The First Match!

A young man slightly over the age of 20 walked up on the stage. As Ark saw him, the first thought that crossed his mind was that his name was perfectly fitting. The young man was very bulky in stature, and his shiny black-steel armour reflected the many rays of sunlight that hit it. His weapon of choice was a shortsword as well as a very large rectangular shield. The shield was far from normal, and it looked like it was several hundred years old, made completely out of wood. The helmet that adorned his head hid any facial features, except for his piercing blue eyes.

He stopped when he stood about 50 meters away from Ark, face to face. Their eyes met briefly, and intense fighting desire awakened in both of their hearts. Fighting against other strong young people was exciting, and both Ark and this young man had the spirit to do so. The middle-aged man retreated to the very edge of the arena before he made his announcement.