Finally, a lead!

As they stood bravely in front of their child, they were both prepared to die if they had to. Sure, they might've been saved by these wolves, but they were sure that it wasn't for their sake or anything like that. These wolves probably just killed them for their own gain, and now they were next. Ark didn't want the misunderstanding to get out of hand, as he was too tired to deal with it, so he just decided to use his telepathy skill a little.

It had levelled to level 2, which had improved it slightly, but the core of the skill had not changed at all, he could only convey his emotions to a certain extent. Still, the feeling the parents were getting were way more than enough for them to lower their swords. This telepathy skill worked wonders for him, as in the parents eyes, he looked more like a deity than some beast. Glowing with a golden light, the feeling Ark was conveying was compassion, which was why the parents had both dropped their weapons.