First Actual Combat

The spirit knife withinside Ao Si Ka's hand underwent an unbelievable transformation; as the hilt of the spirit knife became alot fancier, the black lacquerish wood is carved with many ornaments and strangely wierd patterns.

The material that made up the spirit knife changes. The onced greyish blue stainless steel blade now contains a greenish hue, as ghostly figures appeared on the surface of the knife blade, giving it a more grimly fantasy like look.

"In this form, I will give the knife spirit the name Gui Lang, after the 421 years old ghost wolf spirit beast that willingly submit it's spirit ring to me." Ao Si Ka said so to himself, as he lightly swings the Gui Lang knife.

A puff of black smoke emanated from the Gui Lang knife blade, as he lightly swung the Gui Lang knife within his hand.

The visible ghostly figures patterned on the Gui Lang knife blade began to move, moving around on the surface of the knife blade, as if it was actually alive.

Ao Si Ka then walks up to an nearby tall tree within the dense forest, his hand still resting on the handle of the knife. He wanted to test out the actual usability of the spirit skill, so that he could easily transfer it to actual combat and practicality.

"Lets test this Gui Lang blade out on this tree." Ao Si Ka said as he swung the Gui Lang knife at the targeted tree.

The black smoke rapidly gathers around the Gui Lang knife blade, congealed together into a semi realistic reaper like form. The Gui Lang knife blade easily passes through the solid old tree trunk, not without meeting some sort of resistance.

'The resistance felt like water.' It was what Ao Si Ka first thought, but as he inputs more of his spirit power, the resistance felt against the Gui Lang knife blade gradually dissipates.

However, with a little amounts of spirit power infused into the Gui Lang knife, the Gui Lang knife blade became slightly intangible, when it passes through the thick tree trunk of the forest tree. It left a small cut on the surface of the tree trunk.

Ao Si Ka made a reasonable deduction and understanding from the small cut on the tree tree. 'It would seem that the less spirit power I've infused into the blade, some parts of the Gui Lang knife blade remains solid tangible to reality.' He thought, as he took a short glance at the Gui Lang knife resting on his hand.

'The Gui Lang knife seems to be unbelievably light within my hands, despite the size not being quite proportionate to a seven years old,' Ao Si Ka thought, as he effortlessly lifts the Gui Lang knife up and swings it repeatedly, almost as if the knife blade weigh as light as a feather, 'Or is it because the Gui Lang knife is my spirit essence that I feel more comfortable using it.'

▪Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree. The skill Basic Knife Mastery Lv1 has been acquired.▪

'It would seem that the system also measures my proficiency of wielding weapons and other capabilities, instead of just simply spirit related skills.' Ao Si Ka's understanding of the system deepens even more.

Suddenly, without any signs leading to the appearance of the creature. The ground shakes a couple of time, the leaves within the area were rustling very loudly, as a humanoid type plant spirit beast appeared out from within the depths of the forest.

The plant spirit beast was a wild mushroom, with a white fungal mushroom head that resembles a sunbero hat. Its body was humanoid, shaped like a human for convenience and maneuverability, easier to attract many preys.

It's skin was wierdly plainly yellowish brown, but it was indeed covered with many tiny tentacle feelers, which were releasing spores into the atmosphere, and they all were moving as if it had a mine of its own.

Ao Si Ka showcased an ugly expression, as he grinds his teeths in annoyance. 'It would seem that I took too long absorbing my first spirit ring that the fresg blood and the corpse of the ghost wolf spirit beast attracted a wild spirit beast.' Ao Si Ka thought as he came to a realisation.

The 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior spirit beast immediately spotted Ao Si Ka's small figure in the distance, as its glowing yellow eyes becomes vibrant with extreme delight. It senses the huge reservoir of refined spiritual energy within its sight, the boy who recently absorbed the ghost wolf's spirit ring, whilst ignoring the dead corpse of the 421 years old ghost wolf in front of it.

'Should I risk it and fight a battle with it to the deaths,' Ao Si Ka thought for a second, but the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior came charging towards his direction at tremendous speeds, 'Or should I booked it and run away for my life.'

The 2 meters tall white moon mushroom warrior charges right at Ao Si Ka, he didn't have much time to think, before he has to take action. 'There is no way that I can outrun this monster. I can only hope to eventually outlast this thing in a battle of attrition, or someone suddenly intervening and save me.'

Ao Si Ka readied his blade, wielding the Gui Lang knife within his hand. He took a step back and jumps backwards, where he was standing before a huge mushroom plant trunk struck the ground. Dirt and debris is send flying every where.

'I must take the initiative if I want to win against this thing.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself.

Within seconds the debris cleared up, as Ao Si Ka was the first one to react after the creature's attack.

Ao Si Ka's rapidly circulate all the spirit power withinside his body, strengthening his seven years old body to very limit, as he legged it. Ao Si Ka then jumps onto the white moon mushroom warrior's fungal trunk arms that struck the ground, running up the creature's right arm.


▪Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree. The skill Basic Spirit Power Control Lv1 has been acquired.▪

With the Gui Lang knife held within his right hand, he stabbed into the right arm of the white moon mushroom warrior; green cytoplasmic blood then ooze out, as he then runs upwards, the wound on the white moon mushroom warrior gradually lengthens.

However, as he runs up the huge body of the white moon mushroom warrior's arm. There are many small things tentacle like feelers on its body, they tried to wrapped around him to no success, but it does cause him some difficulty, as the ten-thousands tentacle like feelers stings him like nettles as he passes by.

"Tch!" Ao Si Ka clicked his tongue, as he presses down hardly on his teeths to focus the attention away from the stinging pain he is feeling within his legs.

The 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior wasn't liking it now that Ao Si Ka inflicted some pain on it, as it screeches loudly stretching its plant like mouth wide.

"Screeeeech!" The inside of its mouth resembles dusty cobwebs, filled with plant spores and fibre that made it quite very unsightly to look at.

The 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior then raises its left arm as it attempted to swat Ao Si Ka off of it's arm. However, Ao Si Ka immediately dodges the attack, as he steadily climbs up onto its white mushroom head.

With himself being in a nice vantage point, Ao Si Ka delivers several deep knife wounds on the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior's fungal mushroom head.

When the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior raises both its arm, in an attempt to swat him, he effortlessly jumps off drawing some distance away from it. However, Ao Si Ka suffered a major blow to his stamina, as he drops on all four when he landed, scraping his arms and knee against the ground in the process.

It would seem that the spores he ingested from being too close to the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior is starting to affect him. The spores are quickly devouring his reservoir of spirit power, little by little, using up all of the nutrients withinside his body.

'If I don't kill this thing before me first, or else the spores that it releases from its body will starts to depleting all of my spirit power reserves.' Ao Si Ka grimaced, showcasing a grimly ugly look, his face becoming deathly paled at the realisation.

"I need to hurry and finish this fight. I can't prolonged this fight any longer. The time is of the essence..." Ao Si Ka showcased an impatient look, as he gotten himself up, whilst standing firmly on two feet.

His right hand holding onto the Gui Lang knife, trembling in fear and expectation, with his sweat losing the grip on the handle. Ao Si Ka thereby tighten his grip on the handle even more.