Self Made Spirit Ability

One of the city guards then approaches the unconscious injured Ao Si Ka, laying awfully quiet on the ground, almost like he was actually dead.

The curious city guard then places his finger above Ao Si Ka's nose. Although, it is very faint, he still feel a breathe.

'The boy is still alive. Thank goodness.' It was the city guard's first thought.

But looking at Ao Si Ka's injuries on his body, the damaged dealt to his body, and the stitching wound on his right arm. The boy himself may not have that much longer to live if he doesn't get his wounds treated.

"So what do we do now? Should we leave the boy to die out here within his sleep or get a doctor to treat his wounds?" The other city guard asked the city guard who is apparently near Ao Si Ka.

"No. It's quite pointless to get a doctor at this point." The city guard said, "Even if we do managed to get one. Hypotheyically, are you willing to pay for the boy's medical expenses."

The city guard who just asked the question on whether to save the boy, then suddenly turned quiet.


"I guess you're right." The city guard answered.

"We barely get paid a couple of silver coins each month, and that is enough to keep us living. Medical expenses and medicine are too expensive for us common folk." The city guard lamented.

"Still, it will become an eyesore if we just leave the boy to die on the streets." The city guard insisted, "It will have a negative impact on the reputation of us guards to have a citizen die on our guard duty. No matter the kid's status. It would still leave a bad record on our report."

"So what do we do then?" The other city guard then asked the one that knows it all.

"Take the boy to one of the spare rooms within our guard post. If he dies then dispose of his corpse. If the boy lives then let him leave when he recovers enough strength to walk." The city guard said, "This is not a hospital afterall. It's a guard post."

"Roger that." The city guard proceeded to lift Ao Si Ka's unconscious body up, and princess carry him within his arms.

They carried his unconscious body to an nearby bed in one of the guard posts, where the city guards rest during their break.

Ao Si Ka was placed within a warm bed for the first time, with an old ragged blanket covering him. Although it is not much, it is still considered something done out of goodwill.

• • •

Ao Si Ka's body layed peacefully still atop the bed, his chest palpitating, constantly ascending and receding uncontrollably.

His heart was beating rather rapidly, systematically, trying to get as much oxygen into his lungs as possible, whilst working overtime with a semi damaged lung.

The caused of damage within his lungs is because of the many thousands of plant spores that has infected his lungs. They are slowly eating away at his vitality, taking away the nutrients and stealing the oxygen that is needed to keep his cell's alive.

The plant spores are like living parasites. Except they don't multiply or lay eggs within the host's body.

Within Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea, a major change has occurred. Something that is amazing has taken place.

As thousandths of green silver orbs of light that covered his spiritual sea in sight. The Gui Lang knife was fully materialised within Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea, as it went on a mad massive killing spree, like a crazy reaper.

The Gui Lang knife quickly dices through a row of green silver light orbs, spliting the green silver light orbs in half, and absorbing some of its lifeforce energy.

The intensity of the purplish black smokes began to increase, as the more lifeforce energy it absorbs from the slain green silver light orbs.

The ghostly figures on the Gui Lang knife blade became less corporeal and more semi realistic, with the ghostly figures's face resembling a human skull, with glowing green fiery eyes.

It continues it's endless massacre of the green silver light orbs. Cutting down its numbers like flies.

Some of the destroyed green silver light orbs lifeforce energy went to Ao Si Ka second spirit essence, his sausage spirit. Reinvigorating it with plentiful of lifeforce energy, as it's recovering effect and supportive abilities are amplified beyond normal boundaries.

The damaged cells and muscle tissues within Ao Si Ka's lungs gradually healed, having become much stronger over time; as the weaker one dies off being consumed by the green silver orb of light, whilst new healthy and much stronger cells are being generated to take its place.

Deconstruction and reconstruction. The cells within Ao Si Ka's lungs and trachea have certainly become alot more tougher and durable.

As time passes, the Gui Lang knife's killings have certainly improves. With its precision and aiming having become more accurate.

The number of the green silver light orbs within Ao Si Ka's spiritual sea quickly dwindle, having become almost obsolete, like it's entire existence was on the brink of extinction.

An unknown amount of time has passed within the real world, as Ao Si Ka opened his eyes with such ferocity. You could see the ominous green fiery glow similar to the ghostly figures on his Gui Lang knife.


▪Your comprehension of your spirit essence [Spirit Knife] has reached new heights. You have successfully developed a new spirit skill [Ghostly Possession].▪

The spirit skill allows the user to channel in their spirit power and a piece of their soul into the chosen object, allowing for them to take full control and possess the object like it's an extension of their own body.

Ao Si Ka's green eyes then narrows, as he immediately summons the Gui Lang knife within his hand.

He poured his spirit power into the Gui Lang knife and a piece of his own conciousness, as purplish black smoke then covers the Gui Lang knife blade.

Ao Si Ka then threw the Gui Lang knife within his hand.

The Gui Lang knife shot fastly across the room, but when he suddenly moved his right hand upwards. The Gui Lang knife that was thrown suddenly had a mind of its own, as it curved upwards slightly, and struck the ceiling of the room with a thud.

Cling! Clang!

The Gui Lang knife then tumbles to the ground, but when it hits the floor. It created a metallic sound.

'Looks like through this fortunate event, I have unlocked myself a new ability.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself, as he smirks.

Ao Si Ka's control over the ghostly possession skill was kind of amateurish, so it took time for him to get used to it, but causing the Gui Lang knife to levitate in mid air was very simple.

However, precision flying was extremely difficult as sometimes the Gui Lang knife would fly too fast for the eye could see, whilst others time, the Gui Lang knife would hit a nearby object and bounce off in another direction.

'All the more confusing, this spirit ability of mine. However, it is very extremely useful.' Ao Si Ka commented on how useful it is.

"Tch." Ao Si Ka clicked his tongue as he suddenly remembers the injuries he sustained whilst fighting the 647 years white moon mushroom warrior spirit beast.

Although, the injuries has lessened a bit, the pain is still there, and the broken bones. Thanks to the absorption of the lifeforce energy of all of the spores he breathed in previously.

Ao Si Ka reached his hand out, whilst doing a spiderman webslinger pose. He shouted out loud his spirit Incantation, "I, your father, have a very big sausage... Extreme Recovery Sausage!"

A juicy orangey brown sausage then materialises in front of him, steaming hot, with grilled black stripes at the side.

Ao Si Ka's face then turns bright red after he spoke the spirit Incantation out loud.

'Who the fuck even came up with this spirit Incantation. It made me sound like a pervert... thank god I'm by myself.' Ao Si Ka thought to himself.

"Next time, I will only say the spirit Incantation only when it is needed to boost my Extreme Recovery Sausage, or else I will eventually die from embarrassment." Ao Si Ka said to him, he tightened his fist and made a firm resolution.

Ao Si Ka then grabs the floating spirit sausage as he viciously bite on it like an animal, biting it from the side of his jaw.

The juices from the spirit sausage then floods his mouth, as the herbal earthy scent from the 647 years old white moon mushroom warrior spirit beast is infused into his sausage. The sausage taste extremely tasty and reinvigorating.

'This is delicious!' Ao Si Ka happily thought, as his injuries gradually recovered within the blink of an eye.

The stitching liks mark from the creature's bite has almost dissappeared without a trace. Leaving no visible mark on his body.