
"What? Is there some spirit beast fighting? Who is it with?" The little Qian Renxue asked rather curiously, as her eyes began to sparkled.

"Just a kid and a hundred years old spirit beast fighting." Qian Daoliu nonchalantly said, which seems to disappoint Qian Renxue alot.

"Eh... That is not interesting at all. If it were a beast on beast action, it would be more fun to watch." The little Qian Renxue said so with a downfall face. "So which side is winning, grandpa?" She asked her grandpa, rather curious over the matter.

Qian Daoliu thought for a second as he slowly observed the battle from a distance. 'The boy is riding the plant spirit beast, whilst at the same time inflicting some serious wound there. It's hard to tell who is the definite winner out of this match.'

Qian Daoliu gently caressed his long white beard, which seems to further amplified his eccentric wise old man image as an elderly sage.

He turned to little Qian Renxue and said, "They are so evenly match that it's so hard to tell who will come out as the definite victor over this bout, but the odds are in the boy's favor though."

Having said that, the little Qian Renxue immediately grew interested in seeing the battle.

She happily exclaimed, "Really? So let's go and see how it turns out. Pretty please, Grandpa." Little Qian Renxue then pulls on her grandfather Qian Daoliu's sleeves, as she lead him towards the direction of where she somewhat senses where the battle is going on.

"Alright, alright, Xue'er. There is no need to pull on my sleeves any longer." Qian Daoliu started to curp little Qian Renxue constant nagging, whilst dotting dearly upon her.

He gently smiles, and then grabs her tiny hand, as he leads them towards where Ao Si Ka is currently are.

"Lets go." Qian Daoliu warmly said to little Qian Renxue.

She simply giggles and smiles back at her, reimbursing her grandfather Qian Daoliu's feelings.

° ° °

The battle between Ao Si Ka and the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior is currently at a major stand still. It has longed since reached the climax of the battle. Both sides incurred major losses.

Ao Si Ka is brutally battered and breathing heavily, out of breathe. There are minor cracks within his skeleton caused by the white moon mushroom warrior raming him against the tree bark.

His skin is horribly injured; covered with numerous bruises and many pink patches, soreness from constantly being stung by the white moon mushroom warrior's fungal tentacles.

"Die you fucker!" Ao Si Ka cursed underneath his breathe.

He pulls the Gui Lang knife out, dislodged the knife blade from the opened wound, with whatever little strength he may have left, spraying green cytoplasmic blood onto him.

With one hand desperately grabbing onto the edge of the outer rim of the mushroom head of the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior. His other hand holding onto the Gui Lang knife.

He furiously shoved the Gui Lang knife through the mouth of the white moon mushroom warrior, with the Gui Lang knife blade passes through its external defenses, it made its way towards the head of the white moon mushroom warrior.

The Gui Lang knife blade directly pierces through the brain of the white moon mushroom warrior, directly killing it within seconds. Not without consequence.

When Ao Si Ka lunges his Gui Lang knife through the open mouth of the white moon mushroom warrior, its jawline accidentally closes, crushing Ao Si Ka's right arm.

Though the thing was killed way before it has a chance to bite down hardly on Ao Si Ka's arm, he still experienced some minor injuries as a result.

Kuuu! Kreak!

The sounds of his bones creaking, not being able to bare under the weight of the creature's head placed on top of his arm.

With the white moon mushroom warrior killed, liveness soon dissappears from its glowing yellow eyes, as its huge 2 meters tall humanoid body slowly tumbles over. Ao Si Ka hurriedly pulls his Gui Lang knife out, his right arm exiting the mouth of the creature.

A deep gash wound appeared on the surface of his right arm where the white moon mushroom warrior accidentally bit him, as small tiny white fungal parasites are growing out of the wound.

The bite marks have no definite shape, resembling vines, as they spread out from the epic centre of the wound.

"I finally did it, huhu... I've killed that bastard thing, huhuhu..." Ao Si Ka said whilst breathing heavily.

His chest beating rapidly, barely any sound ever made it out from his mouth. Except from his wheezy cough and heavy breathing, its like he is a creaky old cogwheel that needs some oiling.

His legs gaining footing on the tumbling body of the white moon mushroom warrior. He then lets go of his other hand that is still holding onto the outer rim of the white moon mushroom warrior's mushroom head. Thrusting his leg onto the dead body of the white moon mushroom warrior, he bounces off and made it down to safety.

The dead carcass of the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior slowly tumbles to the ground, as it hits the ground, the impact of the dead body sends out a flurry of dirt and sand into the air.

And a glowing vibrant hundred years old spirit ring appeared from the carcass of the dead 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior.

Ao Si Ka's tired bo landed lightly on the ground, fallen flat like a pancake, his head pointing upwards facing the direction of the evening sky.

The sound of Ao Si Ka breathing heavily, he then lets go of his grip on the handle of the Gui Lang knife.

'I've done it, I managed to kill that fucking bastard... All that's left is to absorbed that bastard's spirit ring.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, unaware of the two figure that was apparently approaching his direction.

The little Qian Renxue excitedly runs up towards the collapsed Ao Si Ka. "Look, Grandpa!" She excitedly said, filled with such enthusiasm, as she points her finger in his direction.

"The boy managed to kill the spirit beast! Isn't that amazing!" Her cute petite figure slowly enters his line of sight.

"What the..." Ao Si Ka spoke with a face of surprise.

"Congratulations, boy. You managed to successfully defeat the plant type spirit beast." Qian Daoliu warmly congratulates Ao Si Ka on his efforts of defeating the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior spirit beast.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu is starting to have second thoughts, 'Although, the boy did managed to successfully defeat the hundred years old spirit beast, with his own abilities. The injuries he sustained is extremely fatal and may cost him his life.' He hid his thoughts under an nice old man facade.

Qian Daoliu had a wierd feeling, a gut feeling within his stomach, as he thereby releases small amounts of his spirit power, utilising his precise control over his spirit power. His spiritual sense, he scans the seven years old boy Ao Si Ka's body.

'As I thought...' Qian Daoliu grimaced, but didn't showed it on his face. 'He will not have that much longer to live, at most a couple of days.'

'The boy's lungs have become infested, they are completely filled with the plant spirit beast's spores. The plant spores are slowly eating away at the boy's vitality and nutrients. He will either die from lack of nutrients or asphyxiation because of the lack of oxygen reaching his lungs.'

Qian Daoliu shuck his head and sighs, he thought, 'What a pity? With talent like these to be able to defeat a hundred years old spirit beast by yourself, who just barely became a spirit master. What an extreme waste of good talent.'

'You could have easily been able to join any elementary spirit academy based on your talent.'

'If you would have wanted, I could have easily gave you my recommendation to joined Spirit Hall as one of the geniuses. You will have access to plentiful of cultivation resources and advanced education fostered by Spirit Hall themselves.'

"Who are you?" Ao Si Ka weakly asked, whilst still lying down.

Little Qian Renxue then looks back at Qian Daoliu, before getting his nod of approval.

She readily introduces herself, with a cheerful smile on her face. "Renxue... my name is Renxue, but people close to me just either call me Xue'er or Xue Xue." Still that has yet to loss her childlike innocence.

"Renxue." Ao Si Ka calls out her name.

'Renxue... Where have I heard that name before.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, as he suddenly remembered something. 'Renxue. Qian Renxue. Isn't that the name of the final antagonist of the story. Also the girl who ends up falling in love with Tang San, but was so unfortunately rejected because he only loves Xiao Wu.'

"That is my name." Little Qian Renxue happily replied.