Excitement Mid Worries

The day passed swiftly for Zylvia. She spent it with her best friend and the young girl who they had gotten attached to. They had talked throughout the day and both Zylvia and the queen had been surprised to hear something that Hazel had told them.

"So, you've managed to catch him?" Fayre seemed excited and like she was on the verge of gushing, "I knew there was a high chance of him liking you back."

"I was so shocked when he… accepted me!" Hazel laughed happily.

Though Zylvia felt happy for the girl she could not stop a niggling worry that this could end very badly for both the teenagers. However it would be several months before it became an issue and well, anything could happen, right?

She noticed that after a few minutes of gushing over it, Hazel's smile faltered, "Now I just need to worry about helping him hide his magic…"

With a gentle tap on the girl's shoulder, Fayre comforted her, "Well, if worse comes to worse, the two of you can come back here to live. We would welcome you quite happily."

"Aye, that we would." Zylvia promised with a smile, "You've been a pleasure to have around."

"Thank you, that means a lot," Hazel's smile was watery and weak, "And we might have to, but that would mean I would never get to see brother again…"

"You are close with your brother, huh?" Zylvia could not help herself from asking.

"Yes!" Hazel brightened instantly, making Zylvia wonder exactly what the young man was like. "Heron is the best brother in the world. He is incredibly smart, and likeable, even though he does not have many friends. Some people complain that he is a bit on the weak side, as our kingdom values strength, but I personally think that even though my dear brother might be sickly and frail he still has strength. He is very wise which is better for running a kingdom in my opinion."

It was obvious that Hazel felt very strong admiration for her elder brother. Her eyes sparkled as she talked of him and she came to his defense quite readily.

Fayre smiled gently, "If you are close to your brother then maybe you could ask him for help regarding your knight? How does he feel about Asrar, anyway?"

"I doubt he would actually have Asrar executed, honestly. He and Asrar get along fairly well. I said my brother does not have many friends. Before he left a little over a year ago, the only friends he had were me and Asrar, and some of father's older knights." Hazel shook her head, "So I honestly believe that he would give Asrar the lighter penalty and just exile him. In which case I would follow him…"

They had left the conversation there as it was time for supper. Zylvia was glad to see her husband and quickly wormed her way under his arm as she sat as close as she could against him.

At her actions Kaldrek gave a soft chuckle before running his fingers through her hair. He was getting bolder with doing affectionate things in public, Zylvia noticed. And the thing was, she did not even really mind.

She grinned to herself as Kaldrek began feeding her, poking little tidbits into her mouth. She felt lucky to have him. she was tired so she leaned against him, as she cheerfully ate.

The next thing she knew, Kaldrek was tucking her into bed gently. A slight blush came to her cheeks at the realization that she had fallen asleep on him again.

As he slipped into bed beside of her she wrapped her arms around him, "Sorry…"

"What?" He sounded confused.

"You had to carry me to bed…" She looked up into his eyes, "I'm sorry. I did not mean to fall asleep."

He chuckled, pulling her head into his chest, firmly holding her close, "I do not mind, my love. I rather like taking care of you. Besides, you always look so cute when sleeping."

"Oh, really now?" Zylvia laughed softly and scooted herself closer to her husband, "If we were not married that would be creepy."

"Well, yes it would be, dear. But we are married so I am allowed to say things that would be creepy and get away with it."

She tightened her arms around her husband, "Fair enough. But it works both ways my lord."

"I know, and I very much doubt you could say anything that would creep me out. I am much more likely to laugh."

She fell quiet for a minute enjoying the sound of his heartbeat against her ear, "You have such a strong heartbeat."


"I love listening to it. It's one of my favorite things about cuddling up against you like this."

"I see."

"That and your smell."

"Oh, really now?" she could feel his laugh as he buried his face in her neck.

"Aye. I love being surrounded by your lingering smell of old books. It's comforting." As she spoke, she gave him an affectionate squeeze.

Kaldrek squeezed her back in an affectionate manner, "I love you too, Zylv my dear.

After listening to the relaxing sound of the steady beat that seemed to surround her, Zylvia slowly slipped back asleep. She knew that when she woke up her beloved would still be right next to her.