Heron's Wishes

Asrar headed back to his room for a few minutes while his princess got herself dressed. He sat on his bed and pulled out the letter from Heron that he had just gotten.

Rereading it, he smiled to himself.

"Hey Asrar,

Its been a while since I last saw you. I am sure that you have kept your promise to me of keeping Hazel safe. Not that I needed that promise from you. It's pretty obvious that you would gladly die for my sister. Of course she would not be happy with that, losing her best friend. I would not be exactly happy with it either, but I would understand. I mean, I would die for her as well.

Forgive my rambling. I just miss you almost as much as I miss Hazel. You are one of my few friends, after all. I was glad to hear that you are loosening up as I have been worried about you for years. I am glad father listened to my suggestion as I always thought Carendlus would be good for you.

If Hazel has not told you I have been coronated. As much as I have been trained up for this, I am not sure I am ready as of yet. I had so many plans, and now I am going to have to speed them up. I will go down in history though, either as a horrendous king or as a wonderful one.

Depending both on whether my plans work out and on who you ask. Some people will love the plans I have for Amriel, others will loathe it. I hope that both you and Hazel like it, cause no one else's opinions really matter to me.

That being all said, I hope your trip is going well and that no drastic challenges occur for you. If the worst thing you fight while there is a spider than that would be excellent.

I also want to say that if you ever decide that you want to pursue my sister romantically then you have my full support. I would love to have you as a brother-in-law. And honestly I am not so blind that I don't know my little sister is deliriously in love with you. Though if you do not feel the same way for her, but I know you well enough to know you do have some feelings for her, than do not feel any pressure over it.

With all seriousness, Heron"

Asrar laughed out loud as he read it. Heron was the person who he cared about the most after Hazel. He respected the young prince… though now he would be a king.

The last sentence in particular caught his attention. It surprised him that anyone had noticed that he loved Hazel. Because he did, deeply and irrevocably. He had just not been sure that it was a good idea to show those feelings.

He folded back up the letter, knowing he would be keeping it forever. A knock on his door and Hazel's bubbly voice telling him to come on, made him stand up and open the door.

His best friend's face was lit up with a smile, and her brown eyes were sparkling. Asrar felt the familiar protective stirring within him as he looked at her cute face.

"C'mon. I want to go see Fayre and Zylvia!" She was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Nuh-uh." He folded his arms across his chest. "You are going to eat a proper breakfast first young lady. Then you may go talk to the girls."

"…." She rolled her eyes at him, but did follow him, "What are you, my nanny?"

"Pretty much, yes." He kissed the side of her head, "I mean I am supposed to make sure you are in good health you know."

She sighed, "Fine. Whatever."

He did not let her leave the table until she had eaten enough to satisfy him. Sometimes she was such a kid. But that was part of her charm so he did not really mind. Besides he had always enjoyed being the more mature of them.