Breathing Excercises

After eating the Extreme Recovery Sausage he summoned, Ao Si Ka gradually made a full recovery. His body is now in tipped topped shape, well filled with plentiful of spirit energy.

However, he undoubtedly experiencing something rather uncomfortable, unraveling from withinside him.

It felt extremely sickening to him, almost like he wanted to barf.

Ao Si Ka felt a bit unwell. "Augh!" He coughs a few times, out from his mouth, expelling the bad impurities from his body. Alongside the numerous dead spores from withinside his body.

A black sludge; impurities mixed with his own saliva, then exits his mouth. He spat on the floor.

'It would seem that I got the things out from my system. I'm starting to feel alot better now. Breathing has become alot more easier now.' Ao Si Ka thought, as he wipes the contaminated saliva off his lips.

With the breathing issue related by the infestation of the white moon mushroom warrior's spoke in his lungs resolved, Ao Si Ka can now peacefully rest, with a clear mental state of mind.

'Should I try self meditation to ease my mind.' Ao Si Ka suggested.

With nothing left to do, he sat crosslegged on top of the bed, which is just simply a hard wood table with a head rest.

Ao Si Ka slowly closes his eyes, as his breathing gradually slows down, naturally blending with the uneventfully with the breeze. Silence soon fills the room, as Ao Si Ka successfully entered a clear state of mind, perfect for meditation.

With a blank slate in mind, Ao Si Ka could feel the tiniest amounts of movement withinside his body.

His lungs slowly expand and deflating, whilst taking in the oxygen particles through his nose into his body, and expelling carbon dioxide outwards through his mouth.

A breadth of warmth air, containing some moisture, then exits his lips.


▪Through repetitive breathing excercises...▪

▪Your skill proficiency has reached a designated degree. The skill Basic Breathing Excercise Lv1 has been acquired.▪

▪Your skill proficiency has reached a designated degree. The skill Simple Meditation Lv1 has been acquired.▪

The skill meditation unlike the other type of skills have only three stages, which are simple meditation, clear meditation, and finally unified meditation.

Simple meditation is as the name implies, a simple breathing excercise that relaxes the body. At the same time, improving the blood flow and other bodily functions.

Clear meditation is slightly more advanced, having the user achieve a perfect blank state of mind, devoid of any outside distractions and thoughts. As well as having gradually more control over ones own body.

And lastly unified meditation, where the user has completely achieved the perfect state of mind, very close to reaching nirvana. The body and mind having achieved unity, working together as one. One's own breathing will meld completely with the their surroundings.

An person who has already achieved unified meditation can breathe through their skin, absorbing oxygen through their pores.

• • •

Some time passes, as Ao Si Ka's simple meditation and breathing excercises gradually progress; the skill gains some skill proficiency, or a level or two.

When the city guard that took Ao Si Ka in and gave him a place to rest to shelter from the cold, finishes their work hours and is now on break, and off duty, switching place with another city guard.

The city guard then opens the door and enters the guard post room. He was greeted with the sight of the little seven years old Ao Si Ka who remains seated on top of the makeshift hardwood bed, still and quiet, meditating.

'Holy shit! The kid is still alive and kicking!' The city guard was greatly surprised by Ao Si Ka's near perfect state, as he instantaneously made a full recovery.

The city guard eagerly approaches the still meditating Ao Si Ka.

'Is it possible.' The city guard thought as he then runs up towards him.

Ao Si Ka was immediately alerted by the city guard's presence when he first enters the room, since Ao Si Ka didn't sense any ounce of hostility from him.

He was quite sure that that said person was not considered a threat.

However, when that said city guard's atmosphere suddenly changes. He came rushing over towards him, like a bolt of lightning.

Ao Si Ka's closed eyes then opens up, as he could slightly make out the figure of the city guard vastly approaching his location. Seeing his two large adult sized hand that was just about to grab him, Ao Si Ka was on guard.

So he raises both of his arms out, to guard against a possible attack, as the city guard reaches out to grab him.

The city guard's hand just went pass his head, a couple of inches, and was just about to fall on his shoulder. When Ao Si Ka immediately reacted, the city guard's hand stopped descending, as he caught the city guard's hand by the wrist.

Ao Si Ka coldly look at the unnamed city guard in the eye.

"What are you doing?" A few words said by Ao Si Ka himself was enough to send chills running down the city guard's spine.

"Ah, I was..." The city guard was certainly surprised by the boy's grip strength, as he failed to escaped from the boy's vice like hard grip.

'I've done goof it this time. Who knew that the boy's grip could be so strong.' The city guard thought, as he was restrained by Ao Si Ka.

"I was just checking up on ya. To see if you were still alive and healthy." The city guard anxiously said, as he felt a bit nervous about being forced into a corner by a seven years old child.

Upon hearing the city guard anxiously answered his question, Ao Si Ka then decided to let go of his hold on the city guard's wrist.

"Oh, why didn't you say so." Ao Si Ka said so with a slight smile plastered on his face.

The city guard finally felt a bit relieved after the seven years old boy freed him from the boy's vice like grip.

'How can such a little boy possess such strength that is even on par with an adult.' The city guard thought as he felt both his wrist.

Despite feeling no pain, he felt a sense of soreness around his wrist. His fingers slightly shaking. Is this fear I am feeling? Or is because of the restrained blood flow that is causing my hands to shake.

'Could he possibly be...' A thought suddenly popped up within the city guard's mind.

"Are you a spirit master?" The city guard asked with a shakened voice.

Disbelief at the mere idea that an ordinary seven years old child could already become a spirit master.

Even amongst the nobles and the people with great cultivation talents to have progressed from spirit scholar to spirit master realm within one year after spirit awakening is nothing short, but amazing.

They are considered geniuses. Startling seeds of amazing talents in the germinating phase that has yet to bloom.

Something that many organisations, individuals, and spirit academy are seeking after.

"Yes... I am." One word out from Ao Si Ka's lip is enough to confirm the city guard's suspicion.

Ao Si Ka then reveals his spirit essence, showcasing the spirit mark of his sausage spirit, as spiritual pressure is then released off from his body.

One does not need to show their spirit ring in order to confirm the identity that they are a spirit master. So long as you have spirit power inside of you, then it is easily to differentiate a normal person from an actual spirit master.

From what he heard, and the erupting spiritual pressure from the boy, it send a massive shockave running through his brain. 'Thank god. This kid is not aggressive or easily agitated.' The city guard thought, as he unconsciously takes a step back.

It took him a few seconds to process things, as he was constantly being stared at by the boy.

Ao Si Ka has still yet deter some of his suspicions away from the city guard. He was just being cautious, out of the wellbeing of himself and safety.

"You know... You could easily discern that I'm still alive and healthy from a single glance, you know." Ao Si Ka said, slightly implying something.

The city guard answered truthfully, as he had no reason to lie, "Well, you did suffer a life threatening injury from before. There were some blood, and possibly a few broken bones or two."

'Even if you are talented at cultivation. How high would your cultivation base be at your age?' The city guard thought.

'The blow from Shen Fei Zhu who is a power attack type spirit master is enough to send an ordinary human bedridden for humans, more or less having a higher chance of killing an average adult.'

'This is not even considering that you are a food auxiliary system type spirit master. Your physical strength is slightly above an average human male, not even on par with a power attack type spirit master.' The city guard rectified.