
As the days passed, Zylvia found herself enjoying watching her best friend cuddling and showering her newborn child with affection. Of course Fayre was not the only one spoiling the kid. Everyone did.

Hazel was constantly begging to be allowed to hold him and seemed a bit unhappy with the fact that she was not on the prince's list of 'trusted' people. There were only a few people who he would go calmer for. His mother, father, Zylvia and Kaldrek all fell into this category, especially Zylvia and Fayre.

For some odd reason, and much to Hazel's jealousy, the baby also took a liking to Asrar. Even though the knight was one of the few people who did not gush over him.

Asrar always tried to hover in the background, though he seemed to be curious about the kid. it was kinda funny but it obvious that Asrar had no clue on kids and that he knew this and became unsure of dealing with them. So the fact that he was on the kid's okay list was a bit funny. And made little sense.

In order to let Fayre take some naps, sometimes Zylvia would take the whimpering child and hold him. The more she did so the more she grew eager for her own child to come into the world.

Prince Jaekel, though he was a joy, made everyone a bit haggard trying to calm him down. But the most they could do was ease it, he was still always making sounds almost as if he was scared or in pain.

As her pregnancy drew closer to an end, Zylvia could not help but grow excited. Well, she had already been excited but soon she would be able to hold her little one and cuddle it close. She could watch her beloved husband hold their kid.

Zylvia was not the only one excited. Kaldrek may not mention it to their other friends, but the closer it got the more he mentioned it to her. He was constantly checking to make sure that she was doing okay, and treating her with lots of consideration.

And then the day finally came. When she felt the first contraption hit, she had been holding the young prince. She had to hand him off to Hazel, and call for her husband.

Kaldrek was soon at her side. Thankfully, he had been in the same room, talking with Jayesh.

"Something wrong, Zylv?" He placed a hand on her back, his brow creased. For just a moment she drank in the look, committing it to memory. And then the second contraption hit.

Placing her hand on her stomach she managed a weak smile, "I think our baby is coming…"

"Oh!" He took her arm and guided her to go lay down, as everyone else went into a flurry of activity.

Fayre came in to hold her hand, allowing Hazel to continue watching Jaekel for a while. The doctor soon arrived as well.

Unlike Jayesh, Kaldrek was not chased away. This was because he seemed to be in a much more stable state of mind. Instead he was allowed to sit beside of her and hold her hand. Zylvia focused on the warmth of his hand to distract herself from the pain she was in.

She was not sure what Kaldrek was saying to her, but he spoke in a soothing voice, caressing her forehead with his fingers and running them through her hair.

It took a while but soon Zylvia was holding her daughter. Though she exhausted from the labor

she still felt ecstatic to be holding her little girl.

The girl had soft lightly colored curls plastered to her head. Her eyes blinked slowly open, as she yawned in an adorable way that immediately caught her mother's heart.

Kaldrek leaned over her shoulder, gazing at their daughter, a slow grin growing across his face. He took in a shaky breath, "She's beautiful…. Our little Amrunela is the prettiest baby girl I've ever seen."

Zylvia could not help but giggle at her husband. "And how many baby girls have you seen?"

"…" With a kiss on her cheek, he admitted, "I don't rightly know."

She glanced back to the adorable girl in her arms. Kaldrek had picked the girl's name. Amrunela, apparently it was an old name, popular among elves, though not as common for humans. But Kaldrek really liked the name and had talked her into naming their first daughter by this name.

Amrunela was a fairly calm child. At the moment she was being entirely quiet just laying in her mother's arms and going back to sleep.

Zylvia smiled to herself and lay back herself, after Kaldrek adjusted her pillows for her.

"Can I see her?" Fayre held her arms out, and Zylvia handed the newborn over without hesitation. Fayre cooed over her a bit before heading out to tell everyone else about the newest addition to the castle.

The others came in to see the little girl, with varying reactions. Hazel had her hands over her mouth, trying hard not to squeal, while Asrar seemed shy but kept looking at the child. Jayesh congratulated Kaldrek and told her that her child was a very pretty girl. He then proceeded to pinch the baby's cheeks before Zylvia managed to stop him.