A Happy Conclusion!

The city guards were not the only people stunned by this sudden eruption of light. Anyone within a few kilometers couldn't help but look to this beam of light, piercing the heavens. Even the newly freed slaves, as well as the people from the Torment of the Fallen, couldn't help but be shocked as they saw this. I mean, who wouldn't be? Even though most people thought that the light would quickly fade, it proved them wrong by staying there, buzzing with immense power. Of course, Ark couldn't keep this up forever, and he quickly grew exhausted. After a little while had passed, Ark could feel multiple immense auras approach from afar.

As Ark sensed these auras, he quickly made his escape, not daring to stay any longer. He couldn't just let all the light mana rampage around, therefore he quickly dispersed it into the air, as fast as he could, before following the freed slaves' tracks. It didn't take Ark long to catch up to them at all, normally it would take a little longer, but they had decided to set up camp in the forest before moving more tomorrow, everyone was tired after all.

As Ark arrived, all of the slaves quickly made way for him, looking at him with praising looks, as well as looks of adoration and admiration. This was the young man that had freed them from their shackles and saved them from their horrible fates after all. Ark couldn't help but straighten out his back as he felt all the stares of the people surrounding him, and his heart couldn't help but fill up with warmth and pride, he had saved these people!

The feeling of accomplishing a good deed was like none other. It wasn't something you could just describe with mere words, especially not for something on this level.

As Ark made his way forward, he soon arrived next to Ulfig and the rest. When they saw Ark, a mix of surprise, praise and something else was reflected in their eyes. Ark noticed quickly that something was a little off with their expressions, worst was Thufrat, his eyes full of concern. Not knowing what was going on, Ark couldn't help but ask.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"A-are you alright?" Thufrat asked quickly, with a grave expression plastered across his face.

Ark wasn't really sure what was going on, but as he saw where everyone's gazes were resting, he knew what the matter was instantly. Even though he was perfectly fine after he had gotten stabbed if you didn't count his slight mana deficiency as well as his exhaustion, and some minor pain. Ark hadn't really thought about cleaning himself up or switching clothes for that matter, meaning that he was currently covered in both fresh and dry blood, and his clothes were ripped.

"Oh, sorry if I worried you, I'm perfectly fine right now, the wound is already completely gone!" As Ark said this, he pulled up his shirt, revealing a slim scar snaking across his abdomen.

Thufrat, still a little concerned, didn't forget to ask one more time. "Are you really sure you're okay?"

"I'm really sure."

As Ark said this, he suddenly hovered a couple of inches above the ground as he got himself a rough hug from Thufrat.

"Don't worry me like that you little punk!" He said with some concern in his voice that had yet to leave.

As the rest heard this, they all started laughing merrily at the sight. From there, the atmosphere in the camp was heavily lifted, and everyone enjoyed their freedom for once, eating and talking about all kinds of things, like their pasts and some stories. Everyone was just laughing and having a good time, even the demons joined in on the fun, marking their fresh new start. Ark and the rest couldn't help but smile as they saw this. If there was one thing they loved, it was helping people like this and making a change in the world.

After enjoying the atmosphere and the mood for a while, Ark felt a wave of exhaustion hit him like a brick, urging him to rest. Even though he would've liked to stay and enjoy the mood for a little longer, he almost felt a little ill. Since he didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, and since he didn't really know what the future plans were, Ark went to see Ulfig.

Ulfig was currently enjoying a conversation with one of the demons, the male one to be exact. They had hit it off quite well, and had matching personalities, brightening both of their moods a little. Ark didn't want to disturb them, but he needed to say his farewells for the moment, as well as ask about the future.

"Leader, can I borrow you for a sec?" He asked with an apologetic tone.

"Of course." Ulfig nodded seriously, before glancing at the demon. Seeing his queue to leave, the male demon excused himself before mingling a little with some of the other people around.

"First of all, I just wanted to ask what our future plans are. I consumed too much energy on this mission, and I'm going to need some time to recuperate." Ark said seriously.

"Don't worry about it, first of all, we're going to get back to our closest base, before giving these people somewhere to stay, after that, we'll see." Ulfig responded.

"I have one more question, how am I supposed to get into contact with you when I'm healed up?" Ark asked a little apprehensively.

As Ulfig heard this, he flashed a smile before taking out a scroll from his spatial bag. As he took out the scroll, he tossed it to Ark.

"When you feel that you're ready, just inject your mana into that scroll."

Even though the explanation was a little lack-luster, Ark got the message. Nodding his head, he was just about to leave, before he felt a nudge in his side. Glancing to his right, Ark noticed a short little man looking up at him.

"You think you can leave me behind just like that kiddo?" Thufrat said with a mean look in his eye, before bursting into laughter a second later.

Ark was a little surprised, but he could feel his heart warm a little at the sight of this short dwarf in front of him.

"You want to come with me?" Ark prodded.

"You think I have anywhere else to go or something?"

"I guess you have a point."

As Ark said this, he turned around, and started wandering into the forest, Thufrat close on his heel. Ark had wanted to say goodbye to the rest of the Torment of the Fallen, but seeing them absorbed in their own conversations and stories, he decided to just leave them be, he didn't want to disturb their fun. Like this, the two of them slowly wandered into the dark forest, disappearing from this small camp...