When Felicia left, the atmosphere lightened considerably.

"...Feechi, you do know that you're probably gonna experience hell later right?" A servant with light brown hair and hazel eyes teased her companion, the person who had laughed at Felicia.

"...I know, Clara. So I'm gonna pray. Dear Demoness, spare me from too much pain! I don't wanna get lower back pain at the age of twenty-seven!" The male servant, with black hair and chocolate complexion, said dramatically. He looked towards Fei with a crooked smile.

"Yo! Nice going there!" There was a subtle admiration in his eyes.

He was greeted with silence and a blank stare.

"...Oh yeah... (sorry, forgot you didn't speak English.)" Feechi said awkwardly. "(My name is Feechi. What's yours?)"

Fei slowly nodded. "(I'm Feixin.)" This is the name imprinted in her memory.

"(Feixin? That's an interesting name.)" Feechi deliberated. He swung around the cleaning wipe in his hands.

"Feechi. How can you speak Language C so fluently?! Isn't your family from Country F?" Clara exclaimed in surprise.

Feechi rolled his eyes. "Is this your first day knowing me? I've told you before, I majored in language when I was in university. I can speak Languages A, Z, C, S, R, J, F, K--"

"...Alright, Alright! I get it." Clara rolled her eyes back. Braggart, she muttered under her breath. She continued dusting the magnificent decorations that were placed all around the first floor.

Fei hesitated, before asking, "(Feechi, do you know what Felicia was trying to do?)"

Surprised, Feechi replied, "You don't know? She holds a grudge against you. But wow. I've never seen that stupid look on Felicia's face before, and I've been working here for more than a year! You're much stronger than I anticipated. You looked so frail that you might've fallen at any moment. Its a pity though. You are probably going to get punished really badly. " He shook his head and emphasized his words with a sigh.


Unamused, Clara hit Feechi on his head using the back of her duster, "Sorry Feixin, despite studying languages for a decade, he's really bad with words. Don't take it to heart." She did a series of gestures, trying to use body language to talk to Fei.

"Hey!" Feechi tried to protest, but couldn't come up with an intelligent enough rebuttal to challenge that claim. After all, his nature was rather straight forward and blunt; there was nothing else to say.

"Let's go." Clara waved to Fei before leaving to another room. The current room they were in was already completely purged of dust particles.

Feechi nodded and followed suit. Before leaving, he smiled at Fei and said, "(If you ever need help, you can always ask either Clara," he pointed at Clara's back, "or me. We'll try the best we can, although all we can do is probably refresh your memory of places in the mansion, teach you how to do certain tasks, and tell you the latest gossip.)"

Facing the first normal people who willingly approached her, Fei was a little dazed. She subconsciously lifted her hand and waved back. Just that simple motion made her feel delighted for some reason.

Waking up from her stupor, she noticed the pitiful mop that had been flung harshly to the floor. She walked over, picked it up, and shook it a little. A few droplets of brown water dripped from the mop and scattered on to the floor, dirtying the freshly cleaned floor.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Fei decided to mop the floors again. After cleaning up, she walked down to the basement and to the storage room where the cleaning supplies were kept.

The storage room was very tidy; it had metallic hangers that were lined against the walls. Examining the different tools on the wall, Fei soon realized that the mop in her hands was very different. The tools on the wall seemed to be made of much higher quality material, and they were the types that had all sorts of colorful buttons and switches, unlike hers that was a bundle of coarse strings attached to a wooden pole. Because of this difference, Fei had trouble deciding where to put the mop. Felicia had only introduced her to this one storeroom, and Fei did not recall seeing this type of mop placed in here.


Tracy was a regular parlor maid at the Rochester household, but she was a little more timid and clumsy than the others. One day, she was instructed to scrub the second-floor windows with high cleansing power soap; someone else would wash them. Of course, it wasn't really as hard as it sounded. She used a tool that would automatically cleanse it for her, so she didn't have to use much effort. However, she accidentally dropped the tool. Before she could pick it up, another servant accidentally stepped on it and tripped. Thankfully, the servant was not injured, but as a result, the tool broke.

After reporting this to one of the housemaids, Tracy was allowed permission to go to the storage room to get a new cleaning tool. Tracy disliked the cleaning storage room because it was hidden in a little corner of the basement which was often devoid of other people. Additionally, you had to physically open the lights. The regular rooms above ground had motion sensors that lit up a room immediately, but some of the minor basement rooms were not renovated and did not have such a function.

When Tracy arrived near the storage room, she surprisingly found that the door to it was open. But the room was still dark. She had an ominous feeling; but she had one every time she was scared. So she suppressed it and walked nearer towards the door opening.

"Who left the storeroom door open? Gosh, it's dark in her-- Kyaaaa!!!!!"

When Tracy saw there was a dark mass in the middle of the storage room, her heart almost stopped from beating too fast. Gulping down to moisten her dry throat, she closed her eyes and told herself that it was probably just a stray animal or a tool that fell from its racks. Although she wasn't sure if she believed it herself. After all, tools that fall from racks do stand vertically. Stray animals that size would never get into the house, considering the mansion's incredible defenses.

She opened her eyes. Her eyes took a moment to register what she saw-- deadly mismatched yellow/purple eyes that seemed to spell her doom-- before screaming hysterically with her voice shaking in horror,