Internal Strife

"Here. This is some medincinal ointment that will help you heal your wounds much better." The little Qian Renxue handed over a small wooden container that contains healing ointment.

"Thanks." Ao Si Ka gladly accepts the healing ointment as a gift, as he happily thanks Qian Renxue.

Her grandfather Qian Daoliu called out to her, "Xue'er, it's time for us to go."

Qian Renxue answered back, "Yes, coming grandpa." She energetically runs up to her grandfather Qian Daoliu and hold his hand, the two soon left afterwards.

'So this is Qian Renxue before when she was mistreated and horribly neglected by her own mother... still retaining her childlike innocence.' Ao Si Ka thought and sighs, feeling pity for the future Qian Renxue.

Cough! Cough!

Ao Si Ka lightly coughs, his lungs are starting to hurt, whilst his breathing is becoming alot more queasy.

Ao Si Ka then opens up his inventory space and stores the healing ointment that he received as a gift from Qian Renxue. The wooden container that contains the healing ointment then vanishes, becoming white particles as it enters his Inventory space.

Ao Si Ka then turns his focus of attention onto the floating 647 years old yellow spirit ring above the dead carcass of the white moon mushroom warrior. "I need to hurry and absorb the spirit ring before it completely dissappears, but in order to do that, I need a safe place in order to complete the absorption process."

With that said and planned, Ao Si Ka hurriedly stores the dead carcass of the 421 years old ghost wolf and the 647 years old dead white moon mushroom warrior's carcass within his inventory space.

Ao Si Ka thought, 'The dead carcass of these spirit beast will surely be worth something, it can be used to concoct medicine or forged spirit equipment.' His reasonings are not wrong there.

An ordinary leather armour made from a normal cow will have less durability and toughness than one made from an actual spirit beast, that is because of the natural spiritual energy that is infused into it. Some spiritual energy still retained in the raw material after the spirit beast's death.

This can give rise to some special resistances, if done right, the crafted equipment will gained special attributes.

For instance, a cloak that is made from the remains of a fire attributed spirit beast will definitely give rise to a cloak that is resistance to fire, as well as, having better conductivity to the user's spirit power.

Ao Si Ka stored the two spirit beast carcasses within his inventory space, as he then covers the blood splattered on the ground from his battle with unearthed dirt, in order to cover up the lingering smell blood iron in the air.

"This should at least covered up the smell. It should at least deter any spirit beast that comes coming attracted by the smell of blood." Ao Si Ka said to himself, as he willed the 647 years old spirit ring over to himself.

With the 647 years old spirit ring within his hand, he smirks and talks to himself. "Who cares about saving the slot of the second spirit essence up for hundred thousands years old spirit ring. If I don't even live that long then it will be totally pointless." Ao Si Ka gave a reductant look as he stares at the glowing 647 years old yellow spirit ring within his hands.

He then said, "I can always look for a hundred thousand years old spirit beasts when I'm stronger... There's surely a couple of spirit beast that possesses a cultivation base way above the hundred thousand years old age range."

"I first need to obtained the strength and power of a spirit douluo or above first if I truly want to go with that plan, or else without a doubt I will experience a severe soul shock."

Soul shock is a special experience that arises when a spirit beast older than 10,000 years is dead, but its negative emotions and conciousness that has yet to dissappear. If your mind is not matured enough or your soul is not strong enough, you will experienced a severe backlash brung about by the soul shock from the absorbed spirit ring.

You will thereby likely become mentally retarded, possesing the mental capacity of a 2 years old, with no chance of recovery, if you ever attempted to absorb a spirit ring beyond the optimal years old range.

Rumishing through the forest area, Ao Si Ka quickly found a safe space hidden within large piles of bushes, big enough to hide Ao Si Ka's seven years old body.

He sat down with a determined look on his face, with a definite goal that he wanted to achieved.

"I need to hurry and absorb the spirit ring before it gets dark." Ao Si Ka said, starting to panic, as he looked up at the darkening sky; the sun way passed high noon, in a couple of hours the sun will begin to set.

Ao Si Ka hurriedly got into a meditative pose, as he begun the process of absorbing the 647 years old spirit ring with great difficulty.

The 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior's yellow spirit ring is within the optimal age range for a spirit master to absorb.

However, the numerous plant spores hidden withinside his body is disrupting his concentration, and causing his flow of spirit power to become a bit chaotic.

It's like having thousands of boats heading off in different directions, but one destination that after. The thousandths of boats heading their course will naturally cause a change reaction destroying the natural course and flow of the waves, sending ripples across the sea bed.

Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea was in utter chaos, the reservoir of spirit power quickly shrinking inside him as we speak. With numerous freckles of green silver light inhabiting Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea, like fireflies, they quickly sucking up Ao Si Ka's reserved spirit power like parasites.

These were the hundred thousands of plant spores that inhabits Ao Si Ka's body at the moment, draining his spirit power at a steady rate, but not immediately killing him.

If he were to die here immediately within the Star Dou forest, without another source of food. The plant spores will all die too due to the lack of nutrients or spirit energy needed to sustain themselves for the moment.

So they only takes in whatever is needed enough to sustain themselves until the spores advances to the next stage of its life cycle.

However, something miraculous appeared within the surface of Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea. It was the Gui Lang knife, Ao Si Ka's secondary spirit essence, materialises above Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea.

Purplish black smoke began to cover the knife blade as it levitated, almost like it was possessed by a ghost.

The Gui Lang knife acted on its own, like it has its own will, the primary instincts to save it's host, it's master's life. Ao Si Ka's life.

It rises, like a ghostly reaper, it slashes at the numerous green silver orbs of life. The Gui Lang knife then cuts the green silver ball of light in half, engulfing it whole within the purplish black smokes.

Gui Lang knife then absorbs the green silver orbs of light's lifeforce, some of it then goes directly to Ao Si Ka, healing his physical body up and repairing damaged parts.

Ao Si Ka's absorbing process took longer than he thought, reaching roughly a hour and a half, more than three times longer than his previous spirit ring absorbing time.

He ended up wracked with pain, forehead dripping with great droplets of sweat. His skinny physique became even more skinnier, revealing the bones in his body, as the plant spores inside him absorbed even more of his nutrients and sustenance.

▪You have successfully absorbed a 647 years old spirit ring.▪

▪Your spirit essence level has risen to Lv 15.▪

▪You have acquired your secondary spirit essence first spirit ring [Extreme Recovery Sausage].▪

Ao Si Ka successfully absorbed the 647 years old spirit ring, without much struggle, but the process was extremely long and tiring. It took much mental energy and Willpower to endured the long process. Many times now have Ao Si Ka almost give up, and lost his concentration because of the pain he felt and the distraction from his chaotic flow of spiritual power.

However, Ao Si Ka quickly recovered his willpower, and managed to achieved his goal.

The vicious gleam within his eyes, when he opened his eyelids, the strong determination to live was burning brighter than ever.

"I've done it." Ao Si Ka tiredly said as he then looks up at the darkening sky.

With a disappointed look, he sees nothings has not gone his way. Ao Si Ka sighs deeply, breathing in cold air, as he grips his chest, the pain inside his chest has lessen a bit, but it's still there.