You'll regret it for the rest of your life

What followed that slap was silence.

Relentless silence.

It was as if everyone in the club had disappeared so intense was the silence; only Lu Mingyu and Xu Xinya remained in that place; rest didn't exist, rest didn't matter.

People silently prepared themselves to witness bloodshed in the club.

Lu Mingyu's face had turned to a side due to the impact of the slap. He was shocked. Xu Xinya had done something that he could never have expected.

Zhang Li, his subordinate, broke out of his stupor.

"How dare you?! Do you know who he is!" His voice roared in the silence, shaking everyone with a fright. Looking at his Boss's terrifying expressions, not only was he horrified, he was enraged.

'How could he let this unspeakable thing happen? If only he was not standing a couple of steps back, he would never have allowed anything to touch his regal Boss.'

He quickly charged at that insolent girl, while his other hand swiftly reached into his belt to extract his gun.

'Blood was going to be spilled that night'

Yet, before he could even touch that girl, Lu Mingyu slowly shifted his eyes and shot him a glance.

Zhang Li froze at once. He knew by heart what every single gesture of his boss meant. Throwing a reluctant glance at Xu Xinya, he slowly retreated. The flames of anger in his eyes doused out and replaced with something akin to pity when he looked at that girl. 'This girl has no idea what she has done. If Boss doesn't want me to interfere, he is probably planning to do something on his own. And if it is something he is planning to do, it has to be something horrible..'

Lu Mingyu looked back into Xu Xinya's feral eyes. His expressions broke into a cold smirk. His face was still calm. Yet, this time, with a bloodthirsty air; a murderous aura surrounded him. Quietly he lifted his thumb and wiped the blood from the side of his broken lip.

Looking at his Boss's rather peculiar silence, Zhang Li was ensured.

'The girl definitely doesn't know what she has just done and what kind of hell rests ahead for her.'

It was only a calm before the storm. A long, calamitous storm that would shatter Xu Xinya's world into pieces.

If Lu Mingyu had any doubts before then now they must have been cleared; the woman, who stood so firmly in front of his eyes, wasn't aware of his identity.

"This is the moment you are going to regret for the rest of your life" Lu Mingyu's voice was dangerously low. He said those words looking straight into Xu Xinya's eyes as if making a vow. His expression had the ability to freeze one's heart and scar one's soul for eternity.

For a moment, Xu Xinya froze. She felt her heart thump. It was the first time, she felt a stream of fear within her.


Nothing really happened.

Without doing anything, that man left the club. Not sparing Xu Xinya another glance.

Xu Xinya blinked, looking quite puzzled. Snapping out of it, she quickly went on her knees to help out the woman on the floor. "Are you alright Mam?"

"Just get away from me." The woman shot a venomous glance at Xu Xinya.

Xu Xinya: "..."

"Fine with me." Xu Xinya shrugged and rose. When she looked around, she noticed the strange atmosphere that surrounded her.

The whole club was still very silent and still. People threw strange glances in her direction; a mixture of shock and pity in them. But none of them approached her.

Slowly, the club started getting empty. Most of the people left quickly.

"What is this all about? Is it that serious?" Xu Xinya wasn't much anxious. Because that was how people behaved when a big figure was offended. She understood that people were naturally scared of drama. After all, Xu Xinya had experience in this matter with a history of offending big figures in the past.

"But isn't this Club held by a powerful tycoon? People shouldn't be scared of regular rich people getting offended. A lot of wealthy young masters visit this club. Oh well. That man did look a slightly more than average."

Shortly after Xiao Yi arrived, she was furious when she didn't find Xu Xinya at her spot. However before she could even cuss, they were both thrown out of the club. Xiao Yi only managed to listen that Xu Xinya had slapped someone when she complained. The doors were closed at them and they were blacklisted from the club.

Xiao Yi was so mad with anger that she almost died that night.

"What the fuck Ya'er?! Why are you so impossible! I just left you for five minutes. Five fucking minutes! And you already managed to slap someone? And not just someone! Someone from VVIP!" Xiao Yi was losing control.

Never had she been so ridiculed in her life!

Thrown out of the club. Thrown out of the club!

And not just any club! The most famous club in the city!

She didn't know how long rumors were going to circulate.

"Important person? Huh..." Xu Xinya scoffed. She didn't care. Alcohol always did some things to her. As for being thrown out, unlike Xiao Yi, Xu Xinya was wild and had a record of being thrown out from a long list of places. "So what? If he is important he can slap a woman?"

Xiao Yi grimaced while still driving.

"You didn't know the whole story. What if the woman was at fault? Did you not look at her? The way she was dressed; she was most likely some prostitute. Maybe she had done something unforgivable? Why are you always so eager to play the hero?"

"Prostitutes are human too!"


Xiao Yi: "You just wanted an excuse to get into trouble, didn't you?"

"Even if she was at fault." Xu Xinya yawned and leaned back against her chair. She was used to Xiao Yi nagging and was totally not taking her seriously. "He still had no right to raise a hand on her. You didn't see how cruel they were to her. I c-couldn't just sit and watch."

And Xu Xinya fell asleep.

"And what excuses you have for humiliating me. What was my fault? Who will provide me justice?" Xiao Yi cried pitifully but there was no one to listen to her complaints. She grumbled to herself. "The things you do for friendship"

However, that night, Xiao Yi couldn't shrug off that ominous feeling. She wasn't aware of that person's real identity. But the man who sat in the VVIP area that night had something domineering in his aura. As if someone tried to get too close, he would choke. There was something about that man that was very unsettling.

Actually, only a handful of people were aware of Lu Mingyu's identity in that club. Other people could only infer that the person in the VVIP section that night was of high status because of the notable people who surrounded him that night. They were all well-known figures.

If they were willing to flatter that man like this, that man had to be several levels above them.

"Nothing will go wrong. After all, Xu Xinya is not from an ordinary family. Her family has a strong influence and not anyone could bully someone associated with Xu's family name." Xiao Yi reassured herself. "Even if that person comes back for her, I won't let anyone touch her." With a softened gaze, Xiao Yi glanced at the snoring Xu Xinya.

However, at that time, Xiao Yi didn't know that the one Xu Xinya had offended was someone who was also not from an ordinary family. Someone whose prestige and reach were unprecedented. Someone who saw rumored to see human beings as insignificant insects in his eyes.

Someone who must be feared and respected then on matters how prosperous your family is.