" Though she was not looking at his face, Zylvia knew that Kaldrek had a gentle look on his face as he said this.

She thought about it for a few minutes, "I feel fine when laying like this. But, yeah, I think that I am still feeling some nausea."

"Oh, dear." His hands stilled for a moment from stroking her hair, "Are you sick? Is there anything I can do?"

She pulled back from him, sitting up on his waist. He looked so concerned. "I'm fine, Kaldrek." She could not yet tell him what she hoped was going on with her, not till she was sure. She did not want to get his hopes up if she was not.

But she had yet to have her monthly, so she was considering that there was a good possibility that her husband had in fact managed to impregnate her.

Fayre might have a better idea. She had been the one who used to work with pregnant woman a lot. Zylvia knew that she lacked knowledge on the subject, only knowing the barest facts that she had heard people mention.

As she stood up, she realized that her nausea was disappearing. She smiled at her husband and kissed him, "Really, I feel fine. It's gone now."

He sighed in relief and ruffled her hair, "I love you, Zylv." He placed his hand on the side of her face, cupping her cheek gently, as his other hand pulled her into a hug. After staring into her eyes for a moment, he leaned forward gently leaning his forehead on hers, "I hate seeing you even mildly uncomfortable. I am glad you are feeling better."

She caught his mouth with hers, leaning into him, and wrapping her arms around him. When she broke away from him, she looked at him shyly, "I know. It's in every action you do towards me."

His eyes lit up hearing her, "Good. Then I am doing a good job."

The look of satisfaction on her husband's face made Zylvia burst into laughter. Her eyes met his and she smiled at him.

He leaned towards her and kissed her again, pulling her close to him, "I have half a mind just to keep you here all morning…"

"Can you imagine how we would be teased?" A giggle left her lips. "I mean, with our friends?"

"Half the morning, then?"

"I kinda want to talk to Fayre." She tilted her head at him, "But I can give you an hour?"

He grinned at her, "Fair enough. I'll take an hour of your time. But you owe me more later."

"Alright. With a life time to repay you… I am sure I can manage to do so."

He ducked his head back down to hover by her lips, "Yep. But I was thinking more like tonight for you paying me back." His kiss pressed against her lips, as he stole her breath and made her knees go weak.