Something Comforting

Supper had been quiet and now Zylvia had pulled her husband to their room. It had been fairly easy as all she had to do was lightly tug on his arm and he followed her.

When they entered their bedroom, Kaldrek wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. Zylvia leaned back in his arms, and looked up at him with a smile on her face.

He pulled back from her neck and rested his head against hers instead, "I love you so much, you know that right, Zylv?"

"Uh-huh." There was no way that she would not have realized this by now. Kaldrek was trying his hardest to show his love to her, and she appreciated it. "I know."

She moved her head forward the few inches she needed to in order to catch his lips. Her toes involuntarily curled as she began to explore her husband's mouth.

Zylvia suddenly found herself on the bed, Kaldrek on top of her. She had not even realized that he had picked her up or that he had moved.

She broke the kiss and gazed up at him, "I need to get dressed for bed…"

"Let me kiss you a bit first," Kaldrek laughed going for her lips again. Zylvia could not stop the giggle that escaped her as he did so.

After a while Zylvia's husband finally released her. She slipped out of his arms and pulled out a nightgown. As she stripped her gown off, Kaldrek let out a low whistle of appreciation.

With a blush climbing her cheeks, Zylvia glanced back at her husband. Kaldrek was grinning as he slowly looked up and down her body. "Kaldrek… stop teasing me." As she spoke, she yanked the nightgown over her head.

"Never happening, love." Kaldrek looked up into her eyes and his smile turned tender, "I can do a lot of things for you, but my teasing is one of the ways I show love. Besides, dear, that was not so much teasing as me just letting you know how much I appreciate your figure."

"Kaldrek!" Her cheeks had gone incredibly warm. But even though she protested, Zylvia could not stop the thrill of happiness at her husband's flirting.

Kaldrek laughed, unbuttoning his shirt, "What? A man can admire his wife, can't he?"

"Yes…" Zylvia sighed, and climbed back onto their bed beside of him, "You can admire me all you want, just the whistling was a bit much."

"Noted," His mouth twitched. "Now, can I kiss you some more, or do you want to go to bed?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Breaking away, she whispered softly to him, "I may be tired, but you may kiss me, husband mine."

"Good." His lips captured hers and pried them open so he could kiss her deeper. Zylvia enjoyed the way he kissed her.

She was going dizzy by the time he pulled away, but he hardly paused before kissing her again. She did not know how long it was until he stopped his incessant kisses, "Get some sleep my dear. You look about ready to keel over."

Zylvia smiled to herself as she relaxed into Kaldrek's arms. she clutched him close to her, feeling glad that this man was hers. That he loved her back and cared about her more than his own needs or wants. She loved him deeply and hoped that he realized that.

Drowsiness came quickly once she relaxed. It was not long before Zylvia slipped to sleep knowing that her husband would accompany her throughout the night and be there when she woke up. There was something comforting to that knowledge.