Marriage Is Teamwork

Zylvia felt nervous as she waited on her friend to show up. To calm herself down, she started to work with her hands. It was working and soon she was focused entirely on the cloth that she was holdin.

So much so that she nearly jumped when Fayre entered. Her best friend smiled at her happily, "Hey, Zylv. Are you feeling better now? I was worried about you last night a bit."

Zylvia grinned and lowered her eyes, "Yeah… I think I worried Kaldrek as well, but I feel better now. Ate breakfast, so…"

"Good." Fayre smiled, "Do you have any idea what caused it? It is not exactly normal for you to get that way."

"I…" Zylvia lowered her gaze, "I have a hope for the reason, but I am not sure…"

Fayre smiled brightly, "Yeah. Nausea can be a sign of pregnancy. Do you think you are?"

"I am not an expert, Fayre. I hope I am but I figure it is probably too early to tell."

Despite saying it like this. Zylvia felt very light hearted. Fayre seemed to be considering it as a possibility too and well she could not stop the thrill that went through her at the prospect.

Fayre started asking some personal questions and Zylvia answered them all to her best ability. She noticed that Fayre was grinning broadly.

"Well Zylv. I think that the possibility of you and Kaldrek having made a life is pretty high. I would not say absolute but you should probably mention it to your husband."

"But if I am not…."

"Then he will have to try harder, obviously. Besides he should probably know why you would be upset, don't you think? You are a team, remember? So, don't hide your hopes from him."

Zylvia smiled as her best friend gently lectured her. Fayre was right. It would not be fair to Kaldrek if she did not confide in him. He did everything he could to be as good of a husband as he could be, he deserved to have her clue him in to what she was feeling and to her dreams.

"Alright, Fayre. I will tell him later," She smiled softly, "If I am pregnant though, our firstborns will be fairly close in age, do you realize that?"

"Yeah. I really, really hope that they are." Fayre was grinning broadly, "They will be able to do everything together. Besties for life from cradle to grave!"

Zylvia laughed, "Well, we can't actually force them to be best friends you know. But I am sure they will be close."

Fayre shook her head, "You are right. We can not force them. But! We can instigate them to spend time together and in time I am sure that they will become, if not full on best friends, at least practically siblings."

Hazel slipped into the room, she was practically glowing. She had been happy like this yesterday as well, but Zylvia had not really talked to her.

"You two look excited about something." Hazel plopped into a chair, swinging her feet happily.

"Well," Fayre began, "Zylvia needs to talk to Kaldrek about this. Before she talks to too many other people."

"Eh," Zylvia shrugged, "As long as you don't spread it around to anyone else, other than your knight – as I figure he will keep mum and you probably tell him everything; I don't mind mentioning it."

"My lips are sealed." Hazel spoke in a very solemn tone of voice, "And I can wait twelve hours to tell even Asrar. Plenty of time for you to talk with your husband."

"Thank you." Zylvia grinned, "I may be pregnant. We are not sure, but I am having several symptoms."

Hazel squealed, "Really? Then I might be able to see two babies…" Then she blinked, "Do sorcerer children start casting spells when they are born or…"

Zylvia giggled. Yeah, with both her and Kaldrek being sorcerers there was a high chance of their children having bloodlines as well. "No, there has to be a trigger before the first spell of a sorcerer."

"Which brings to mind a question. Zylv, what in the world triggered you? I mean, I heard from Jayesh the story of how Kaldrek started casting, but I have been wondering. I mean you were not in danger, right?"

Zylvia felt her cheeks and ears start warming up. There was no way that she could say that it had been frustration about Kaldrek's lack of intimacy. "That is a secret. Now, I have never been told that story so now I am curious, what was Kaldrek's first spell?"

Fayre shook her head, "Oh? You want to keep your story a secret and expect me to tell you about Kaldrek?"

"…" Zylvia stared at Fayre for a moment and sighed, "How do you think it was triggered? I am an enchantress, not a protector like my husband."

Fayre stared at her and then started laughing, "Don't tell me it is not appropriate to speak about. Awe, you are blushing! I guess that you forced yourself upon Kaldrek or something?"

Zylvia rolled her eyes, "Kaldrek has been practicing sorcery for years, how in the world would I be able to actually successfully do anything to him?"

Hazel spoke quickly, "Please drop this. I really do not want to hear it."

Zylvia buried her head in her hands, "Alright. Now, Fayre can you please tell me that story you mentioned?"

"Not much to it honestly. Kaldrek's father used to put him in situations where he felt like he or someone else was in danger till he finally snapped. Of course, the danger was never real and it was done in a way to not leave scars on the child."

Zylvia felt somewhat cheated. She had just embarrassed herself for a story that took all of five seconds to tell. And, she could probably have just asked her husband as well.