
Seeing Thufrat like this, Ark's anger instantly consumed him. Rational thinking was a thing of the past, and Ark's aura skyrocketed. These bastards dared hurt his best friend? Even going so far as trying to kill him? What had Thufrat ever done to them? Nothing, and Ark was furious. The scarlet lion was about to attack Ark again, but as the scarlet lion neared, something peculiar occurred. Ark stood in silence, but the elements around him were all but staying still. Sensing Ark's seething anger, the mana in the air grew furious, and it all started to cluster around him.

The first element to go out of control was the wind element, kicking up a tornado with Ark at its center. The tornado was rapidly expanding, and the rest of the elements integrated themselves into the tornado to the best of their abilities. Soon, the tornado had spears made out of ice, swords created from light and spikes made out of earth flying around it. The darkness element couldn't be of any use in the tornado and clung to Ark instead, hiding him from people's sight. Water and fire were contradicting energies, and instead of fighting with each other inside of the tornado, they integrated themselves with Ark's body, imbuing him with immense power thanks to his constitution.

Everyone present was mindblown as this raging tornado suddenly appeared, and Ark seemingly disappeared. the shadows that were attacking Ark and the bodyguards were distracted, and before they could think much more, the tornado attacked the scarlet lion. When they saw this, they all focused back on their fights, since the tornado wasn't attacking them after all. But before their battles returned to what they were before, gloomy darkness spread among the fighters. Morgana and her party assumed it was the shadow warriors' doing, but that wasn't the case.

All of a sudden, the sound of flesh being ripped apart emerged out of nowhere. Blood and flesh rained down from the air as two shadow warriors were suddenly ripped apart from something lurking in the darkness. As everyone felt the warmth of the blood that splashed on their faces, chills ran down everyone's spines. The shadow warriors looked apathetic on the surface, but turmoil raged within their hearts. No matter how inhuman and weird they seemed, they were all human at heart and seeing their comrades ripped apart like this, they all felt bloodthirst. But more importantly, they felt fear.

A sudden light suddenly emerged from the darkness, and the shadow warrior standing behind Ark was targeted by a white fire javelin flying at a speed almost indiscernible to the naked eye. A large hole appeared in the shadow warrior's leg. Albeit in immense pain, the shadow warrior felt some relief that the attack only hit his leg. Before he could finish that thought, the shadow warrior suddenly burst into white flames. The white flames instantly engulfed his entire figure and burned fiercely.


An inhuman scream that sent shivers down people's spines followed a second later. Ark appeared a meter or so away from him, and looked at him with eyes of pure anger. He could've instantly killed the man, but did Ark want the man to die such an easy death after doing this to his friend? No way in hell! He let the man burn for a second or two, enduring immense pain, before letting him pass on, he was no sadist after all. The shadow warrior just turned into a fine dust that scattered in the wind, disappearing completely.

Thufrat was currently kneeling on the ground, using one of his hands to keep himself from falling completely. Ark quickly tried to support him with one of his paws, before inspecting the wound on his friend's stomach. A dark dagger was stuck in his back, with darkness mana lingering around it. Blood was gushing out like a waterfall, and Ark's unease multiplied when he saw the severe wound as well as Thufrat's pale face.

He didn't dare waste even a single second and instantly tried to help him. The first thing he did was to remove the dagger itself. He had to use light mana to battle the darkness mana that was lingering around, but it wasn't that difficult.


Thufrat's pained voice quickly sounded, and Ark's unease grew. Removing the dagger made the wound bleed even more profusely, and Thufrat was in a lot of pain, but it had to be done. If he didn't remove the dagger, there was no way for Ark to heal the wound, and even though it pained him to hurt his friend, it was for his best. Ark calmed his mind down and concentrated as much as he could. He then started sending in large amounts of light mana into Thufrat's body. He guided the mana to the best of his abilities, trying his hardest to repair Thufrat's damaged body.

Unfortunately, the wound wasn't simple, and it was fairly deep. If that was all there was to it, then it wouldn't be that hard to fix, the unfortunate part was that the assassin was experienced in his profession, and had punctured Thufrat's liver. Ark grew more and more desperate, and he kept sending in more and more light mana to help Thufrat's body recover, but it wasn't going too well. Ark bit down hard, treating him like this wouldn't help, and Ark decided to go all out. This would endanger Thufrat's life as well, but it was the only way Ark could make use of to try and save his friend.

Even though it was a bit of a gamble, Ark decided to take the bet, and he sent in almost all the remaining mana he had into Thufrat's body. This could effectively heal the Thufrat's wound, at the very least to a point where it wasn't life-threatening. The dangerous part was that the mana itself could go out of control, and that could easily kill Thufrat from the inside. For this to work, Ark had to remain focus to the utmost, and try to control the mana to the best of his abilities.

The large stream of mana entered Thufrat's body through the wound, and his face instantly paled even more. Ark sat behind him, guiding the mana through his damaged blood vessels and mending everything he could to the best of his ability. Most of the mana was repairing Thufrat's liver and some other arteries that had been damaged. After a while, the colour on Thufrat's face started to return, while Ark's face started to pale instead.

His focus wasn't disturbed in the slightest by the fighting of the bodyguards and the shadow warriors, nor the tragic roars and yelps from the scarlet lion as it was ripped apart by the tornado ark had sent at it earlier. The only thing occupying his mind was the will to save his friend, which he eventually did. After successfully saving Thufrat, Ark couldn't hold onto his conciousness any more, and collapsed on the ground...