
Zylvia felt a bit worried for her friends and their little one. It had been over a week and yet the young prince had yet to quit his whimpering. Other than that, he was a pretty good kid, never truly getting loud even though he obviously hated being alone.

Everyone doted on him though. There was something winsome about his little chubby cheeks and the obvious dimples that promised a winning smile when the child grew older.

No one knew exactly what his issue was. It really made no sense. The doctor had no clue and Kaldrek had never heard of it. There were other things that caused them concern as well other than the constant whimperings. His eyes had remained closed even this long.

Today, though, he was being fairly quiet as his mother rocked him. Nestling in his mother's arms sleepily, the young prince seemed almost at peace only making a small whimper every five minutes or so.

Fayre was looking down at her baby boy with one of the gentlest looks Zylvia had ever seen. Her eyes were hooding down half way over her eyes and she had a sweet smile on her face.

Motherhood looked good on the queen. Zylvia really hoped that nothing was wrong with Jaekel. If they lost him for whatever reason it would just devastate Fayre. As long as he could grow up and live vibrantly, that was all they really wanted.

Jayesh came into the room where the two women were sitting with his son. He paused in the doorway, his eyes lingering on the vision of his wife, softening his gaze to the point where it was so obvious that his family was his everything.

Fayre looked up at her husband, "I think he is starting to get a little better. He hardly whimpers now."

The king moved over and wrapped his arms around his wife and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I hope so. It's slightly worrying. I was expecting crying not him to whimper."

Zylvia smiled to herself, she was used to seeing them act sweet together. She really missed Kaldrek though right now and wished he was here.

Her wish was fulfilled a few minutes later when her husband walked into the room, and sat beside of her. his hand ruffled her hair before he tugged her shoulders so that she was leaning against.

There was an almost relaxed atmosphere but it was disturbed every time the little one made one his small whimpers. Then the queen made a small excited exclamation making everyone take a look at her and her baby. Fayre's eyes were shining and her whole face seemed to light up.

Jaekel had opened his eyes. His irises were a beautiful shade of light blue reminiscent of his mother's own orbs, but there was something odd about his eyes. It took everyone in the room a while to realize what it was. His pupils… were not black but completely clear, devoid of any color. Zylvia had never seen such eyes, but there was something enchanting about them.

No one said anything for a few minutes. The baby turned and nestled back into his mother seeming to just want to be held.

"That is… not normal right?" There was anxiety in the father's voice as his brows furrowed in worry.

Kaldrek merely frowned, "Not normal, but I doubt there is anything majorly wrong with the child. Perhaps trauma from what happened when he was in the womb? And the divine magic may have affected his eyes. It would not be that hard to imagine it doing so. I doubt there would be anything dangerous that would happen to him through it, but a bit of aesthetic change is hardly too hard a price for his life."

Kaldrek's words soothed both mother and father as it made some sense. Magic did affect babies differently from adults. From her conversations with Kaldrek, Zylvia had learned that it would be fairly safe for her to cast spells at her own children as they were practically surrounded in it anyway.

It was an interesting subject to her. As such she always asked her husband questions when he started explaining it to her.