Never mess with a mother!

As Ark saw this, his once normal expression slowly twisted a little. He didn't know the entire story yet, but just seeing this was enough to make him angry. Seeing the pained face of the bear writhing in agony on the ground, Ark felt bad, and he quickly scanned the surroundings in order to understand the whole picture. A large number of humans had gathered around the bear. Most of the humans were clad in fairly heavy silver armour, with swords strapped to their waists.

Except for these knights, there were also two other groups of people. The first group was a group of nobility, and they were the ones who were in charge of the entire operation, while the other group was a group of mages. These mages were currently all pouring their mana into a large golden bell, which emitted a radiant light in response. What caught Ark's interest was not this giant bell, nor was it the knights in silver armour, it was the nobles.