The First Struggle

Ao Si Ka charges in, with full momentum, running as fast as his tiny seven years old body could handle. He used the innate ability of the Gui Lang knife.

The black smoke permeates out from the Gui Lang knife within his hand, it rapidly gathers around the Gui Lang knife blade. Ao Si Ka dashes forward, with the Gui Lang knife at hand, he slashes at the side of the white moon mushroom warrior.

It made a small cut on the surface of the white moon mushroom warrior's fungal yellowish brown skin. You could see the obvious white fungal mushroomy flesh underneath the sky, with green cytoplasmic blood flowing out.

The white moon mushroom was quite displeased, it strongly voiced it's deep sense of dissatisfaction. "Screeeeech!" The white moon mushroom warrior's screeches.

The odds of battle is slowly turning in his favor, Ao Si Ka strongly displaying his will to live, and the desire to survive through this fight. However, his stamina and endurance is extremely limited.

There is so much things that a seven years old child could handle, and one wrong move could easily end it.

Ao Si Ka's legs started to tired out, he was panting heavily, whilst running out of breathe. When all of a sudden, due to his momentarily lapsed of judgement, the white moon mushroom warrior managed to outpaced him and caught him off guard.

The creature brung its two large trunk sized arms down upon him. Ao Si Ka had no time to think, he could not get out of the creature's attack range on time.

'Damn it. I'm not fast enough.' Ao Si Ka grimaced, showcasing an ugly look, as he braces for the impact.

Ao Si Ka switches the Gui Lang knife into his left hand, as he points the direction of the knife blade diagonally downwards.

The white moon mushroom warrior's large trunk arms descends downwards upon him,

as he redirected the force of the blow, and changes slightly the trajectory of the attack.

The white moon mushroom warrior's attack then misses his head by a couple of centimetres, as it slid roughly across the surface of the Gui Lang knife blade, further damaging the surface of the creature's left arm.

"Kugh..." Ao Si Ka couldn't bare the full frontal of the white moon mushroom warrior's attack, when it's attack hits ground, the destructive force sends his seven years old childlike body flying backwards.

His body is flung backwards a couple of feet, it struck against a hard tree, knocking the air out of him. He is still barely concious, but is quite heavily injured.

"I can't die here... Not like this." Ao Si Ka said, whilst breathing heavily.

'I can feel some bones within my body are brokened by that attack... Thankfully, the injuries systained were not fatal or life threatening.' Ao Si Ka thought, as he attempted to move his body.

'I can still moved move arms and legs, so that means that my back spine is not broken.' Ao Si Ka thought, as he felt a bit relieved about his findings.'However...' Ao Si Ka gazed intently at his left arm.

His left hand were still clutching tightly onto the handle of the Gui Lang knife, but it starts to loosen up a bit.

He could feel the tingling numbing sensation within his left arm, as it shakes vigorously nonstop from almost being crushed under the weight of the white moon mushroom warrior's attack.

Ao Si Ka immediately got up, but finding it difficult to stand firmly on his own feets, maintaining his balance. His body still wobbles slightly.

'It's time for round two. Do or die. It depends on who can outlast whom?' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, as he charges in to continues the fight.

Ao Si Ka then runs circles around the white moon mushroom warrior, waiting for it to lower it's guard or find a huge opening in its defence.

'Will this work?' Ao Si Ka suddenly came up with an idea.

Ao Si Ka stops immediately within his tracks, a couple of inches away from the white moon mushroom warrior, which caught its immediate attention. Growing rather impatient over the prolonged fight, the creature decided to swing it's large trunk sized arms down, attempting to squash the puny Ao Si Ka.

'The creature is so dumb and easy to fool.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, as he smiles.

Ao Si Ka immediately jumps back, out of the attack range of the white moon mushroom warrior. Its massive trunk arms struck the ground, but he hurriedly made a turn about.

He runs towards the back of the white moon mushroom warrior, its blind spot, outside of its field of vision.

