First Impressions

There was just something about teasing Kaldrek that made Zylvia happy. It was not something she could explain if she tried. She just enjoyed messing with her husband.

It was amusing how much frustration he could handle. She knew he had wanted to continue with their kissing but just because she had said otherwise, he had listened and backed off.

His self-control amazed her. He had made her fully aware of how much he wanted her. And that was a lot, and yet, despite this he could keep his hands to himself whenever she asked him too.

The fact that he exercised self-control made her feel loved as it was for her sake. And it also actually made her feel more inclined to provide him with what he wanted from her as she knew that he would respect her.

Despite the fact that she enjoyed messing with him, she could not do it for long as it was actually a little difficult for her to keep from stealing kisses from him.

So after they had eaten breakfast she had pulled him away and stepped close to him as they walked. She found herself enjoying being this close to him. And Kaldrek seemed to like the attention as well.

Before they parted ways she leaned into him and gave him a slow, passionate kiss. His response was eager and a smile curled up his lips as they parted.

"Well, um, I need to be going…" She smiled at him and made to move away.

He leaned forward, catching her, and gave her a peck on her lips, "Alright, love, I'll see you later." Releasing her, he stepped back.

She turned away and darted into the other room, smiling to herself. She loved it when he did things like that.

Fayre was sitting, discussing with her husband in quiet tones. Zylvia was not sure what the two were saying and did not try to eavesdrop. Seeing that her best friend was here, the young queen shooed her husband away.

"Sleep well, Zylv?" Fayre had a sweet smile on her face as she asked.

"Yeah," Zylvia looked down at the cloth she had just picked up, "I tend to. Even though I may have felt drained sometimes the last few weeks, its not my sleeping that is the issue."

"Of course not." Fayre looked a little amused now, "Your activities have changed, perhaps you just need to acclimate better."

"Perhaps." Zylvia smiled at Fayre. "I never really used magic before marrying Kaldrek after all."

There was little else she could think of that would cause her to feel so drained mentally. Physically she could think of a few things that could cause that.

Their talk turned to other things. They were discussing the first impressions they had had on different acquaintances of theirs when Hazel slipped in the room.

Zylvia noticed that Hazel seemed in a rather good mood and that she was silently laughing about something. She greeted the young girl with a smile as she sat down.

"What are you two talking about?" Hazel leaned forward and looked excited.

"First impressions."

"Oh! Then can I ask… what were the first impressions you had on your husbands?"

Fayre and Zylvia looked at each other and burst into laughter. Once Fayre had calmed down, she shook her head at her recollection, "Meeting Jayesh for the first time was memorable to say the least. He was still a prince at the time, and had dragging Kaldrek out of the castle with him. We met at the marketplace. At first I did not even realize who he was and talked to him in the way I always talk to everyone, later on he told me to keep doing so as he liked that about me. I honestly had no idea how to think of the two men, but I thought that Jayesh was more talkative at the time. Later I realized that Kaldrek just does not talk much to people he does not know."

"What about you, Zylv?" Hazel looked curious.

Zylvia let out a soft laugh, "I will admit. I was a bit entranced when I saw them the first time. I could not take my eyes off of Kaldrek. It took all my self-control not to touch his ears…"

Fayre laughed, "I have no idea if that is a good thing or not…"

"Well, I've always liked his ears. Just they seemed a little odd when I first saw them, a novelty I suppose. Now I find looking at them comforting."

Hazel shook her head, "Is that as far as your first impression goes? His ears?"

"Well, no, but that is what I remember thinking the most. Other than that I could tell that Jayesh was interested in Fayre, but that seemed fairly normal to me, as Fayre was always popular with the men. Kaldrek was not, I also noticed. Instead I think he was looking at my hair. Put me in a near frenzy back then. I assumed he was having the same reaction as other people tended to, but later on learned that he actually admires my hair." Zylvia smiled to herself, deciding not to mention Kaldrek's entrancement with fire. "Much the same way I like his ears, I guess."

'Yeah. I am so glad that we made you two get married. Otherwise it would have been a tragedy as you continually tried to ignore your feelings and continue being friends."