Thinking About Names

It was Elirius. Zylvia had woken up fairly early, partly thanks to her husband. Kaldrek always loved Elirius. If Zylvia had not already known that before getting married to him, she had quickly learned it afterwards. Every week, on this day, he would quickly get up and get ready, wanting to be early.

Today was no exception. Kaldrek did take his time brushing her hair though. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head when he done and pulled her out of their room.

Kaldrek had his arm around her waist as they walked into the temple. Zylvia leaned into his embrace just slightly, liking the feel of warmth from his side. The way he had of rubbing her side gently was messing her up though. She stopped him by clasping his hand in hers.

Kaldrek pulled her over to him and sat her down in front of him, hands resting near her hips. Zylvia turned her head just enough to look her beloved in the eye. His eyes met hers and he smiled, "Yes, Zylv? Did you need something?"

"Already got what I wanted," She grinned at him and turned back to the front. "I just wanted to see your smile."

"Really now? That is all you want from me? Just a smile?" He leaned closer so that he could whisper in her ear. Zylvia felt tingles run down her back from his closeness and felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Stop teasing me, Kaldrek." She patted his hand, "This is hardly the place."

"You'd be surprised how many couples flirt while waiting on services to start." Kaldrek laughed softly,

"Not to surprising when you think of the set-up."

He was not wrong. Zylvia smiled to herself, "So, that doesn't mean I am comfortable with it. So, my dear husband, please do save this for later."

He sighed, "I don't really want to though." As he spoke he placed a kiss right next to her ear, "But for you, love, I will stop."

Zylvia took a few deep breaths to dispel the lingering effects that Kaldrek had wrought on her with his teasing flirtations.

Her husband knew how to get under her skin and how to make her want him while doing so. A smile came to her lips realizing that her husband may have dropped it for now but she would definitely have to deal with it later.

When the service actually started, Zylvia put her full attention on it. Or tried to anyway. She was fully aware of her husband's body behind her, and the warmth seeping off of him. So there were distractions. Still, she could focus fairly well as he was not actually doing anything currently, other than listening himself.

Services seemed quick to Zylvia, though they lasted all morning. As she stood up, her husband caught her back against him. He seemed to enjoy doing that to her. And she rather enjoyed it when he did so.

She was a total fool for her husband and she did not even care. It helped her that he was much the same for her.

"So, my dear Zylv. What do you want to do now?" Kaldrek's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Let's eat something, Kaldrek." She grinned up at him.


They went back to the castle and ate some lunch. After lunch, Zylvia took hold of her husband's arm and pulled him to the library where she sat beside of him on one of the seats and leaned her head against his chest as he read to her.

His arm wrapped around her waist as he read to her. Surprisingly, he behaved. Just wrapped her close in an embrace and propped his head on her shoulder as he read in a soft low voice to her.

After listening to him read for a bit, Zylvia closed his book and kissed his cheek, "Kaldrek, dear, can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure," He leaned forward and kissed her, barely pulling away he smiled against her lips. "What about, my love?"

"Well, we probably need to discuss names for children at some point…"

"Ah!" He pulled back, a thoughtful look coming onto his face. "Yeah, we probably should at some point, huh?"

"Do you have any thoughts?"

"A few…" Kaldrek smiled at her, "I have been thinking about it."

She smiled at her husband as they began discussing it. Zylvia found herself enjoying the creative process and listening to her husband getting highly excited for a child. She also learned something she had not known about Kaldrek. He really wanted a daughter, though he also would like a son.

She smiled to herself listening to him. She did not care what he thought, she was sure that Kaldrek would actually make a wonderful father. Even though, he might have a slight inclination towards spoiling their kids.