Mentally preparing himself, he then jumps onto the back of the white moon mushroom warrior's large body. To him, from his short perspective, the creature seems to be absolutely gigantic.

Ao Si Ka landed on just below the pelvis region of the white moon mushroom warrior's body, with his Gui Lang knife stabbed deeply into the left leg of the white moon mushroom warrior, gaining some leverage, he starts to climb onto the poor creature.

Screech! Screech!

The sound of the white moon mushroom warrior screaming in pain, as it starts to run rampant, crashing into trees and bushes, trying to get Ao Si Ka off its back.

But it was hopeless as Ao Si Ka remains stationary on the white moon mushroom warrior's back, as he climbed up, the numerous mini white fungal tentacles starts to wrapped itself around him. Though its strength alone were lacking, but when in greater numbers it was enough to impede Ao Si Ka's path.

"Ugh!" Ao Si Ka screamed in pain, grinding his teeth, as the thousands of the white fungal tentacles wraps itself around him.

It didn't actually hold him back, the thousands of white fungal tentacle then finds it's way through his clothes, as it stung him. It felt like falling into a bed of nettles whilst naked, or being stinged by a jellyfish with its many tentacles steal wrapped around your arm. The pain was quite unbearable.

'I can do it... I can do it... It's only just pain, and nothing more.' Ao Si Ka reassures himself, with a strong will, he fights against the unending pain.

The thousandths of white fungal tentacle on the back of the white moon mushroom warrior's body, it releases numerous hundreds or even thousands, too many to count, tiny spores which made its way towards Ao Si Ka's lungs and trachea.

The tiny spores starts to slowly drains Ao Si Ka of his spirit power, whilst at the same time, eating away at the vital nutrients and lifeforce needed to sustain the cells within his body.

"Kugh! Die! Die! You motherfucker!" Ao Si Ka started making weird noises, as he curses underneath his breathe, whilst repeatedly stabbing the white moon mushroom warrior's back.

The green internal fluids of the white moon mushroom warrior, the cytoplasmic green blood of the creature started gushing out from its opened wounds. Some of it accidentally made it into Ao Si Ka's mouth, whilst he was busy fighting.

The taste was absolutely horrendous, extremely bitter, containing an earthy herbal flavour.

However, by consuming and small droplet of the green cytoplasmic blood of the white moon mushroom warrior's blood. Ao Si Ka could feel his spirit power rapidly recovered, even if it is for an instant.

The lifeforce hidden within the white moon mushroom warrior's blood, healed his external wounds slightly. It elleviated some of the pain he felt from the stings of the numerous fungal white tentacles.

° ° °

Not so far away from the current background, where Ao Si Ka is busy fighting the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior, two individuals could be seen walking on the routes in the outskirts of the outer regions of Star Dou forest.

One, an elderly old man, with a gorgeous white long beard, dressed in a grey robed with some gold ornaments. He also wore a half mask, depicting gold and white angel wings, covering his left eye.

The other was a young blonde haired girl, faired skin, with beautiful slender phoenix coloured eyes.

She wore a fancy dress and attire fitting for a noble. This little girl is none other than Qian Renxue, the girl with the six winged seraphim spirit essence, before early puberty even hitted her.

With a cheerful smile plastered on her childlike face, she danced around without a care in the world, whilst being accompanied by her grandfather Qian Daoliu as her guardian.

Qian Daoliu suddenly pauses for a sec, his footsteps stops right within his tracks, as he senses some fighting in the distance. But the cultivation base of the two that were fighting were too weak.

So he didn't even considered it a threat to his dear little grand daughter Qian Renxue's wellbeing.

"What's the matter, granpa Dao? Is there something wrong?" The little Qian Renxue asked her grandfather Qian Daoliu with a worrying face.

Qian Daoliu reassures her, that there is nothing to worry about, "It's nothing much, just some fighting up ahead. Nothing to worried about."