Quick update!

So, as you've all noticed by now, I stopped writing for a while, and I thought that I would just tell you why, as well as my plans for this story, I'll keep it short though.

The reason I stopped writing is pretty simple, stress. As I wrote I just started to get stressed out over a multitude of things, some of them being about the story, and some of them because of my life. I've also been having some serious anxiety lately, and writing just didn't feel good to me. Therefore, I took a little break, and to be honest, it worked wonders! I feel a lot better right now, and I'm going to continue the story starting tomorrow.

I will say though, my upload schedule is going to be a little different compared to the past, I used to do a chapter a day, but from now on, I'll do a chapter every other day. I'll also just post extra chapters when I feel like it. This is just to keep me from getting stressed out. Anyways, that's that, expect a chapter tomorrow, and have a good day!