
It was the evening of the day that Zylvia's firstborn child had been born. Kaldrek had carried her up to their bedroom and laid Amrunela in a crib that they had brought in to here. They wanted their little girl where they could see her.

Kaldrek laid down next to her, being very careful not to jar her. She gave him a tired smile, but was glad that he was letting her sleep in their bedroom. She was not sure if she would have been able to fall asleep in a strange room.

It had been one thing adjusting to sleeping in Kaldrek's room. He had been there, and she had always felt more comfortable when he was around. Really, that first night sleeping in here she had been too much aware of him to really focus on the fact that it was a strange room to her.

A smile came to her face at the thought. She glanced over at her husband and how stiff he seemed. "Kaldrek…"

"Yes, love?" He turned his head to look at her, loosening up just a little as he did so.

"Scoot closer, dear." She tried to suppress a slight giggle and failed, "I'm not made of glass and having your arms around me makes me feel better anyhow."

He gave in to her with a smile. Arms held her loosely, but close enough for her to snuggle into him. She relaxed into him, his warmth making her feel drowsy.

They were waken up several times by their young daughter, but Zylvia still managed to get fairly decent sleep considering this.

When Zylvia woke up in the morning, Kaldrek was not lying next to her. As she looked for him, the bed dipped as he sat back down next to her. She felt herself relax at the fact that he was not far away. She liked waking up next to him and she was glad he had not left on her.

She shifted, so that she could lay her head in his lap. She did not quite feel like really getting up yet, and she wanted to be near her beloved.

"Morning, Zylv." Kaldrek touched the top of her head for a second. She looked up at him when he removed it and an instant smile came to her face when she saw why he had gotten up.

Amrunela was in his arms, and he was quietly watching her, with a really gentle look on his face. For a moment Zylvia enjoyed looking at the way her husband's mouth lightly crooked upwards and how much like a father he looked at that moment.

Then Amrunela started crying for her breakfast and Zylvia sat up reaching for the child. Kaldrek handed her over and stole a kiss as he did so. Zylvia smiled to herself at her husband as she turned away from him to feed their kid.

Afterwards she got dressed, as Kaldrek went back to fussing over their little girl. He placed Amrunela in her arms as he brushed her hair for her. Zylvia smiled down at their little girl as she relaxed feeling the gentle tugs that her husband did to her scalp.

Zylvia felt a sense of fulfillment cradling her child in her arms. This was everything she had ever wanted. A loving husband, and children. Let other people reach for fame and power, all she wanted was these simple things.

A warm kiss on the top of her head brought her back to the present and she glanced upwards at her husband. He gave her a warm smile, and his words came out in a whisper, "My two beautiful girls…"

She giggled at him, and stood up. Leaning slightly against him while holding her daughter, she placed a kiss on his lips and then walked out of their room.

She heard him close the door as they left and he had soon caught up with her as she walked down the hall. He slipped an arm around her waist and looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?" Worry laced Zylvia's husband's voice, "I mean you just gave birth yesterday…"

"I feel fine," She looked up at him with a bright smile, "Only a bit weak."

Admiration came into his eyes, "You really are amazing, love."

"Not really," Zylvia giggled, "You're just easy to impress."

"Only when it comes to you." He decked his head to kiss her jawbone near her ear, causing her to giggle.

When they arrived in the dining place, he made her sit so he could get her food. She watched her husband and grinned to herself. She really was a lucky woman.