More Trouble?

After looking at his status, Ark found out that his physical stats were still halved in this form, which made him a little disappointed. The disappointment quickly disappeared though as he thought about it a little, it was only logical after all. Why would he retain the full power of his body if it was reduced in size? And if the muscles in his body were smaller?

After having transformed into a wolf, Thufrat put a blue pendant around his neck. This pendant was only there to show that Ark wasn't some random wolf, and was, in fact, a contracted beast. Ark felt a little distraught at the fact of being seen as someone else's thing, but he knew that some things just had to be done. Besides, walking around in his wolf form was actually very comfortable.

After Thufrat had hung the pendant around, his eyes watered a little as he looked at it. This was the only thing that he still had from his mother. The pendant was actually the mana crystal of a water dragon, encased within a silver pendant. Of course, Thufrat had no idea that the pendant was something valuable, the only value he knew it had was the sentimental value it held to him. Even if he did know of its value, it wouldn't change anything. It wasn't like he would sell it just because it was valuable.

After they left the alley that they were in, Ark instantly attracted a lot of attention. Most eyes were either filled with curiosity or envy, but some were filled with fear. At least until they saw the pendant hanging around Ark's neck. Thufrat felt a little fidgety under so many gazes, but he still firmly walked towards the adventurers guild and didn't let the gazes of the crowd get to him. It was a little worse for Ark since most of the gazes lingered on him, but he mostly felt slight discomfort.

It didn't really take long to get to the adventurers guild since the city was pretty small after all, and when they arrived, they just entered the reception area straight away. In the reception room, there was a fairly large board where people could post quests for the adventurers to take on, next to this big board, was the reception desk, with two current workers. The rest of the reception hall was actually just like an inn, with adventurers sitting around tables discussing their quests and missions while eating.

Ark and Thufrat drew a lot of attention as they entered, and the once rowdy reception hall quickly turned quiet. One of the receptionists was busy, but the other one had nothing to do at the moment. The receptionist was a young woman in her twenties, and she quickly showed them to another room after Thufrat told her what his business was.

The other room was actually on the second floor of the building, next to the guildmaster's room. In the room, was an old man sitting behind a desk. As Thufrat and Ark entered the room, the old man glanced up from some documents, before becoming captivated by the wolf in front of him. This old man worked as an inspector for the guild, and he was supposed to inspect items and contracted beasts for documentation and such.

The instant he saw Ark, his eyes quickly glistened. He wasn't 100% sure, but if he was right, then an extinct species was standing right in front of him! He knew for sure that Ark was an Elemental Wolf since it was easy to spot, but seeing the golden eyes of Ark, as well as the mysterious aura the shrouded him, the old man suspected this wolf of being an Overlord Elemental Wolf!

"I'll have to use inspect on your contracted beast, is that okay?" The old man asked as he looked at Thufrat respectfully. Thufrat didn't answer the question directly but instead looked inquiringly at Ark. Seeing this, the old man was a little surprised, but when he saw Ark nod, he realized! This wolf seemed to be highly intelligent! This only further strengthened the old man's suspicions of Ark being an Overlord Elemental Wolf. If that was the case, then this would be a historical moment. The Overlord Elemental Wolfs, lost in the passage of time, had reappeared once more, and as someone's contracted beast at that!


Name: Ark

Title: Overlord

Species: Overlord Elemental Wolf

Level: ???

After seeing this, the old man couldn't help but want to scream! He had seriously witnessed an Overlord Elemental Wolf. He had also managed to notice that the wolf had a pendant made out of a water dragons mana crystal hanging around its neck. This made the old man look at Thufrat with another bout of respect, and he also tried to straighten his posture and bearing a little. This dwarf looked fairly normal, but having an Overlord Elemental Wolf as a contracted beast, as well as giving it a pendant made out of a water dragons mana crystal, this dwarf could not be someone simple at all.

"I-I'll quickly get your nameplate ready for you, if you just wait here for a minute kind sir!" The old man didn't waste any time and left the room quickly after inspecting Ark. After a couple of minutes had passed, the old man returned, in his hand, he held a small rectangular nameplate. This nameplate was made out of rose-gold and was actually quite expensive. Normally, the nameplates for contracted beasts were made out of materials like dark-steel, but this old man took the liberty of issuing Ark a nameplate made out of rose-gold, just out of respect.

On top of the nameplate, the name Ark was engraved in beautiful writing. The engravings held something magical to them, but Ark couldn't really put his finger on what it was. Fortunately, the old man started to explain just as he was in the middle of thinking.

"If you pour mana into the nameplate, a small status window displaying your contracted beasts name should appear, this window also contains his master's name, yours, so that people know whose beast it is if it ever gets lost or anything of the like." The old man told Thufrat with a smile on his face. Thufrat only nodded in acknowledgment.

"Is there anything else we have to do? Or can we leave now?"

"I won't hold you any longer, go ahead!" The old man smiled and waved, not going back to work until they had left the room. Not that he could get much work done with his blood boiling like crazy.

Thufrat hung the nameplate around Ark's neck when they left the room, and he had to admit, it actually fit him quite well. After doing that, they started to walk away from the room they were just in, and past the room of the guild master. The guild master's door was wide open, and as they passed by, an imperial voice sounded out loudly.

"Wait for a second!"