Back To Estridsen Again!

Since they had nothing better to do, Alenia and Thufrat followed Ark into an inconspicuous restaurant and sat down to eat. After eating their fill, they all left to buy themselves some horses. Ark had told them the reward he would get if he completed the mission while they were eating, and Thufrat nearly choked to death on his food, it was an absurd amount of money for commoners like them after all. 

This time, since they had to travel quite the distance, they bought a lesser draconic horse. This horse had a sliver of a dragon's bloodline, which boosted its physical strength and endurance to a whole new level. This also gave Thufrat another degree of control over the horse, since his bloodline had a lot of influence over other draconic bloodlines, especially this one since the bloodline connection was pretty distant.